
Description: A collection of common PharmNet™ Order comments fragments - copy from here and paste into your orders as needed.

Directions: click within any dotted-line box to copy the contents of the box to the Clipboard.

ceFAZolin preop doses
Dose: Per Weight
Order Comments:
***ON CALL*** 2 gm for weight less than 120 kg (264 lbs) or 3 gm for weight 120 kg or more

vancomycin preop doses
Per Weight
Order Comments:
***ON CALL*** Give vancomycin 1 gm for weight less than 80 kg (176 lbs) or 1.5 gm for weight 80 kg or more. Give in Holding Room.

NTG SL order comments:
Times 3 doses PRN chest pain, EKG.
Notify physician after 3rd dose of NTG.

Placeholder Orders
Order Comments:
This order signifies that dosing for this medication is being managed via pharmacy protocol. There are no scheduled doses, future doses will be determined by serum levels.

Med Rec Range Orders
Order Comments:
May repeat x 1 if first dose not effective.

Therapeutic Substitution
Order Comments:
Use for … per IMH substitution policy.

SMOG Enema (NF)
Order Comments:
Sorbitol 25 mL
Milk of Magnesia 25 mL
• Mineral Oil 25 mL
Glycerin 25 mL
Copy Order Comments (hidden):
Comment - for thin, elderly, or renal patients, using < 40 units/day)
• Do not hold Correction Insulin if NPO.
• If HS dose has been ordered and is being given, begin correction when blood glucose 200 mg/dl or above and give half (½) the correctional dose scale.
• If two consecutive scheduled blood glucose are greater than 180 mg/dl, increase to next Correction Insulin Scale up and treat blood glucose on new scale.
BS < 70 - Initiate Hypoglycemia Order Set
BS 70-150 None
BS 151-199  2 units.
BS 200-249  2 units.
BS 250-299  4 units.
BS 300-349  6 units.
BS 350-400  8 units.
BS > 400    10 units.
Note: If > 400 mg/dl recheck blood glucose in 4 hours, if still > 400 mg/dl notify MD.

Copy Order Comments (hidden):
Comment - average-sized patients, using 40‑80 units/day)
• Do not hold Correction Insulin if NPO.
• If HS dose has been ordered and is being given, begin correction when blood glucose 200 mg/dl or above and give half (½) the correctional dose scale.
• If two consecutive scheduled blood glucose are greater than 180 mg/dl, increase to next Correction Insulin Scale up and treat blood glucose on new scale.
• If two consecutive scheduled blood glucose are less than 90 mg/dl, decrease to next Correction Insulin Scale down and treat blood glucose on new scale.
BS < 70 - Initiate Hypoglycemia Order Set
BS 70-150 None
BS 151-199  4 units.
BS 200-249  6 units.
BS 250-299  8 units.
BS 300-349  10 units.
BS 350-400 12 units.
BS > 400    14 units.
Note: If > 400 mg/dl recheck blood glucose in 4 hours, if still > 400 mg/dl notify MD.

Copy Order Comments (hidden):
Comment - obese, infected or on steroids, using > 80 units/day
• Do not hold Correction Insulin if NPO.
• If HS dose has been ordered and is being given, begin correction when blood glucose 200 mg/dl or above and give half (½) the correctional dose scale.
• If two consecutive scheduled blood glucose are greater than 180 mg/dl, notify provider and consider adjusting/adding nutritional or basal insulin to provide adequate coverage.
• If two consecutive scheduled blood glucose are less than 90 mg/dl, decrease to next Correction Insulin Scale down and treat blood glucose on new scale.
BS < 70 - Initiate Hypoglycemia Order Set
BS 70-150 None
BS 151-199  4 units.
BS 200-249  6 units.
BS 250-299 10 units.
BS 300-349  12 units.
BS 350-400 16 units.
BS > 400    18 units.
Note: If > 400 mg/dl recheck blood glucose in 4 hours, if still > 400 mg/dl notify MD.

Insulin Pump orders
Dose: as directed
Route of administration: Subcutaneous
Frequency: As Directed
PRN reason:
Blood Glucose
Order Comments:
Continuous subcutaneous infusion via pump per MD order. Pump to be managed by patient.
Product Notes: delete existing info.
Patient's own med
Pediatric PRN Pain/temperature Protocol Orders
ibuprofen pediatric orders:
Maximum pediatric dose: 400 mg

Age 6 months or older: 10 mg/kg PO Q6H PRN
pain or temperature > 100.1°F
Age 13 or above: 400 mg PO Q4H PRN
pain or temperature > 100.1°F

acetaminophen pediatric orders:
Maximum pediatric dose: 650 mg

Age 12 or younger: 15 mg/kg PO Q4H PRN
pain or temperature > 100.1°F
Age 13 or above: 650 mg PO Q4H PRN
pain or temperature > 100.1°F

Neonatal/Pediatric IV label comments
**Neonatal syringe**
**Pediatric syringe**
**Pediatric bag**

Pharmacy Contact Info:

Main Inpatient Pharmacy: ext 4599, 3503
Fax: 704-878-7283

Director of Pharmacy - Randi Raynor, PharmD: ext 4501
Clinical Coordinator - Laura Rollings, PharmD: ext 4597
Pharmacy Informaticist - Stephen Pringle, PharmD: ext 7645
Pharmacy Technician Supervisor - Amy Wingler, CPhT: ext 7385
Pharmacy Automation Coordinator (Omnicell) - Melissa Fulford, CPhT: ext 3556

This site is intended for the staff of Iredell Memorial Hospital.
While others may view accessible pages, Iredell Memorial Hospital makes no warranty, express or implied,
as to the use of this information outside of Iredell Memorial Hospital.
The content of this policy and procedure document serves as guidance to the delivery of quality patient care.
Care providers are expected to exercise critical thinking and situational awareness skills,
and in specific situations to take such action as is necessary for the delivery of quality patient care.