Approved Hospital Formulary
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Approved Hospital Formulary

Vancomycin Single Level Adjustment Background Info:


  • A new Ke is calculated using the following equation:

Ke =

ln[(dose/Vd + Trough)/Trough]

Dose Interval

  • When you enter a New Dose & Interval, a peak is extrapolated:

Predicted Pk =

Dose * (1 - e (-Ke * infusion time) )

Ke * Vd * inf time * (1 - e (-Ke * dose interval) )

  • The extrapolated peak is then used to determine a trough with the same Ke:

Predicted Trough =

Pred Pk * e (-Ke * (Dose interval - inf time) )

  • NOTE: In the above equations, “Dose Interval" = "Current Interval" - "Minutes Drawn Before Dose". E.g. if the interval is 12 hours and the level is drawn 30 minutes before the dose, it will use 11.5 hours as the "Dose Interval".

Pharmacy Phone Numbers
Memorial Pharmacy (Glenwood) 423-495-8380
Memorial Hixson Pharmacy 423-495-7137
Stat 423-495-7470
Outpatient 423-495-8981
Chemo 423-495-7475
Surgery 423-495-8779

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