Adult Extravasation Management

Adult Extravasation Management
A Generic (Brand) Vesicant / irritant Local Care
Comments / Treatment links
aclambicin (Aclacinomycin) CHEMO Irritant Cold Compress
acyclovir (Zovirax) Irritant  
Adrenalin - see EPINEPHrine
Adriamycin - see DOXOrubicin
Adrucil - see fluorouracil
Alkeran - see melphalan
amascrine (Amsidine) CHEMO Vesicant Cold Compress
aminophylline (Norphyl) Vesicant Cold compress
amiodarone (Cordarone) Vesicant Warm compress
Amsidine - see amascrine
Ara-C - see cytarabine
arginine (R-Gene 10) Vesicant Warm or cold compress
Arranon - see nelarabine
arsenic trioxide (Trisenox) CHEMO Irritant Cold Compress
asparaginase (Elspar) CHEMO Typically does not have vesicant or irritant properties None
B Generic (Brand) Vesicant / irritant Local Care
Comments / Treatment links
bendamustine (Treanda) CHEMO Irritant with vesicant-like properties Cold compress
BiCNU - see carmustine
bleomycin (Blenoxane) CHEMO Irritant Cold compress
bortezomib (Velcade) CHEMO Irritant None
Brevibloc - see esmolol
busulfan (Busulfex, Myleran) CHEMO Irritant Cold compress
C Generic (Brand) Vesicant / irritant Local Care
Comments / Treatment links
calcium salts Vesicant Cold compress
Camptosar - see irinotecan
CARBOplatin (Paraplatin) CHEMO Irritant Cold compress
carmustine (BiCNU) CHEMO Vesicant/Irritant Cold compress
Cerubidine - see DAUNOrubicin
CISplatin (Platinol) CHEMO Vesicant at concentration > 0.4 mg/mL Cold compress
  • CISplatin extravasation treatment is ONLY for large volumes (> 20 mL) of a concentration solution (> 0.4 mg/mL).
• Inject 2 mL intravenously into existing IV line for each 100 mg of CISplatin extravasated; consider also injecting 1 mL subcutaneously as 0.1-mL injections clockwise into the area around the extravasation, may repeat subcutaneous injections several times over the next 3-4 hours.
cladribine (Leustatin) CHEMO Irritant/Neutral Cold compress
clofarabine (Clolar) CHEMO Typically does not have vesicant or irritant properties None
contrast media Irritant Warm or cold Compress
  • < 50 ml, low-osmolarity contrast media extravasation: Careful monitoring recommended; pharmacologic treatment often unnecessary.
• > 50 ml low-osmolarity contrast media, any high-osmolarity contrast media, precursors of severe tissue injury: Consider use of hyaluronidase; dose may vary depending on the size of the infiltration.
Cordarone - see amiodarone
Cosmegen - see DACTINomycin
cyclophosphamide (Cytoxan) CHEMO Irritant Cold compress
  • Administer 5 mL subcutaneously into the extravasation site.
cytarabine (Ara-C, Cytosar) CHEMO Irritant/Neutral Cold compress
cytarabine liposomal (DepoCyt) CHEMO Irritant Cold compress
Cytoxan - see cyclophosphamide
D Generic (Brand) Vesicant / irritant Local Care
Comments / Treatment links
dacarbazine (DTIC- Dome) CHEMO Irritant with vesicant-like properties Cold compress
  • Protect site from sunlight.
• sodium thiosulfate recommended only when concentrated dacarbazine is extravasated
DACTINomycin (Cosmegen) CHEMO Vesicant Cold compress
  • Do not apply heat, it may worsen injury.
• Protect site from heat/sunlight.
DAUNOrubicin (Cerubidine) CHEMO Vesicant Cold compress
  • Do not apply heat, it may worsen injury.
• Protect site from heat and sunlight.
• Corticosteroids worsen toxicity.
• Do not use dexrazoxane and topical DMSO in combination with each other due to decreased efficacy of dexrazoxane.
DepoCyt - see cytarabine liposomal
dextrose > 10% Vesicant Cold compress
diazePAM (Diastat AcuDial, Valium) Vesicant Cold compress
digoxin (Lanoxin, Digitek, Digox) Vesicant None
Dilantin - see phenytoin
DOBUTamine (Dobutrex) Vesicant Warm compress
  • phentolamine preferred 1st line.
DOCEtaxel (Taxotere) CHEMO Irritant with vesicant-like properties Warm or cold compress
  • Excess cold can cause further tissue damage.
DOPamine (Intropin) Vesicant Warm compress
  • phentolamine preferred 1st line.
DOXOrubicin (Adriamycin) CHEMO Vesicant Cold compress
  • Do not apply heat, it may worsen injury.
• Protect site from heat and sunlight.
• Corticosteroids worsen toxicity.
• Do not use dexrazoxane and topical DMSO in combination with each other due to decreased efficacy of dexrazoxane.
DTIC- Dome - see dacarbazine
E Generic (Brand) Vesicant / irritant Local Care
Comments / Treatment links
Eldisine - see vindesine
Ellence - see epiRUBicin
Eloxatin - see OXALIplatin
Elspar - see asparaginase
EPINEPHrine (Adrenalin) Vesicant Warm compress
  • phentolamine preferred 1st line.
epiRUBicin (Ellence) CHEMO Vesicant Cold compress
  • Do not apply heat, it may worsen injury.
• Protect site from heat and sunlight.
• Corticosteroids worsen toxicity.
• Do not use dexrazoxane and topical DMSO in combination with each other due to decreased efficacy of dexrazoxane.
esmolol (Brevibloc) Vesicant Cold compress
etoposide (Toposar, VePesid) CHEMO Irritant Warm compress
etoposide phosphate (Etopophos) CHEMO Irritant Warm compress
F Generic (Brand) Vesicant / irritant Local Care
Comments / Treatment links
floxuridine (FUDR) CHEMO Irritant Cold compress
fludarabine (Fludara) CHEMO Not applicable Warm compress
fluorouracil (Adrucil) CHEMO Irritant Cold compress
G Generic (Brand) Vesicant / irritant Local Care
Comments / Treatment links
gemcitabine (Gemzar) CHEMO Irritant Cold compress
gemtuzumab (Mylotarg) CHEMO Irritant Cold compress
H Generic (Brand) Vesicant / irritant Local Care
Comments / Treatment links
Hycamtin - see topotecan
I Generic (Brand) Vesicant / irritant Local Care
Comments / Treatment links
IDArubicin (Idamycin) CHEMO Vesicant Cold compress
  • Do not apply heat, it may worsen injury.
• Protect from heat/sunlight.
• Corticosteroids worsen toxicity.
ifosfamide (Ifex) CHEMO Irritant Cold compress
Intropin - see DOPamine
irinotecan (Camptosar) CHEMO Irritant Ice pack and flush external site with sterile water
ixabepilone (Ixempra Kit) CHEMO Irritant Cold compress
K Generic (Brand) Vesicant / irritant Local Care
Comments / Treatment links
Kadcyla - see trastuzumab emtasine
L Generic (Brand) Vesicant / irritant Local Care
Comments / Treatment links
Lanoxin - see digoxin
Leustatin - see cladribine
Levophed - see norEPINEPHrine
M Generic (Brand) Vesicant / irritant Local Care
Comments / Treatment links
mannitol (>5%) Vesicant Warm or cold compress
mechlorethamine (Mustargen) CHEMO Vesicant Cold compress
  • Administer 2 mL subcutaneously into the extravasation site for each mg of drug suspected to have extravasated.
melphalan (Alkeran) CHEMO Irritant/Vesicant Cold compress
methotrexate CHEMO N/A Warm compress
methylene blue Vesicant Warm compress
Mithracin - see plicamycin
mitoMYcin (Mutamycin) CHEMO Vesicant Cold compress
  • Do not apply heat, it may worsen injury.
• Protect extravasation site from heat and sunlight.
• Delayed injuries from mitoMYcin have been documented at sites distant from the site of extravasation.
mitoXANTRONE (Novantrone) CHEMO Irritant with vesicant-like properties Cold compress
  • Do not use dexrazoxane and topical DMSO in combination with each other due to decreased efficacy of dexrazoxane.
Mustargen - see mechlorethamine
Mutamycin - see mitoMYcin
Myleran - see busulfan
Mylotarg - see gemtuzumab
N Generic (Brand) Vesicant / irritant Local Care
Comments / Treatment links
nafcillin (Nallpen) Vesicant Cold compress
Navelbine - see vinORELBine
Nebupent - see pentamidine
nelarabine (Arranon) CHEMO Typically does not have vesicant or irritant properties None
NeoSynephrine - see phenylephrine
norEPINEPHrine (Levophed) Vesicant Warm compress
  • phentolamine preferred 1st line.
Norphyl - see aminophylline
Novantrone - see mitoXANTRONE
O Generic (Brand) Vesicant / irritant Local Care
Comments / Treatment links
Oncaspar - see PEG-asparaginase
Oncovin - see vinCRIStine
Otrexup - see methotrexate
OXALIplatin (Eloxatin) CHEMO Irritant with vesicant-like properties Warm compress
  • Do not apply cold, may precipitate acute neurotoxicity.
• Early administration of corticosteroids may be beneficial to decrease inflammation.
P Generic (Brand) Vesicant / irritant Local Care
Comments / Treatment links
PACLitaxel (Taxol) CHEMO Irritant with vesicant-like properties Cold compress
  • Usual dose is 0.75 mL (150 units) of hyaluronidase for each 1 mL of extravasated drug. May repeat several times over the next 3-4 hours.
Paraplatin - see CARBOplatin
PEG-asparaginase (Oncaspar) CHEMO Typically does not have vesicant or irritant properties None
pentamidine (Pentam, Nebupent) Irritant with vesicant-like properties Warm compress
Phenadoz - see promethazine
Phenergan - see promethazine
phenylephrine (NeoSynephrine) Vesicant Warm compress
  • phentolamine preferred 1st line.
phenytoin (Dilantin, Phenytek) Vesicant Warm compress
Pitressin - see vasopressin
Platinol - see CISplatin
plicamycin (Mithracin) CHEMO Vesicant/Irritant Cold compress
potassium salts Vesicant/Irritant Warm or cold compress
promethazine (Phenergan, Phenadoz) Vesicant Warm or cold compress
  • Refractory cases: Consider nitroglycerin 2% topical or hyaluronidase (200 units/ml).
R Generic (Brand) Vesicant / irritant Local Care
Comments / Treatment links
raltitrexed (Tomudex) CHEMO Irritant Cold compress
Rasuvo - see methotrexate
R-Gene 10 - see arginine
S Generic (Brand) Vesicant / irritant Local Care
Comments / Treatment links
sodium bicarbonate (≥8.4%) Vesicant Cold compress
sodium chloride (≥ 3% percent) Vesicant Cold compress
streptozocin (Zanosar) CHEMO Irritant Cold compress
T Generic (Brand) Vesicant / irritant Local Care
Comments / Treatment links
Taxol - see PACLitaxel
Taxotere - see DOCEtaxel
teniposide (Vumon) CHEMO Irritant Warm or cold compress
Thioplex - see thiotepa
thiotepa (Thioplex) CHEMO N/A Warm or cold compress
Tomudex - see raltitrexed
Toposar - see etoposide
topotecan (Hycamtin) CHEMO Irritant Cold compress
TPN Vesicant Cold compress
trabectedin (Yondelis) CHEMO Vesicant Cold compress
trastuzumab emtasine (Kadcyla) CHEMO Irritant None
Treanda - see bendamustine
Trisenox - see arsenic trioxide
V Generic (Brand) Vesicant / irritant Local Care
Comments / Treatment links
Valium - see diazePAM
vancomycin (Vancocin) Irritant Warm or cold compress
vasopressin (Pitressin) Vesicant Warm Compress
  • nitroglycerin preferred 1st line.
Velcade - see bortezomib
VePesid - see etoposide
VePesid - see etoposide
vinBLAStine (Velban) CHEMO Vesicant Warm compress
  • Corticosteroids and topical cooling can worsen toxicity.
vinCRIStine (Oncovin) CHEMO Vesicant Warm compress
  • Corticosteroids and topical cooling can worsen toxicity.
vindesine (Eldisine) CHEMO Vesicant Warm compress
  • Corticosteroids and topical cooling can worsen toxicity.
vinORELBine (Navelbine) CHEMO Vesicant  
  • Usual dose is 0.75 mL (150 units) of hyaluronidase for each 1 mL of extravasated drug.
Vumon - see teniposide
Y Generic (Brand) Vesicant / irritant Local Care
Comments / Treatment links
Yondelis - see trabectedin
Z Generic (Brand) Vesicant / irritant Local Care
Comments / Treatment links
Zanosar - see streptozocin
Zovirax - see acyclovir
last updated: 03/25/2022

Pharmacy Contact Info:

Main Inpatient Pharmacy: ext 4599, 3503
Fax: 704-878-7283

Director of Pharmacy - Randi Raynor, PharmD: ext 4501
Clinical Coordinator - Laura Rollings, PharmD: ext 4597
Pharmacy Informaticist - Stephen Pringle, PharmD: ext 7645
Pharmacy Technician Supervisor - Amy Wingler, CPhT: ext 7385
Pharmacy Automation Coordinator (Omnicell) - Melissa Fulford, CPhT: ext 3556

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While others may view accessible pages, Iredell Memorial Hospital makes no warranty, express or implied,
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The content of this policy and procedure document serves as guidance to the delivery of quality patient care.
Care providers are expected to exercise critical thinking and situational awareness skills,
and in specific situations to take such action as is necessary for the delivery of quality patient care.