Renal Dose Adjustments

Per policy, these drugs are subject to renal dosing adjustments by pharmacy.
A Generic + Route
• Indications
Usual Adult Dose
Renal Dosage Adjustments
acyclovir IV
• Herpes Zoster
• HSV encephalitis
10 mg/kg q8h
Actual weight, use IBW for obese pts (BMI > 30)
CrCl > 50: No adjustment necessary
CrCl 25-50: 10 mg/kg q12h
CrCl 10-24.5: 10 mg/kg q24h
CrCl < 10: 5 mg/kg q24h
HD/PD: 2.5-5 mg/kg q24h
acyclovir IV
• Herpes Simplex
5 mg/kg q8h
Actual weight, use IBW for obese pts (BMI > 30)
CrCl > 50: No adjustment necessary
CrCl 25-50: 5 mg/kg q12h
CrCl 10-24.5: 5 mg/kg q24h
CrCl < 10: 2.5 mg/kg q24h
HD/PD: 2.5-5 mg/kg q24h
acyclovir PO
200-800 mg 5x/day CrCl > 25: No adjustment necessary
CrCl 10-25: 200-800 mg q8h
CrCl < 10: 200 mg q12h
HD: 200 mg q12h
PD: 600-800 mg daily
allopurinol PO
100-800 mg/day
• Doses > 300 mg should be given in divided doses.
• Higher doses of allopurinol should not be adjusted in patients who are suspected to be or are currently in tumor lysis syndrome (TLS).
Dose evaluation to occur only upon order entry.
CrCl > 20: No adjustment necessary
CrCl 10-20: 200 mg daily
CrCl 3-10: ≤ 100 mg daily
CrCl < 3: ≤ 100 mg/dose at extended intervals
amantadine PO
• Non-Parkinson's
100 mg q12h CrCl > 50: No adjustment necessary
CrCl 30-50: 200 mg x1, then 100 mg q24h
CrCl 15-29: 200 mg x1, then 100 mg q48h
CrCl <15: 200 mg q7days
HD/PD: 200 mg q7days
  AmBisome - see amphotericin B liposomal
amoxicillin PO
775 mg ER tabs
775 mg q24h CrCl > 30: No adjustment necessary
CrCl < 30: Avoid use
amoxicillin PO
250-875 mg
IR formulations
250-500 mg q8h
500-875 mg q12h

Do not use 875 mg tablet
for CrCl < 30
CrCl > 30: No adjustment necessary
CrCl 10-30: 250-1,000 mg q12h
CrCl < 10: 250-500 mg q12-24h
HD/PD: 250-500 mg q12-24h
amoxicillin-clavulanate PO
(Augmentin XR©)
1,000 mg ER tabs
2,000 mg q12h
Note: 1,000 mg XR tab
not interchangable
with 2 x 500 mg tabs
CrCl > 30: No adjustment necessary
CrCl < 30: Avoid use
amoxicillin-clavulanate PO
250-875 mg
IR formulations
500 mg q8-12h
875 mg q12h

Do not use 875 mg tablet
for CrCl < 30
CrCl > 30: No adjustment necessary
CrCl 10-30: 250-500 mg q12h
CrCl < 10: 250 mg q12-24h
HD: 250-500 mg q12-24h
PD: 250-500 mg q12h
amphotericin B liposomal IV
3-6 mg/kg q24h
Actual weight
No adjustment necessary
ampicillin IV
• Endocarditis
2 gm q4h
IV only, max 12 gm/day
CrCl ≥ 50: No adjustment necessary
CrCl 30-50: 2 gm q6h
CrCl 15-30: 2 gm q8h
CrCl < 15/HD/PD: 2 gm q12h
ampicillin IV/IM
• Other infections
1-2 gm q4-6h CrCl ≥ 50: No adjustment necessary
CrCl 30-50: 1-2 gm q8h
CrCl < 15: 1-2 gm q12h
CrCl < 15/HD/PD: 1-2 gm q24h
ampicillin-sulbactam IV/IM
1.5-3 gm q6-8h CrCl > 30: No adjustment necessary
CrCl 15-29: 1.5-3 gm q12h
CrCl 5-14: 1.5-3 gm q24h
  Ancef - see ceFAZolin
anidulafungin IV

Refer toLexicomp Online Searchor other reference.
No adjustment necessary
  Augmentin - see amoxicillin-clavulanate
  Azactam - see aztreonam
azithromycin IV
500 mg daily No adjustment necessary
azithromycin PO
250-500 mg daily
(500-1,000 mg
single dose for
specific indications)
No adjustment necessary
aztreonam IV/IM
1-2 gm q6-12h
max 12 gm/day
CrCl > 30: No adjustment necessary
CrCl 10-30: 50% of dose, same interval
CrCl < 10 or HD/PD: same dose q24h
B Generic + Route
• Indications
Usual Adult Dose
Renal Dosage Adjustments
  Bactrim - see sulfamethoxazole-trimethoprim
baricitinib PO
• COVID-19 infection
4 mg once daily eGFR ≥ 60: no adjustment necessary
eGFR 30 – 60: 2 mg once daily
eGFR 15 - 30: 1 mg once daily
eGFR < 15: use is not recommended
  Biaxin - see clarithromycin
C Generic + Route
• Indications
Usual Adult Dose
Renal Dosage Adjustments
caspofungin IV
70 mg x1 then
50 mg/day
No adjustment necessary
ceFAZolin IV/IM
250 mg-2 gm q6-8h CrCl > 50: 1-2 g q8h
CrCl 30-50: 1-2 gm q8-12h
CrCl 10-29: 1 gm q12h
CrCl < 10 or HD: 1 gm q24h OR
2gm 3x/week with dialysis
PD: 1 gm q24h
cefdinir PO
300 mg BID CrCl ≥ 30: No adjustment necessary
CrCl < 30: 300 mg daily
HD: 300 mg q48h at the end of HD session
cefepime IV
• Sepsis
• Febrile neutropenia
• Pseudomonas
2 gm q8h
ONLY for
severe infections
For usual recommended dose =
2 gm q8h

CrCl > 60: No adjustment necessary
CrCl 30-60: 2 gm q12h
CrCl 11-29: 1 gm q12h or 2 gm q24h
CrCl < 11 or HD: 1 gm q24h
cefepime IV/IM
• Other infections
1-2 gm q8-12h For usual recommended dose =
2 gm q12h

CrCl > 60: No adjustment necessary
CrCl 30-60: 1 gm q12h
CrCl 11-29: 1 gm q24h
CrCl < 11 or HD: 500 mg q24h
cefepime IV/IM
• Other infections
1-2 gm q8-12h For usual recommended dose =
1 gm q6h

CrCl > 60: No adjustment necessary
CrCl 30-60: 1 gm q8h
CrCl 11-29: 1 gm q12h
CrCl < 11 or HD: 1 gm q24h
cefepime IV/IM
• Other infections
1-2 gm q8-12h For usual recommended dose =
1 gm q12h

CrCl > 60: No adjustment necessary
CrCl 30-60: 1 gm q24h
CrCl 11-29: 500 mg q24h
CrCl < 11 or HD: 250 mg q24h
cefotaxime IV/IM
usual indication-specific
dose = 2 gm q4h
CrCl > 50: No adjustment necessary
CrCl > 10-50: 2 gm q6-8h
CrCl ≤ 10: 2 gm q12h
HD (3x weekly): 2 gm q12h
PD: 2 gm q12h
cefotaxime IV/IM
usual indication-specific
dose = 1-2 gm q6h
CrCl > 50: No adjustment necessary
CrCl > 10-50: 1-2 gm q8h
CrCl ≤ 10: 1-2 gm q12h
HD (3x weekly): 1-2 gm q12h
PD: 1-2 gm q12h
cefotaxime IV/IM
usual indication-specific
dose = 1-2 gm q8h
CrCl > 50: No adjustment necessary
CrCl > 10-50: 1-2 gm q12h
CrCl ≤ 10: 1-2 gm q24h
HD (3x weekly): 1-2 gm q24h
PD: 1-2 gm q24h
cefOXitin IV/IM
1-2 gm q6-8h CrCl > 50: No adjustment necessary
CrCl 30-50: 1-2 gm q8-12h
CrCl 10-29: 1-2 gm q12-24h
CrCl 5-9: 0.5-1 gm q12-24h
CrCl < 5: 0.5-1 gm q24-48h
ceftaroline IV/IM
600 mg q8-12h
Restricted to ID only!
CrCl > 50: No adjustment necessary
CrCl 31-50: 400 mg q12h
CrCl 15-30: 300 mg q12h
CrCl < 15: 200 mg q12h
HD: 200 mg q12h
cefTAZidime IV
1-2 gm q8h
2 gm for meningitis, severe infections
CrCl > 50: No adjustment necessary
CrCl 31-50: 1-2 gm q12h
CrCl 16-30: 1-2 gm q24h
CrCl < 15: 0.5-1 gm q24h
HD/PD: 1 gm q24h OR 3x/week post HD
  Ceftin - see cefuroxime
1-2 gm q24h No adjustment necessary
cefuroxime IV/IM
0.75-1.5 gm q8-12h CrCl ≥ 30: No adjustment necessary
CrCl 10-30: 0.75-1.5 gm q12h
CrCl < 10, HD/PD: 0.75-1.5 gm q24h
cefuroxime PO
250-500 mg q12h CrCl ≥ 30: No adjustment necessary
CrCl 10-30: 250 mg q24h
CrCl < 10, HD/PD: 250 mg q48h
cephalexin PO
250-500 mg q6h CrCl > 60: No adjustment necessary
CrCl 10-59: 500 mg q8h
CrCl < 10 or HD/PD: 500 mg q12h
ciprofloxacin IV
200-400 mg q8-12h
q8h for pseudomonas
CrCl ≥ 30: No adjustment necessary
CrCl < 30: 200-400 mg q24h
HD/PD: 200-400 mg q24h
ciprofloxacin PO
250-750 mg q12h CrCl > 50: No adjustment necessary
CrCl 30-50: 250-500 mg q12h
CrCl < 30: 500 mg q24h
HD/PD: 250-500 mg q24h
  Claforan - see cefotaxime
clarithromycin PO
XL tabs
500-1000 mg q24h CrCl > 30: No adjustment necessary
CrCl < 30: decrease dose by 50%
clarithromycin PO
IR tabs
250-500 mg q12h CrCl > 30: No adjustment necessary
CrCl < 30: decrease dose by 50%
clindamycin IV/IM
600-900 mg q6-8h No adjustment necessary
clindamycin PO
150-450 mg q6-8h No adjustment necessary
  Cubicin - see DAPTOmycin
D Generic + Route
• Indications
Usual Adult Dose
Renal Dosage Adjustments
Not for pneumonia
4-6 mg/kg q24h
Actual body weight
Restricted to ID only!
CrCl ≥ 30: No adjustment necessary
CrCl < 30: 4-6 mg/kg q48h
  Demerol - see meperidine
dicloxacillin PO 250-500 mg q6-8h No adjustment necessary
  Dificid - see fidaxomicin
  Diflucan - see fluconazole
doxycycline IV/PO
100 q12h No adjustment necessary
E Generic + Route
• Indications
Usual Adult Dose
Renal Dosage Adjustments
  Eraxis - see anidulafungin
ertapenem IV/IM
1 gm q24h CrCl > 30: No adjustment necessary
CrCl ≤ 30: 500 mg q24h
HD: 500 mg q24h
F Generic + Route
• Indications
Usual Adult Dose
Renal Dosage Adjustments
famotidine IV/PO
40 mg q24h
20 mg q12h
IV Adjustments:
CrCl > 50: 20 mg BID

CrCl < 50: 20 mg daily

PO Adjustments:
CrCl > 60: 20 mg daily or BID
CrCl 30-60: 10-20 mg daily
CrCl < 30: 10 mg daily or 20 mg QOD
fidaxomicin PO
• Clostridium difficile
200 mg BID x 10 days
Restricted to ID only
No adjustment necessary
  Flagyl - see metroNIDAZOLE
fluconazole IV/PO
100-800 mg q24h Administer 100% of the indication-specific loading initial dose recommended and then adjust daily dose
CrCl > 50: No adjustment necessary
CrCl ≤ 50: 50% of usual dose q24h
HD: same loading dose, then 50% q24h
  Fortaz - see cefTAZidime
  Furadantin - see nitrofurantoin
I Generic + Route
• Indications
Usual Adult Dose
Renal Dosage Adjustments
  INVanz - see ertapenem
K Generic + Route
• Indications
Usual Adult Dose
Renal Dosage Adjustments
  Keflex - see cephalexin
ketorolac IV/IM
15-30 mg q6h, 15 mg dose for pts ≥ 65 yrs.
max 120 mg per day
(max 60 mg per day
with renal impairment)
Single doses of ketorolac > 30 mg are discouraged due to increased risk for nephrotoxicity.
eGFR > 50 mL/min/1.73m2:
no adjustment necessary

eGFR < 50 mL/min/1.73m2:
7.5-15 mg q6h
eGFR < 30 mL/min/1.73m2:
avoid using all NSAIDS
eGFR < 10 mL/min/1.73m2: Contraindicated
ketorolac PO
10 mg q4-6h
max 40 mg per day
eGFR > 50 mL/min/1.73m2:
no adjustment necessary

eGFR < 50 mL/min/1.73m2:
10 mg q4-6h (max 40 mg/day)
eGFR < 30 mL/min/1.73m2:
avoid using all NSAIDS
eGFR < 10 mL/min/1.73m2: Contraindicated
L Generic + Route
• Indications
Usual Adult Dose
Renal Dosage Adjustments
levoFLOXacin PO/IV
• Healthcare-associated Pneumonia (HAP) (7-14 days)
• Community-acquired Pneumonia (CAP) (5 days)
• Cellulitis
• Severe infection
750 mg q24h CrCl ≥ 50: No adjustment necessary
CrCl 20-50: 750 mg q48h
CrCl < 20: 750 mg x1, then 500 mg q48h
HD, intermittent (3x/week): 750 mg x 1 then EITHER 500 mg q48h OR 250 mg q24h
levoFLOXacin PO/IV
• Community-acquired pneumonia (7-14 days)
• Other infections
500 mg q24h CrCl ≥ 50: No adjustment necessary
CrCl 20-50: 500 mg x1, then 250 mg q24h
CrCl < 20: 500 mg x1, then 250 mg q48h
HD, intermittent (3x/week): 500 mg x 1 then EITHER 250 mg q48h OR 125 mg q24h
levoFLOXacin PO/IV
• Uncomplicated UTI
250 mg q24h CrCl ≥ 20: No adjustment necessary
CrCl < 20: 250 mg q48h (unless uncomplicated UTI, where no adjustment is necessary)
HD, intermittent (3x/week): 250 mg q48h
linezolid IV/PO
400-600 mg q12h No adjustment necessary
M Generic + Route
• Indications
Usual Adult Dose
Renal Dosage Adjustments
  MacroBid - see nitrofurantoin
  Macrodantin - see nitrofurantoin
  Maxipime - see cefepime
  Mefoxin - see cefOXitin
meperidine IM/IV
• Analgesia
25-150 mg q1-4h prn Avoid use in renal impairment
meperidine IV
• Post-op Shivering
25-50 mg x1 Avoid use in renal impairment
meropenem IV
• CNS infections
• Necrotizing fasciitis
• Bone/Joint Infection
2 gm q8h
(3 hr infusion)

Refer to
CrCl > 50 mL/min: No adjustment necessary
CrCl 25-49 mL/min: 2 gm q12h
CrCl 10-24 mL/min: 1 gm q12h
CrCl < 10 mL/min, HD: 1 gm q24h (give dose after HD)
Continuous renal replacement therapy
  (CRRT): 2 gm q12h
meropenem IV
Pseudomonas infection
(susceptible to meropenem)
Acinetobacter infection
(susceptible to meropenem)
1 gm q8h
(3 hr infusion)

Refer to
CrCl > 50 mL/min: No adjustment necessary
CrCl 25-49 mL/min: 1 gm q12h
CrCl 10-24 mL/min: 500 mg q12h
CrCl < 10 mL/min, HD: 500 mg q24h (give dose after HD)
Continuous renal replacement therapy
  (CRRT): 1 gm q12h
meropenem IV
• Pneumonia
• Intra-abdominal infection
• Neutropenic fever
• Infections caused by ESBLs or cefTRIAXone-resistant organisms
500 mg q6h
(30 min infusion)

Refer to
CrCl > 50 mL/min: No adjustment necessary
CrCl 25-49 mL/min: 500 mg q8h
CrCl 10-24 mL/min: 500 mg q12h
CrCl < 10 mL/min, HD: 500 mg q24h (give dose after HD)
Continuous renal replacement therapy
  (CRRT): 500 mg q6h
metoclopramide IV/PO
Refer toLexicomp Online Searchor other reference.
No distinction between IV/PO or indication
CrCl > 60: No adjustment necessary
CrCl 11-59: Administer 50% of usual total daily dose.
CrCl <11,HD/PD: Administer 33% or less of total daily dose.
250-1,000 mg q8h No adjustment necessary
micafungin IV
100-150 mg q24h No adjustment necessary
N Generic + Route
• Indications
Usual Adult Dose
Renal Dosage Adjustments
nafcillin IV 1-2 gm q4-6h
max 12 gm per day
No adjustment necessary
nitrofurantoin PO
50-100 mg q6h CrCl ≥ 30: No adjustment necessary
CrCl < 30: Contraindicated
nitrofurantoin PO
100 mg BID CrCl ≥ 30: No adjustment necessary
CrCl < 30: Contraindicated
O Generic + Route
• Indications
Usual Adult Dose
Renal Dosage Adjustments
  Oluminant - see baricitinib
  Omnicef - see cefdinir
oseltamivir PO
• Prophylaxis
75 mg q24h
x 10 days
CrCl > 60: No adjustment necessary
CrCl 30-60: 30 mg q24h
CrCl ≤ 30: 30 mg q48h
ESRD/HD: not recommended (not studied)
oseltamivir PO
• Treatment
75 mg q12h
x 5 days
(start within 48 hrs
of onset)
CrCl > 60: No adjustment necessary
CrCl 30-60: 30 mg q12h
CrCl ≤ 30: 30 mg q24h
ESRD/HD: not recommended (not studied)
P Generic + Route
• Indications
Usual Adult Dose
Renal Dosage Adjustments
penicillin G potassium 1-6 million units q4h GFR > 50: No adjustment necessary
GFR 10-50: Administer 75% of the normal dose
GFR < 10: Administer 20-50% of the normal dose
HD/PD: See Lexicomp Lexicomp Online Search
  Pepcid - see famotidine
piperacillin-tazobactam IV
• Extended Interval Dosing
3.375 gm q8-12h
4 hour infusion
All orders for traditional infusions of piperacillin-tazobactam will be automatically substituted to an EI in adults. Refer to
CrCl > 20: 3.375 gm IV q8h
CrCl ≤ 20 mL/min or HD: 3.375 gm IV q12h
piperacillin-tazobactam IV
• Traditional Dosing
3.375 gm q6h
4.5 gm q6-8h

30 minute infusion
For HAP:
CrCl > 40: 4.5 gm q6h

CrCl 20-29: 4.5 gm q8h or 3.375 gm q6h
CrCl < 20: 4.5 gm q12h or 2.25 gm q6h
HD/PD: 4.5 gm q12h or 2.25 gm q8h
R Generic + Route
• Indications
Usual Adult Dose
Renal Dosage Adjustments
  Reglan - see metoclopramide
rifAMPin IV/PO 300-600 mg daily No adjustment necessary
  Rocephin - see cefTRIAXone
S Generic + Route
• Indications
Usual Adult Dose
Renal Dosage Adjustments
  Septra - see sulfamethoxazole-trimethoprim
sulfamethoxazole-trimethoprim IV
8-20 mg/kg/day
(TMP component)
divided q6-12h

Actual body weight
CrCl > 30: No adjustment necessary
CrCl 15-30: Reduce to 50% of usual dose
CrCl < 15/HD/PD: Reduce to 25-50% of usual dose
sulfamethoxazole-trimethoprim PO
1-2 DS tablets q12-24h CrCl > 30: No adjustment necessary
CrCl 15-30: Reduce to 50% of usual dose
CrCl < 15/HD/PD: Reduce to 25-50% of usual dose or 3x/week
  Symmetrel - see amantadine
T Generic + Route
• Indications
Usual Adult Dose
Renal Dosage Adjustments
  Tamiflu - see oseltamivir
  Teflaro - see ceftaroline
  Toradol - see ketorolac
U Generic + Route
• Indications
Usual Adult Dose
Renal Dosage Adjustments
  Unasyn - see ampicillin-sulbactam
  Unipen - see nafcillin
V Generic + Route
• Indications
Usual Adult Dose
Renal Dosage Adjustments
valACYclovir PO

Refer to Lexicomp Online Search or other reference.
For usual recommended dose = 2 gm q12h x 2 doses
CrCl ≥ 50: No adjustment necessary

CrCl 30-50: 1 gm q12h x 2 doses
CrCl 10-30: 500 mg q12h x 2 doses
CrCl < 10: 500 mg as a single dose
valACYclovir PO

Refer to Lexicomp Online Search or other reference.
For usual recommended dose = 1 gm q8h
CrCl ≥ 50: No adjustment necessary

CrCl 30-50: 1 gm q12h
CrCl 10-30: 1 gm q24h
CrCl < 10: 500 mg q24h
valACYclovir PO

Refer to Lexicomp Online Search or other reference.
For usual recommended dose = 1 gm q12h
CrCl ≥ 50: No adjustment necessary

CrCl 30-50: No adjustment necessary
CrCl 10-30: 1 gm q24h
CrCl < 10: 500 mg q24h
valACYclovir PO

Refer to Lexicomp Online Search or other reference.
For usual recommended dose =
1 gm q24h or 500 mg q12h
CrCl ≥ 50: No adjustment necessary

CrCl 30-50: No adjustment necessary
CrCl 10-30: 500 mg q24h
CrCl < 10: 500 mg q24h
valACYclovir PO

Refer to Lexicomp Online Search or other reference.
For usual recommended dose = 500 mg q24h
CrCl ≥ 50: No adjustment necessary

CrCl 30-50: No adjustment necessary
CrCl 10-30: 500 mg q48h
CrCl < 10: 500 mg q48h
valGANciclovir PO
• Induction
900 mg 1-2 x Daily CrCl ≥ 60: No adjustment necessary
CrCl 40-59: 450 mg BID
CrCl 25-39: 450 mg daily
CrCl 10-24: 450 mg QOD
CrCl < 10: Avoid use
valGANciclovir PO
• Maintenance therapy of CMV or transplant pts.
900 mg Daily CrCl ≥ 60: No adjustment necessary
CrCl 40-59: 450 mg daily
CrCl 25-39: 450 mg QOD
CrCl 10-24: 450 mg twice weekly
CrCl < 10: Avoid use
  Vibramycin - see doxycycline
voriconazole IV
6 mg/kg q12h x 2 doses, then 3-4 mg/kg q12h No adjustment necessary
voriconazole PO
Wt ≥ 40 kg:
200 mg q12h
Wt < 40 kg:
100 mg q12h
No adjustment necessary
Z Generic + Route
• Indications
Usual Adult Dose
Renal Dosage Adjustments
  Zinacef - see cefuroxime
  Zithromax - see azithromycin
  Zosyn - see piperacillin-tazobactam
  Zovirax - see acyclovir
  Zyloprim - see allopurinol
  Zyvox - see linezolid
last updated: 03/06/2023


Pharmacy Contact Info:

Main Inpatient Pharmacy: ext 4599, 3503
Fax: 704-878-7283

Director of Pharmacy - Randi Raynor, PharmD: ext 4501
Clinical Coordinator - Laura Rollings, PharmD: ext 4597
Pharmacy Informaticist - Stephen Pringle, PharmD: ext 7645
Pharmacy Technician Supervisor - Amy Wingler, CPhT: ext 7385
Pharmacy Automation Coordinator (Omnicell) - Melissa Fulford, CPhT: ext 3556

This site is intended for the staff of Iredell Memorial Hospital.
While others may view accessible pages, Iredell Memorial Hospital makes no warranty, express or implied,
as to the use of this information outside of Iredell Memorial Hospital.
The content of this policy and procedure document serves as guidance to the delivery of quality patient care.
Care providers are expected to exercise critical thinking and situational awareness skills,
and in specific situations to take such action as is necessary for the delivery of quality patient care.