Refrigerator / Freezer Medication Locations

Refrigerator / Freezer Medication Locations.
A Generic (Brand) Details Location/Row
 abatacept (Orencia) 250 mg vial Big IV
 acetaminophen (Tylenol) 120 mg suppository Main / 1L
 acetaminophen (FeverAll) 325 mg suppository Main / 1L
 acetaminophen (Tylenol) 650 mg suppository Main / 2L
  ActHIB - see haemophilus B conjugate vaccine (tetanus toxoid conjugate)
  Actrema - see tocilizumab
  Adacel - see tetanus-diphth-pertuss (Tdap)
  Alcaine - see proparacaine
 alteplase (Cathflo Activase) 2 mg vial Main / 1L
  AmBisome - see amphoterocin B
 amoxicillin (Amoxil) 250 mg syringe Main / 8L
 amphoterocin B (AmBisome) 50 mg vial Big IV
  Anectine - see succinylcholine chloride for injection
 anidulafungin (Eraxis) 100 mg vial Little IV
 antihemophilic factor/ von Willebrand Factor Complex (Humate-P (FVIII)) vial Big IV
  Aranesp - see darbepoetin alfa
 ascorbic acid (Ascor) 25,000 mg/50 mL vial Randi's Refrigerator
 aspirin 300 mg suppository Main / 1L
 azithromycin (AzaSite) 1% ophthalmic solution Main / 5L
B Generic (Brand) Details Location/Row
 bacitracin (Baci-IM) 50,000 units vial Main / 2R
 bamlanivimab (Research Drug) 700 mg/20 mL vial Randi's Refrigerator
 bezlotoxumab (Zinplava) 1,000 mg vial Big IV
  Bicillin L-A - see penicillin G benzathine
 bisacodyl (Dulcolax) 10 mg suppository Main / 2L
  Botox - see onabotulinumtoxinA
  BVI NuVisc - see sodium hyaluronate
C Generic (Brand) Details Location/Row
 calcitonin salmon (Miacalcin) 2,200 IU/mL nasal spray Main / 6R
 calcitonin salmon (Miacalcin) 400 USP units/2 mL vial Main / 2R
 candida albicans skin test antigen (Candin) 0.1 ml vial Main / 5R
 carboprost (Hemabate) 250 mcg/mL vial Main / 2R
  Cardizem - see diltiaZEM
 casirivimab (Research Drug) 120 mg/mL Randi's Refrigerator
  Cathflo Activase - see alteplase
 ceftolozane-tazobactam (Zerbaxa) 1 gm-0.5 gm vial Little IV
  Cerebyx - see fosphenytoin
  Cervidil - see dinoprostone
 CISatracurium (Nimbex) 10 mg/5 mL vial Main / 8R
 CISatracurium (Nimbex) 20 mg/10 mL vial Main / 8R
 CISatracurium (Nimbex) 200 mg/20 mL vial Main / 7R
  Compazine - see prochlorperazine
 conjugated estrogens (Premarin) 25 mg vial Little IV
 crotalidae polyvalent immune fab (CroFab) vial Main / 7L
D Generic (Brand) Details Location/Row
 darbepoetin alfa (Aranesp) 25 mcg syringe Main / 1R
 darbepoetin alfa (Aranesp) 25 mcg vial Main / 8R
 darbepoetin alfa (Aranesp) 60 mcg syringe Main / 1R
 darbepoetin alfa (Aranesp) 150 mcg syringe Main / 1R
 darbepoetin alfa (Aranesp) 200 mcg syringe Main / 1R
  Definity - see perflutren lipid microsphere
 desmopressin (DDAVP) 4 mcg/mL ampule Main / 2R
 desmopressin (DDAVP) 4 mcg/mL vial Main / 2R
 digoxin immune fab (DigiFab) 40 mg vial Main / 2R
 diltiaZEM (Cardizem) 25 mg vial Little IV
 diltiaZEM (Cardizem) 50 mg vial Little IV
 diltiaZEM (Cardizem) 25 mg vial Main / 3R
 diltiaZEM (Cardizem) 125 mg vial Main / 3R
 diltiaZEM in 0.9% sodium chloride (snap-together) (Cardizem) 125 mg/125 mL drip Big IV
 dinoprostone (Cervidil) vaginal insert Freezer
  Dulcolax - see bisacodyl
E Generic (Brand) Details Location/Row
  Elitek - see rasburicase
  Emend - see fosaprepitant
  Energix-B - see hepatitis B vaccine
 epoetin alfa (Procrit) 2,000 units/mL vial Main / 4R
 epoetin alfa (Procrit) 3,000 units/mL vial Main / 4R
 epoetin alfa (Procrit) 4,000 units/mL vial Main / 4R
 epoetin alfa (Procrit) 10,000 units/mL vial Main / 4R
 epoetin alfa (Procrit) 20,000 units/mL vial Main / 4R
 epoetin alfa (Procrit) 40,000 units/mL vial Main / 4R
  Eraxis - see anidulafungin
 ergotamine tartrate-caffeine (Migergot) 2 mg-100 mg suppository Main / 1L
  Evicel - see fibrin sealant kit
F Generic (Brand) Details Location/Row
 famotidine (Pepcid) 20 mg vial Main / 6R
  FeverAll - see acetaminophen
 fibrin sealant kit (Evicel) 5 ml kit Freezer
  Firvanq - see vancomycin
  Flebogamma - see immune globulin IV 10%
  Flublok - see influenza vaccine
  Flucelvax - see influenza vaccine
  Fluzone - see influenza vaccine
 formoterol fumarate (Perforomist) 20 mcg inhal. solution vial Main / 6R
 fosaprepitant (Emend) 150 mg vial Little IV
 fosphenytoin (Cerebyx) 100 mg PE/2 mL vial Little IV
 fosphenytoin (Cerebyx) 500 mg PE/10 mL vial Little IV
G Generic (Brand) Details Location/Row
  Gammagard Liquid - see immune globulin IV
  Gamunex-C - see immune globulin IV
  Granix - see tbo-filgrastim
H Generic (Brand) Details Location/Row
 haemophilus B conjugate vaccine (tetanus toxoid conjugate) (ActHIB) vial Main / 7L
  Healon5 Pro - see sodium hyaluronate
  Hemabate - see carboprost tromethamine
 hepatitis B immune globulin (HyperHEP B) syringe Main / 6L
 hepatitis B vaccine (Energix-B) syringe Main / 7L
  HumaLOG 75/25 - see insulin lispro
  Humate-P - see antihemophilic factor/ von Willebrand Factor Complex
  HumuLIN 70/30 - see insulin isophane-human insulin
  HumuLIN N - see insulin isophane
  HumuLIN R - see insulin, human regular
 hyaluronidase (ovine) (Vitrase) 200 USP units/mL vial Main / 4R
 hyaluronidase human (Hylenex) 150 USP units/mL vial Main / 1R
 hydrocortisone acetate 25 mg suppository Main / 2L
  Hylenex - see hyaluronidase human
  HyperHEP B - see hepatitis B immune globulin
  HyperRAB - see rabies immune globulin
  HyperTET - see tetanus immune globulin
I Generic (Brand) Details Location/Row
 idaruCIZUmab (Praxbind) 2.5 mg/50 mL vial Main / 1R
 imdevimab (Research Drug) 120 mg/mL Randi's Refrigerator
 immune globulin IV (Gammagard Liquid) 50 mL solution Randi's Refrigerator
 immune globulin IV (Gamunex-C) 10 mL solution Main / 8R
 immune globulin IV (Gamunex-C) 50 mL solution Main / 6L
 immune globulin IV (Gamunex-C) 100 mL solution Main / 6L
 immune globulin IV (Gamunex-C) 200 mL solution Main / 8L
 immune globulin IV 10% (Flebogamma) 50 mL solution Main / 6L
 immune globulin IV 10% (Flebogamma) 100 mL solution Main / 6L
 immune globulin IV 10% (Flebogamma) 200 mL solution Main / 8L
 indomethacin (Indocin) 50 mg suppository Main / 2L
 influenza vaccine (Flublok) 0.5mL syringe Randi's Refrigerator
 influenza vaccine (Flucelvax) 0.5mL syringe Big IV
 influenza vaccine (Flucelvax) 0.5mL syringe Randi's Refrigerator
 influenza vaccine (Fluzone) 0.5mL syringe Little IV
  Infuvite ADULT - see multivitamin
 insulin detemir (Levemir) 100 units/mL, 10 mL vial Main / 4L
 insulin glargine (Lantus) 100 units/mL, 10 mL vial Main / 3L
 insulin human in 0.9% sodium chloride (Myxredlin) 100 units/100 mL drip Big IV
 insulin lispro (HumaLOG) 100 units/mL, 3 mL vial Main / 4L
 insulin lispro protamine-insulin lispro (HumaLOG 75/25) 100 units/mL, 10 mL vial Little IV
 insulin lispro protamine-insulin lispro (HumaLOG 75/25) 100 units/mL, 10 mL vial Main / 3L
 insulin, human isophane (HumuLIN N) 100 units/mL, 3 mL vial Main / 4L
 insulin, human isophane-human regular (HumuLIN 70/30) 100 units/mL, 3 mL vial Main / 2L
 insulin, human regular (HumuLIN R) 100 units/mL, 3 mL vial Little IV
 insulin, human regular (HumuLIN R) 100 units/mL, 3 mL vial Main / 4L
L Generic (Brand) Details Location/Row
  Lantus - see insulin glargine
 latanoprost (Xalatan) 2.5 ml ophthalmic solution Main / 5L
  LET Topical Gel - see lidocaine-EPINEPHrine-tetracaine
  Levemir - see insulin detemir
 lidocaine-EPINEPHrine-tetracaine (LET Topical Gel) 3 mL syringe Main / 6R
M Generic (Brand) Details Location/Row
 measles, mumps, rubella vaccine (M-M-R II) 0.5 mL vial Main / 7L
 meningococcal vaccine (Menactra) vial Main / 7L
 methylergonovine maleate (Methergine) 0.2 mg/mL ampule Main / 6R
  Miacalcin - see calcitonin salmon
  Migergot - see ergotamine tartrate-caffeine
  M-M-R II - see measles, mumps, rubella vaccine
 multivitamin (Infuvite ADULT) vial Little IV
  Myxredlin - see insulin human in 0.9% sodium chloride
N Generic (Brand) Details Location/Row
 neomycin-polymyxin B (Neosporin) 1 mL ampule for irrigation Main / 2R
  Nimbex - see CISatracurium
O Generic (Brand) Details Location/Row
 octreotide (SandoSTATIN) 100 mcg/1 mL vial Main / 4R
 octreotide (SandoSTATIN) 1,000 mcg/5 mL vial Little IV
 octreotide (SandoSTATIN) 1,000 mcg/5 mL vial Main / 4R
 octreotide (SandoSTATIN LAR Depot) 20 mg kit Main / 2R
 onabotulinumtoxinA (Botox) 100 unit vial Main / 1R
  Orencia - see abatacept
P Generic (Brand) Details Location/Row
 pegfilgrastim (Udenyca) 6 mg/0.6 mL syringe Main / 1L
 penicillin G benzathine (Bicillin L-A) 600,000 units/1 mL syringe Main / 5R
 penicillin G benzathine (Bicillin L-A) 1,200,000 units/2 mL syringe Main / 5R
  Pepcid - see famotidine
 perflutren lipid microsphere (Definity) 2 mL vial Main / 6R
  Perforomist - see formoterol fumarate
  Phenergan - see promethazine
 piperacillin-tazobactam (Zosyn) 2.25 gm/50 mL IV bag Big IV
 piperacillin-tazobactam (Zosyn) 2.25 gm/50 mL IV bag Freezer
 piperacillin-tazobactam (Zosyn) 3.375 gm/50 mL IV bag Big IV
 piperacillin-tazobactam (Zosyn) 3.375 gm/50 mL IV bag Freezer
 piperacillin-tazobactam (Zosyn) 4.5 gm/100 mL IV bag Big IV
 piperacillin-tazobactam (Zosyn) 4.5 gm/100 mL IV bag Freezer
 pneumococcal vaccine (Prevnar13) 0.5 mL syringe Main / 8R
 pneumococcal vaccine (Pneumovax23) 0.5 mL vial Main / 7L
  Pontocaine - see tetracaine
  Praxbind - see idaruCIZUmab
  Premarin - see conjugated estrogens
  Prevnar13 - see pneumococcal vaccine
 prochlorperazine (Compazine) 25 mg suppository Main / 3L
  Procrit - see epoetin alfa
 promethazine (Phenergan) 12.5 mg suppository Main / 3L
 promethazine (Phenergan) 25 mg suppository Main / 3L
 proparacaine (Alcaine) 15 mL ophthalmic solution Main / 5L
R Generic (Brand) Details Location/Row
 rabies immune globulin (HyperRAB) 300 IU/1 mL vial Main / 6L
 rabies immune globulin (HyperRAB) 1,500 IU/5 mL vial Main / 6L
 rabies immune globulin (HyperRAB) 900 IU/3 mL vial Main / 1L
 rabies vaccine (Rabavert) syringe Main / 7L
 rasburicase (Elitek) 1.5 mg vial Big IV
 remdesivir (Veklury) 100 mg / 20 mL vial Randi's Refrigerator
 rocuronium (Zemuron) 50 mg/5 mL vial Main / 7R
 rocuronium (Zemuron) 100 mg/10 mL vial Big IV
 rocuronium (Zemuron) 100 mg/10 mL vial Main / 8R
S Generic (Brand) Details Location/Row
  SandoSTATIN - see octreotide
 sodium chondoiton-sodium hyaluronate (Viscoat) ophthalmic device Main / 5L
 sodium hyaluronate (BVI NuVisc) 12 mg/mL ophthalmic device Main / 5L
 sodium hyaluronate (Healon5 Pro) 23 mg/mL ophthalmic device Main / 5L
 succinylcholine chloride (Anectine) 200 mg/10 mL vial Main / 7R
T Generic (Brand) Details Location/Row
 tbo-filgrastim (Granix) 300 mcg syringe Main / 3R
 tbo-filgrastim (Granix) 480 mcg syringe Main / 4R
  Tenivac - see tetanus-diphtheria toxoids vaccine
 tetanus immune globulin (HyperTET) 250 units syringe Main / 6L
 tetanus-diphtheria toxoids vaccine (Tenivac) 0.5 mL vial Main / 7L
 tetanus-diphth-pertuss (Tdap) (Adacel) vial Main / 7L
 tetracaine (Pontocaine) 10 mg/mL ampule Main / 5R
 tocilizumab (Actrema) 80 mg vial Little IV
 tocilizumab (Actrema) 200 mg vial Little IV
 trifluridine (Viroptic) 1% ophthalmic solution Main / 5L
 tuberculin purified protein derivative (Mantoux) (Tubersol) 10 test vial Main / 5R
 tuberculin purified protein derivative (Mantoux) (Tubersol) 50 test vial Main / 5R
  Tylenol - see acetaminophen
U Generic (Brand) Details Location/Row
  Udenyca - see pegfilgrastim
V Generic (Brand) Details Location/Row
 vancomycin (Vancocin) 1 gm/200 mL IV bag Big IV
 vancomycin (Vancocin) 1 gm/200 mL IV bag Freezer
 vancomycin (Vancocin) 1.25 g premix Big IV
 vancomycin (Vancocin) 1.25 g premix Randi's Refrigerator
 vancomycin (Vancocin) 1.5 g premix Big IV
 vancomycin (Vancocin) 1.5 g premix Randi's Refrigerator
 vancomycin (Vancocin) 1.75 g premix Big IV
 vancomycin (Vancocin) 2 g premix Big IV
 vancomycin (Vancocin) 2 g premix Randi's Refrigerator
 vancomycin (Firvanq) 25 mg/mL oral solution Main / 5R
 varicella virus vaccine (Varivax) 0.5 mL vial Freezer
 vasopressin (Vasostrict) 20 units/mL vial Little IV
 vasopressin (Vasostrict) 20 units/mL vial Main / 4R
  Veklury - see remdesivir
  Viroptic - see trifluridine
  Viscoat - see sodium chondoiton-sodium hyaluronate ophthalmic
  Vitrase - see hyaluronidase (ovine)
X Generic (Brand) Details Location/Row
  Xalatan - see latanoprost
Z Generic (Brand) Details Location/Row
  Zemuron - see rocuronium
  Zerbaxa - see ceftolozane-tazobactam
  Zinplava - see bezlotoxumab
  Zosyn - see piperacillin-tazobactam
last updated: 04/08/2022

Pharmacy Contact Info:

Main Inpatient Pharmacy: ext 4599, 3503
Fax: 704-878-7283

Director of Pharmacy - Randi Raynor, PharmD: ext 4501
Clinical Coordinator - Laura Rollings, PharmD: ext 4597
Pharmacy Informaticist - Stephen Pringle, PharmD: ext 7645
Pharmacy Technician Supervisor - Amy Wingler, CPhT: ext 7385
Pharmacy Automation Coordinator (Omnicell) - Melissa Fulford, CPhT: ext 3556

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The content of this policy and procedure document serves as guidance to the delivery of quality patient care.
Care providers are expected to exercise critical thinking and situational awareness skills,
and in specific situations to take such action as is necessary for the delivery of quality patient care.