Critical Care Insulin Drip Calculations

Critical Care Insulin Drip Calculations

This calculator is only to be used if an order has
been obtained to initiate insulin infusion.

See policy for more details.

Insulin Drip Rate units/hr = (BG mg/DL - 60) X multiplier

 Policy Highlights:
• A second RN must verify all IV insulin adjustments and calculations.
• Recheck blood glucose POC q1hr.
• Calculate every hour while on IV insulin even if the multiplier does not change.
• Blood glucose goal: 140 - 180 mg/dL while on infusion.
• For Hypoglycemia ≤ 70 mg/dL:  STOP IV Insulin  and treat according to
MED - Hypoglycemia Treatment Order Set until blood glucose > 70 mg/dL.
 Continue q1hr blood glucose POC until > 180 mg/dL consecutively x 2 levels.
 Then resume IV drip at 50% of previous rate.
Continue insulin drip until patient has blood glucose < 180 mg/dl
 consecutively x 2 levels.
Consult policy for insulin transition dosing details.
Directions: For initial therapy, simply supply the blood glucose reading.
For rate adjustments, supply both the blood glucose reading and the current multiplier.
Current BG (blood glucose):  mg/dL
Rate adjustments:
Current multiplier:
(leave blank for initial therapy.)

Pharmacy Contact Info:

Main Inpatient Pharmacy: ext 4599, 3503
Fax: 704-878-7283

Director of Pharmacy - Randi Raynor, PharmD: ext 4501
Clinical Coordinator - Laura Rollings, PharmD: ext 4597
Pharmacy Informaticist - Stephen Pringle, PharmD: ext 7645
Pharmacy Technician Supervisor - Amy Wingler, CPhT: ext 7385
Pharmacy Automation Coordinator (Omnicell) - Melissa Fulford, CPhT: ext 3556

This site is intended for the staff of Iredell Memorial Hospital.
While others may view accessible pages, Iredell Memorial Hospital makes no warranty, express or implied,
as to the use of this information outside of Iredell Memorial Hospital.
The content of this policy and procedure document serves as guidance to the delivery of quality patient care.
Care providers are expected to exercise critical thinking and situational awareness skills,
and in specific situations to take such action as is necessary for the delivery of quality patient care.