Enteral Drug Administration

Enteral Drug Administration notes.
A Generic
Comments and Considerations Recommendations for Administration with Enteral Nutrition
  Actonel - see risedronate
Commercially available suspension combined with Osmolite resulted in clogging 8 Fr, but not 20 Fr feeding tubes Disperse tablet in 20 mL water. Do NOT administer suspension through feeding tube.
Do NOT crush tablets as a mucosal irritant. Use once-weekly tablet dispersed in 60 mL of mineral-free water. Consider holding tube feeding for 30 minutes before and 30 minutes after. Patient should remain upright to prevent esophageal damage caused by reflux.
Avoid crushing any sustained-released product Use the suspension from reconstituted powder and further dilute 1:1 prior to administration.
Do NOT open capsule as contents are an ocular irritant Do NOT administer through feeding tube. Use therapeutic alternative.
AUC significantly greater with enteral feed compared to fasting No dose adjustment required, but needs to be administered with tube feedings for maximal absorption
  Avelox - see moxifloxacin
  Avodart - see dutasteride
B Generic
Comments and Considerations Recommendations for Administration with Enteral Nutrition
  Belviq - see lorcaserin
(Tessalon Perles)
Do NOT alter integrity of dosage form. Mucosal irritant Do NOT administer through feeding tube. Use therapeutic alternative.
  Boniva - see ibandronate
(Entocort EC)
Do NOT crush tablets, ER formulation Do NOT administer through feeding tube. Use therapeutic alternative.
Tablets are intended for SL administration Consider therapeutic alternative (transdermal, parenteral)
Do NOT crush SR or ER tablets. If no therapeutic alternative, use immediate-release tablet
C Generic
Comments and Considerations Recommendations for Administration with Enteral Nutrition
  Calan - see verapamil
calcium acetate
Therapeutic effect requires drug be taken with food. Suggest scheduling 4-6 times per day for maximum effect.
calcium carbonate
Antacids may have minimal benefit with post-pyloric tubes Check distal tube placement
Avoid exposure from crushing if pregnant Consider holding tube feeding 1 hour before and 1 hour after
  Carafate - see sucralfate
(Carbatrol, TEGretol)
Decreases absorption as adheres to tube, dilute with equal volume water, contains sorbitol Suggest that total daily dose should be divided into 4 equal doses of carBAMazepine suspension. Dilute suspension with equal amounts of diluent. Monitor levels, jejunal administration may be less effective.
  Do not need to hold tube feeds. May increase dose for desired effect
  Cardizem - see diltiaZEM
Capsule and oral suspension are not bioequivalent. High-fat meal reduces suspension bioavailability by 30%. Iron-containing and Mg-containing preparations further reduce bioavailability Consider holding tube feeding 1 hour before and 1 hour after
Tablets and oral suspension are not bioequivalent. Do NOT crush tablets (risk of sensitization), unacceptable taste Use available suspension or disperse tablet (do not crush) in 20 mL water prior to administration
  Not recommended for post-pyloric tubes
  Cellcept - see mycophenolate mofetil
Do not crust tablet or manipulate capsules (sensitization). Suspension may contain sorbitol. Use available suspension
Binds to divalent ions (absorption reduced by 50%) Recommend changing to IV for severe infections. For mild/moderate infections suggest 750 mg BID. Use crushed tablets (suspension may NOT be used with any feeding tube). Consider holding continuous EN for 1-2 hours before and after
  Coumadin - see warfarin
  Creon - see pancrelipase
  Cymbalta - see DULoxetine
D Generic
Comments and Considerations Recommendations for Administration with Enteral Nutrition
Capsules should not be broken or opened. Suggest using another form of anticoagulation until patient is able to take capsule whole.
  Depacon - see valproic acid
  Depakote - see valproic acid
Commercially available solution has lower bioavailability due to binding with NG tubing Suggest using diazepam tablets instead of solution.
Do NOT crush modified-release capsules or tablets If no therapeutic alternative, consider holding tube feeding for 30 minutes prior to administration if used for acute effect.
High-fiber containing meals may reduce oral bioavailability Separate from fiber-containing tube feeds, otherwise no need to hold beyond flush-administer-flush
  Dilacor - see diltiaZEM
  Dilantin - see phenytoin
(Dilacor, Tiazac, Cardizem)
Food increases absorption by 28%. Suggest dividing total daily dose into immediate release tables every 6-8 hours
(Dilacor, Tiazac, Cardizem)
May open Tiazac capsule but do NOT crush the contents Tiazac capsule may be opened contents may be emptied into feeding tube, but do NOT crush contents.
  Dopar - see levodopa
Capsule contains delayed release granules Do NOT administer through feeding tube. Use therapeutic alternative.
Do NOT manipulate capsules, mucosal irritant Do NOT administer through feeding tube. Use therapeutic alternative.
E Generic
Comments and Considerations Recommendations for Administration with Enteral Nutrition
  Entocort EC - see budesonide
  Evista - see raloxifene
F Generic
Comments and Considerations Recommendations for Administration with Enteral Nutrition
Do NOT crush - only available as ER tablet Do NOT administer through feeding tube. Use therapeutic alternative (amLODIPine).
  Flomax - see tamsulosin
  Fosamax - see alendronate
  Fosrenol - see lanthanum
G Generic
Comments and Considerations Recommendations for Administration with Enteral Nutrition
Do NOT crush Mucinex tablets. Consider therapeutic alternative to immediate release oral solution (200 mg q4-6h PRN). Consider holding tube feeding beyond time required to flush-administer-flush
H Generic
Comments and Considerations Recommendations for Administration with Enteral Nutrition
(Hysingla, Zohydro)
Do NOT crush Hysingla or Zohydro (ER tablets) Do NOT administer through feeding tube. Use therapeutic alternative (such as Lortab)
I Generic
Comments and Considerations Recommendations for Administration with Enteral Nutrition
Do NOT crush (mucosal irritant) Do NOT administer through feeding tube.
  Isoptin - see verapamil
Capsule maximally absorbed with food. Require gastric acidity for optimal absorption. Decreased bioavailability with post-pyloric tubes. Oral liquid maximally absorbed in fasting state. Suggest administration of oral solution. Consider holding tube feeds 1 hour before and 1 hour after administration. Monitor levels.
High-fat meal increases bioavailability Consider holding tube feeding 1 hour before and 1 hour after
J Generic
Comments and Considerations Recommendations for Administration with Enteral Nutrition
  Jantoven - see warfarin
  Juxtapid - see lomitapide
K Generic
Comments and Considerations Recommendations for Administration with Enteral Nutrition
  Keflex - see cephalexin
Drug stability is pH dependent (optimal pH 5-9) requiring gastric acidity for optimal absorption. Decreased bioavailability with post-pyloric tubes Consider holding tube feeding 1 hour before and 1 hour after
L Generic
Comments and Considerations Recommendations for Administration with Enteral Nutrition
  Lanoxin - see digoxin
Oral suspension granules - extremely viscous may cause occlusion Substitute to esomeprazole delayed-release granules. Do NOT administer oral suspension through feeding tube. May cause occlusion.
Therapeutic effect requires drug be taken with food. Suggest scheduling 4-6 times per day for maximum effect.
Absorption decreased by high protein diet Use IR or apomorphine infusion
  levodopa-carbidopa - see carbidopa-levodopa
Oral levoFLOXacin tablets with food prolongs Tmax by 1h and decreases Cmax by 14%. Oral solution with food decreased Cmax by 25% Suggest changing to IV levoFLOXacin for severe infection. No dosing changes for oral tablet. For oral solution, consider holding tube feedings 1 hour before and 2 hours after.
Decreased levels due to binding to feeding tubes. For < 7days, no adjustment needed. For > 7 days, Consider holding tube feeding 1 hours before and after dose. Monitor TSH weekly
Do NOT break or chew capsule Do NOT administer through feeding tube
Oral suspension rapidly and completely absorbed. Change to oral suspension
Capsules should not be broken or opened (pregnancy X) Do NOT administer through feeding tube. Use therapeutic alternative.
Do NOT crush XR product Do NOT administer through feeding tube. Use therapeutic alternative.
M Generic
Comments and Considerations Recommendations for Administration with Enteral Nutrition
  Mepron - see atovaquone
  Metamucil - see psyllium
mineral oil Extremely viscous Do NOT administer through feeding tube. May cause occlusion.
Do not crush XR products or open pellet-containing capsules Not recommended for post-pyloric tubes
Binds to divalent ions and reduces bioavailability Consider holding tube feeding 2 hours before and after dose
  Mucinex - see guaiFENesin
mycophenolate mofetil
Food has no effect on AUC, but shown to decrease AUC No dose adjustment required. Do NOT manipulate tabs/caps due to teratogenic effect. Use available suspension.
mycophenolate sodium
  Do not use mycophenolate tablets, which cannot be crushed, chewed or cut due to teratogenic risk. Suggest converting
N Generic
Comments and Considerations Recommendations for Administration with Enteral Nutrition
food increases bioavailability Consider therapeutic alternative (naproxen).
  Nizoral - see ketoconazole
  Noxafil - see posaconazole
O Generic
Comments and Considerations Recommendations for Administration with Enteral Nutrition
Food may delay absorption and reduce bioavailability. Administration with liquid protein may result in a gas-producing reaction. Substitute to esomeprazole delayed-release granules. Consider holding tube feeding for 1 hour before and after dose. Recommend alternative (esomeprazole). Hold liquid protein
  Omnicef - see cefdinir
P Generic
Comments and Considerations Recommendations for Administration with Enteral Nutrition
(Creon, Pancrease)
Occlusion -use granule formulation, use > 10 french tubes  
Crushing DR tablet can clog tubes. Substitute to esomeprazole delayed-release granules. No dose adjustment when using compounded suspension. Do NOT use DR or EC tablets. Consider holding tube feeding 1 hour before dose
penicillin VK
Unpredictable absorption with tube feeds. Suggest holding enteral nutrition 1 hour before and 1 hour after dose. Consider alternative (amoxicillin)
(Dilantin, Phenytek)
Stop EN 2hours before and after (up to70% reduction in serum drug levels) Suggest IV fosphenytoin or phenytoin. Suggest holding tube feeds 1 hour before and 1 hour after dose. Total daily dose should be divided into twice-daily dosing. Monitor level.
  PhosLo - see calcium acetate
  Plendil - see felodipine
Cmax increased 4x and AUC increased 2.5x with high fat meals. Tablet and liquid doses are not interchangeable Suggest giving each dose with 240 mL of nutritional supplement or 15 mL of canola oil. Not recommended for post-pyloric administration
  Pradaxa - see dabigatran
  Prevacid - see lansoprazole
  PriLOSEC - see omeprazole
  Protonix - see pantoprazole
Metamucil powders may occlude the enteral tube Do NOT administer through feeding tube. If patient requires more fiber, suggest an enteral product with higher fiber content.
Q Generic
Comments and Considerations Recommendations for Administration with Enteral Nutrition
Successful clinical effects through NGT Suggest dissolving table in water with no dose adjustments
R Generic
Comments and Considerations Recommendations for Administration with Enteral Nutrition
Do NOT Crush - unacceptable taste, teratogenic potential Do NOT administer through feeding tube
  Relafen - see nabumetone
  Renvela - see sevelamer
Do NOT crush tablets as a mucosal irritant. Use once-weekly tablet dispersed in 60 mL of mineral-free water. Consider holding tube feeding for 2 hours before and after. Patient should remain upright to prevent esophageal damage caused by reflux.
Exposure to drug reduced with release in distal small intestine. Suggest no dose adjustment if enteral tube ends in stomach. Suggest using alternative anticoagulant if enteral tube ends distal to stomach.
S Generic
Comments and Considerations Recommendations for Administration with Enteral Nutrition
  SEROquel - see QUEtiapine
Therapeutic effect requires drug be taken with food. Recommend change to suspension and scheduling 4-6 times per day for maximum effect.
  Sinemet - see carbidopa-levodopa
  Sporonox - see itraconazole
  Strattera - see atomoxetine
  Stromectol - see ivermectin
  Subutex - see buprenorphine
Suspension may cause insoluble mass (bezoar) by binding to proteins. Minimal benefit with post-pyloric tubes. Do NOT administer through feeding tube. Do NOT use suspension. Recommend NexIUM or H2RA instead.
  Synthroid - see levothyroxine
T Generic
Comments and Considerations Recommendations for Administration with Enteral Nutrition
Do NOT crush or open capsule, contains slow-release product Do NOT administer through feeding tube
  TEGretol - see carBAMazepine
  Tessalon Perles - see benzonatate
Absorption decreases 30% with enteral nutrition Suggest holding enteral nutrition 1 hour before and 1 hour after dose. Use rapid release products/solutions. Divide total daily dose into 3-4 doses.
  Tiazac - see diltiaZEM
  Tums - see calcium carbonate
V Generic
Comments and Considerations Recommendations for Administration with Enteral Nutrition
  Valium - see diazePAM
valproic acid
(Depacon, Depakote)
Administration with food may delay rate of absorption Suggest administering same total daily dose, but use valproic acid solution dosed every 6-8 hours. Monitor levels.
(Isoptin, Calan,Verelan)
May open Verelan capsule but do NOT crush the contents Verelan capsule may be opened contents may be emptied into feeding tube, but do NOT crush contents.
  Vfend - see voriconazole
  Voltaren - see diclofenac
AUC decreased by 22% when taken with food. Suggest holding tube feeding 1 hour before and 1 hour after administration
W Generic
Comments and Considerations Recommendations for Administration with Enteral Nutrition
(Jantoven, Coumadin)
Variable Vit-K content, protein binding Suggest holding tube feeding 1 hour before and 1 hour after administration. Avoid soy protein feeds.
  Wellbutrin - see buPROPion
X Generic
Comments and Considerations Recommendations for Administration with Enteral Nutrition
  Xarelto - see rivaroxaban
Z Generic
Comments and Considerations Recommendations for Administration with Enteral Nutrition
  Zohydro - see HYDROcodone
  Zovirax - see acyclovir
  Zyvox - see linezolid
last updated: 10/11/2020

Pharmacy Contact Info:

Main Inpatient Pharmacy: ext 4599, 3503
Fax: 704-878-7283

Director of Pharmacy - Randi Raynor, PharmD: ext 4501
Clinical Coordinator - Laura Rollings, PharmD: ext 4597
Pharmacy Informaticist - Stephen Pringle, PharmD: ext 7645
Pharmacy Technician Supervisor - Amy Wingler, CPhT: ext 7385
Pharmacy Automation Coordinator (Omnicell) - Melissa Fulford, CPhT: ext 3556

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