IHS Hazardous Waste

Per policy, these hazardous drugs have special waste requirements. 
(All medications NOT on this list ⇒  BLUE BUCKET .
A generic (Brand) Waste requirements
Abraxane - see PACLitaxel protein-bound
aclidinium (Tudorza Pressair) Inhaler canister ⇒  BLACK BUCKET 
AdriamyciN - see DOXOrubicin
Adrucil - see fluorouracil
Advair Diskus - see fluticasone-salmeterol
Afluria - see influenza virus vaccine, inactivated
albuterol (ProAir HFA) Inhaler canister ⇒  BLACK BUCKET 
albuterol-ipratropium (Combivent) Inhaler canister ⇒  BLACK BUCKET 
aldesleukin (Proleukin) If > 3% by weight of drug remains ⇒  BLACK BUCKET 
Trace amounts/uncontaminated PPE ⇒  YELLOW BUCKET 
alemtuzumab (Campath) If > 3% by weight of drug remains ⇒  BLACK BUCKET 
Trace amounts/uncontaminated PPE ⇒  YELLOW BUCKET 
Alimta - see PEMEtrexed
Alkeran - see melphalan
Alvesco - see ciclesonide
anastrozole (Arimidex) If > 3% by weight of drug remains ⇒  BLACK BUCKET 
Trace amounts/uncontaminated PPE ⇒  YELLOW BUCKET 
antihemophilic factor-von Willebrand factor (
Hazardous Waste ⇒  BLACK BUCKET 
antivenin (Crotalidae) polyvalent (CroFab) Hazardous Waste ⇒  BLACK BUCKET 
Apidra - see insulin glulisine
argatroban Hazardous Waste ⇒  BLACK BUCKET 
Arimidex - see anastozole
Aromasin - see exemestane
arsenic trioxide (Trisenox) If > 3% by weight of drug remains ⇒  BLACK BUCKET 
Trace amounts/uncontaminated PPE ⇒  YELLOW BUCKET 
Asmanex - see mometasone
asparaginase Escherichia coli (Elspar) If > 3% by weight of drug remains ⇒  BLACK BUCKET 
Trace amounts/uncontaminated PPE ⇒  YELLOW BUCKET 
Atrovent - see ipratropium
Avastin - see bevacizumab
azaCITIDine (Vidaza) If > 3% by weight of drug remains ⇒  BLACK BUCKET 
Trace amounts/uncontaminated PPE ⇒  YELLOW BUCKET 
B generic (Brand) Waste requirements
Bactroban - see mupirocin topical
Basaglar - see insulin glargine
beclomethasone (QVAR) Inhaler canister ⇒  BLACK BUCKET 
beclomethasone nasal (Qnasl) Inhaler canister ⇒  BLACK BUCKET 
Benadryl - see diphenhydrAMINE
bendamustine (Treanda) If > 3% by weight of drug remains ⇒  BLACK BUCKET 
Trace amounts/uncontaminated PPE ⇒  YELLOW BUCKET 
benzocaine topical (Dermoplast) Contains alcohol ⇒  BLACK BUCKET 
benzoin topical (Benzoin Compound) Hazardous Waste ⇒  BLACK BUCKET 
bevacizumab (Avastin) If > 3% by weight of drug remains ⇒  BLACK BUCKET 
Trace amounts/uncontaminated PPE ⇒  YELLOW BUCKET 
bicalutamide (Casodex) If > 3% by weight of drug remains ⇒  BLACK BUCKET 
Trace amounts/uncontaminated PPE ⇒  YELLOW BUCKET 
BiCNU - see carmustine
bleomycin (Blenoxane) If > 3% by weight of drug remains ⇒  BLACK BUCKET 
Trace amounts/uncontaminated PPE ⇒  YELLOW BUCKET 
bortezomib (Velcade) If > 3% by weight of drug remains ⇒  BLACK BUCKET 
Trace amounts/uncontaminated PPE ⇒  YELLOW BUCKET 
Botox - see onabotulinumtoxinA
Brevibloc - see esmolol
budesonide-formoterol (Symbicort) Inhaler canister ⇒  BLACK BUCKET 
Byetta - see exenatide
C generic (Brand) Waste requirements
cabazitaxel (Jevtana) If > 3% by weight of drug remains ⇒  BLACK BUCKET 
Trace amounts/uncontaminated PPE ⇒  YELLOW BUCKET 
Campath - see alemtuzumab
Camptosar - see irinotecan
capecitabine (Xeloda) If > 3% by weight of drug remains ⇒  BLACK BUCKET 
Trace amounts/uncontaminated PPE ⇒  YELLOW BUCKET 
CARBOplatin (Paraplatin) If > 3% by weight of drug remains ⇒  BLACK BUCKET 
Trace amounts/uncontaminated PPE ⇒  YELLOW BUCKET 
carfilzomib (Kyprolis) If > 3% by weight of drug remains ⇒  BLACK BUCKET 
Trace amounts/uncontaminated PPE ⇒  YELLOW BUCKET 
carmustine (BiCNU) If > 3% by weight of drug remains ⇒  BLACK BUCKET 
Trace amounts/uncontaminated PPE ⇒  YELLOW BUCKET 
Casodex - see bicalutamide
cetuximab (Erbitux) If > 3% by weight of drug remains ⇒  BLACK BUCKET 
Trace amounts/uncontaminated PPE ⇒  YELLOW BUCKET 
chloral hydrate (Noctec) If > 15 mg remains ⇒  BLACK BUCKET 
chloramphenicol (Cloromycetin) If > 30 mg remains ⇒  BLACK BUCKET 
chlorhexidine topical (Peridex) Hazardous Waste ⇒  BLACK BUCKET 
ciclesonide (Alvesco) Inhaler canister ⇒  BLACK BUCKET 
ciclesonide nasal (Zetonna) Inhaler canister ⇒  BLACK BUCKET 
CISplatin (Platinol) If > 3% by weight of drug remains ⇒  BLACK BUCKET 
Trace amounts/uncontaminated PPE ⇒  YELLOW BUCKET 
Cloromycetin - see chloramphenicol
coal tar topical (Oxipor VHC) Hazardous Waste ⇒  BLACK BUCKET 
Colace - see docusate
Combivent - see albuterol-ipratropium
Cosmegen - see DACTINomycin
Coumadin - see warfarin
CroFab - see antivenin (Crotalidae) polyvalent
cyclophosphamide (Cytoxan) If > 3% by weight of drug remains ⇒  BLACK BUCKET 
Trace amounts/uncontaminated PPE ⇒  YELLOW BUCKET 
cycloSPORINE (SandIMMUNE) Hazardous Waste ⇒  BLACK BUCKET 
Cyramza - see ramucirumab
cytarabine (Cytosar) If > 3% by weight of drug remains ⇒  BLACK BUCKET 
Trace amounts/uncontaminated PPE ⇒  YELLOW BUCKET 
Cytoxan - see cyclophosphamide
D generic (Brand) Waste requirements
dacarbazine (DTIC) If > 3% by weight of drug remains ⇒  BLACK BUCKET 
Trace amounts/uncontaminated PPE ⇒  YELLOW BUCKET 
Dacogen - see decitabine
DACTINomycin (Cosmegen) If > 3% by weight of drug remains ⇒  BLACK BUCKET 
Trace amounts/uncontaminated PPE ⇒  YELLOW BUCKET 
Decadron - see dexamethasone
decitabine (Dacogen) If > 3% by weight of drug remains ⇒  BLACK BUCKET 
Trace amounts/uncontaminated PPE ⇒  YELLOW BUCKET 
Deltasone - see predniSONE
Dermoplast - see benzocaine topical
desflurane (Suprane) Hazardous Waste ⇒  BLACK BUCKET 
dexamethasone (Decadron) Solution, injection contain alcohol ⇒  BLACK BUCKET 
diclofenac topical (Voltaren Gel) Hazardous Waste ⇒  BLACK BUCKET 
digoxin (Lanoxin) Injection contains alcohol ⇒  BLACK BUCKET 
Dilantin - see phenytoin
diphenhydrAMINE (Benadryl) Elixir contains alcohol ⇒  BLACK BUCKET 
DOCEtaxel (Taxotere) If > 3% by weight of drug remains ⇒  BLACK BUCKET 
Trace amounts/uncontaminated PPE ⇒  YELLOW BUCKET 
docusate (Colace) Liquid contains alcohol ⇒  BLACK BUCKET 
Doxil - see DOXOrubicin liposomal
DOXOrubicin (Adriamycin) If > 3% by weight of drug remains ⇒  BLACK BUCKET 
Trace amounts/uncontaminated PPE ⇒  YELLOW BUCKET 
DOXOrubicin liposomal (Doxil) If > 3% by weight of drug remains ⇒  BLACK BUCKET 
Trace amounts/uncontaminated PPE ⇒  YELLOW BUCKET 
DTIC - see dacarbazine
Dulera - see formoterol-mometasone
E generic (Brand) Waste requirements
Efudex - see fluorouracil topical
Elimite - see permethrin topical
Ellence - see epiRUBicin
Eloxatin - see OXALIplatin
Elspar - see asparaginase Escherichia coli
Enbrel - see etanercept
epiRUBicin (Ellence) If > 3% by weight of drug remains ⇒  BLACK BUCKET 
Trace amounts/uncontaminated PPE ⇒  YELLOW BUCKET 
Erbitux - see cetuximab
eriBULin (Halaven) If > 3% by weight of drug remains ⇒  BLACK BUCKET 
Trace amounts/uncontaminated PPE ⇒  YELLOW BUCKET 
erlotinib (Tarceva) If > 3% by weight of drug remains ⇒  BLACK BUCKET 
Trace amounts/uncontaminated PPE ⇒  YELLOW BUCKET 
erythromycin topical (EryGel) Contains alcohol ⇒  BLACK BUCKET 
Eserine - see physostigmine
esmolol (Brevibloc) Pre-mix bags ⇒  BLACK BUCKET 
etanercept (Enbrel) Kit ⇒  BLACK BUCKET 
ethanol (Ethyl Alcohol) Contains alcohol ⇒  BLACK BUCKET 
etoposide (Toposar, VePesid, VP-16) If > 3% by weight of drug remains ⇒  BLACK BUCKET 
Trace amounts/uncontaminated PPE ⇒  YELLOW BUCKET 
exemestane (Aromasin) If > 3% by weight of drug remains ⇒  BLACK BUCKET 
Trace amounts/uncontaminated PPE ⇒  YELLOW BUCKET 
exenatide (Byetta) Injection ⇒  BLACK BUCKET 
F generic (Brand) Waste requirements
Faslodex - see fulvestrant
Femara - see letrozole
ferrous sulfate (Fer-In-Sol) Elixir contains alcohol ⇒  BLACK BUCKET 
Flovent - see fluticasone
floxuridine (FUDR) If > 3% by weight of drug remains ⇒  BLACK BUCKET 
Trace amounts/uncontaminated PPE ⇒  YELLOW BUCKET 
fludarabine (Fludara) If > 3% by weight of drug remains ⇒  BLACK BUCKET 
Trace amounts/uncontaminated PPE ⇒  YELLOW BUCKET 
fluorouracil (5-FU, Adrucil) If > 3% by weight of drug remains ⇒  BLACK BUCKET 
Trace amounts/uncontaminated PPE ⇒  YELLOW BUCKET 
fluorouracil topical (Efudex) If > 3% by weight of drug remains ⇒  BLACK BUCKET 
Trace amounts/uncontaminated PPE ⇒  YELLOW BUCKET 
fluticasone (Flovent) Inhaler canister ⇒  BLACK BUCKET 
fluticasone-salmeterol (Advair Diskus) Inhaler canister ⇒  BLACK BUCKET 
Fluvirin - see influenza virus vaccine, inactivated
Fluzone - see influenza virus vaccine, inactivated
Forane - see isoflurane
formoterol-mometasone (Dulera) Inhaler canister ⇒  BLACK BUCKET 
Forteo - see teriparatide
FUDR - see floxuridine
fulvestrant (Faslodex) If > 3% by weight of drug remains ⇒  BLACK BUCKET 
Trace amounts/uncontaminated PPE ⇒  YELLOW BUCKET 
furosemide (Lasix) Oral Solution ⇒  BLACK BUCKET 
G generic (Brand) Waste requirements
gemcitabine (Gemzar) If > 3% by weight of drug remains ⇒  BLACK BUCKET 
Trace amounts/uncontaminated PPE ⇒  YELLOW BUCKET 
Gleevec - see imatinib
goserelin (Zoladex) If > 3% by weight of drug remains ⇒  BLACK BUCKET 
Trace amounts/uncontaminated PPE ⇒  YELLOW BUCKET 
H generic (Brand) Waste requirements
Halaven - see eriBULin
Herceptin - see trastuzumab
HumaLOG - see insulin lispro
Humate-P - see antihemophilic factor-von Willebrand factor
HumuLIN 70/30 - see insulin isophane-insulin regular
HumuLIN N - see insulin isophane
HumuLIN R - see insulin regular
Hycamtin - see topotecan
hydroxyurea (Hydrea) If > 3% by weight of drug remains ⇒  BLACK BUCKET 
Trace amounts/uncontaminated PPE ⇒  YELLOW BUCKET 
I generic (Brand) Waste requirements
ifosfamide (Ifex) If > 3% by weight of drug remains ⇒  BLACK BUCKET 
Trace amounts/uncontaminated PPE ⇒  YELLOW BUCKET 
imatinib (Gleevec) If > 3% by weight of drug remains ⇒  BLACK BUCKET 
Trace amounts/uncontaminated PPE ⇒  YELLOW BUCKET 
influenza virus vaccine, inactivated (
 Fluvirin, Fluzone, Afluria)
Mercury preservative/multi-dose vials ⇒  BLACK BUCKET 
insulin aspart (NovoLOG) Contains M-Cresol ⇒  BLACK BUCKET 
insulin aspart-insulin aspart protamine (
 NovoLOG Mix 70/30)
Contains M-Cresol ⇒  BLACK BUCKET 
insulin degludec (Tresiba) Contains M-Cresol ⇒  BLACK BUCKET 
insulin detemir (Levemir) Contains M-Cresol ⇒  BLACK BUCKET 
insulin glargine (Lantus, Basaglar, Toujeo) Contains M-Cresol ⇒  BLACK BUCKET 
insulin glulisine (Apidra) Contains M-Cresol ⇒  BLACK BUCKET 
insulin isophane (NPH) (HumuLIN N, NovoLIN N) Contains M-Cresol ⇒  BLACK BUCKET 
insulin isophane-insulin regular (
 HumuLIN 70/30, NovoLIN 70/30)
Contains M-Cresol ⇒  BLACK BUCKET 
insulin lispro (HumaLOG) Contains M-Cresol ⇒  BLACK BUCKET 
insulin lispro-insulin lispro protamine (
 HumaLOG Mix 75/25)
Contains M-Cresol ⇒  BLACK BUCKET 
insulin regular (HumuLIN R, NovoLIN R) Contains M-Cresol ⇒  BLACK BUCKET 
interferon alfa-2b (Intron A) If > 3% by weight of drug remains ⇒  BLACK BUCKET 
Trace amounts/uncontaminated PPE ⇒  YELLOW BUCKET 
ipilimumab (Yervoy) If > 3% by weight of drug remains ⇒  BLACK BUCKET 
Trace amounts/uncontaminated PPE ⇒  YELLOW BUCKET 
ipratropium (Atrovent) Inhaler canister ⇒  BLACK BUCKET 
irinotecan (Camptosar) If > 3% by weight of drug remains ⇒  BLACK BUCKET 
Trace amounts/uncontaminated PPE ⇒  YELLOW BUCKET 
isoflurane (Forane) Hazardous Waste ⇒  BLACK BUCKET 
isopropyl alcohol topical (Isopropyl Alcohol) Contains alcohol ⇒  BLACK BUCKET 
ixabepilone (Ixempra) If > 3% by weight of drug remains ⇒  BLACK BUCKET 
Trace amounts/uncontaminated PPE ⇒  YELLOW BUCKET 
J generic (Brand) Waste requirements
Jevtana - see cabazitaxel
K generic (Brand) Waste requirements
Kwell - see lindane topical
Kyprolis - see carfilzomib
L generic (Brand) Waste requirements
Lanoxin - see digoxin
Lantus - see insulin glargine
lapatinib (Tykerb) If > 3% by weight of drug remains ⇒  BLACK BUCKET 
Trace amounts/uncontaminated PPE ⇒  YELLOW BUCKET 
Lasix - see furosemide
letrozole (Femara) If > 3% by weight of drug remains ⇒  BLACK BUCKET 
Trace amounts/uncontaminated PPE ⇒  YELLOW BUCKET 
leuprolide (Lupron) If > 3% by weight of drug remains ⇒  BLACK BUCKET 
Trace amounts/uncontaminated PPE ⇒  YELLOW BUCKET 
levalbuterol (Xopenex) Inhaler canister ⇒  BLACK BUCKET 
Levemir - see insulin detemir
lindane topical (Kwell) Hazardous Waste ⇒  BLACK BUCKET 
Lupron - see leuprolide
M generic (Brand) Waste requirements
Matulane - see procarbazine
megestrol (Megace) If > 3% by weight of drug remains ⇒  BLACK BUCKET 
Trace amounts/uncontaminated PPE ⇒  YELLOW BUCKET 
melphalan (Alkeran) If > 3% by weight of drug remains ⇒  BLACK BUCKET 
Trace amounts/uncontaminated PPE ⇒  YELLOW BUCKET 
mercaptopurine (Purinthol) If > 3% by weight of drug remains ⇒  BLACK BUCKET 
Trace amounts/uncontaminated PPE ⇒  YELLOW BUCKET 
methotrexate (Trexall) If > 3% by weight of drug remains ⇒  BLACK BUCKET 
Trace amounts/uncontaminated PPE ⇒  YELLOW BUCKET 
methylnaltrexone (Relistor) Kit ⇒  BLACK BUCKET 
mitoMYcin (Mutamycin) If > 3% by weight of drug remains ⇒  BLACK BUCKET 
Trace amounts/uncontaminated PPE ⇒  YELLOW BUCKET 
mitoMYcin ophthalmic (Mitosol) If > 3% by weight of drug remains ⇒  BLACK BUCKET 
Trace amounts/uncontaminated PPE ⇒  YELLOW BUCKET 
mitoXANTRONE (Novantrone) If > 3% by weight of drug remains ⇒  BLACK BUCKET 
Trace amounts/uncontaminated PPE ⇒  YELLOW BUCKET 
mometasone (Asmanex) Inhaler canister ⇒  BLACK BUCKET 
multivitamin (Multi-Delyn) Contains Chromium ⇒  BLACK BUCKET 
multivitamin with iron (Niferex-150 Forte) Contains Chromium ⇒  BLACK BUCKET 
mupirocin topical (Bactroban) Hazardous Waste ⇒  BLACK BUCKET 
Mutamycin - see mitoMYcin
N generic (Brand) Waste requirements
Navelbine - see vinORELBine
Neo-Synephrine - see phenylephrine nasal
NexAVAR - see SORAfenib
nicotine (Nicoderm) All patches and patch packaging ⇒  BLACK BUCKET 
Niferex-150 Forte - see multivitamin with iron
Nipent - see pentostatin
Nipride - see nitroprusside
nitroglycerin (Nitro-Bid) All patches and patch packaging, spray canisters ⇒  BLACK BUCKET 
nitroprusside (Nipride) Hazardous Waste ⇒  BLACK BUCKET 
Noctec - see chloral hydrate
Nolvadex - see tamoxifen
Novantrone - see mitoXANTRONE
NovoLIN 70/30 - see insulin isophane-insulin regular
NovoLIN N - see insulin isophane
NovoLIN R - see insulin regular
NovoLOG - see insulin aspart
O generic (Brand) Waste requirements
octreotide (SandoSTATIN LAR Depot) Kit ⇒  BLACK BUCKET 
olodaterol (Striverdi Respimat) Inhaler canister ⇒  BLACK BUCKET 
olodaterol-tiotropium (Stiolto Respimat) Inhaler canister ⇒  BLACK BUCKET 
onabotulinumtoxinA (Botox) Hazardous Waste ⇒  BLACK BUCKET 
Oncovin - see vinCRIStine
OXALIplatin (Eloxatin) If > 3% by weight of drug remains ⇒  BLACK BUCKET 
Trace amounts/uncontaminated PPE ⇒  YELLOW BUCKET 
Oxipor VHC - see coal tar topical
P generic (Brand) Waste requirements
PACLitaxel (Taxol) Contains alcohol ⇒  BLACK BUCKET 
PACLitaxel protein-bound (Abraxane) If > 3% by weight of drug remains ⇒  BLACK BUCKET 
Trace amounts/uncontaminated PPE ⇒  YELLOW BUCKET 
Paraplatin - see CARBOplatin
paricalcitol (Zemplar) Hazardous Waste ⇒  BLACK BUCKET 
PEMEtrexed (Alimta) If > 3% by weight of drug remains ⇒  BLACK BUCKET 
Trace amounts/uncontaminated PPE ⇒  YELLOW BUCKET 
pentostatin (Nipent) If > 3% by weight of drug remains ⇒  BLACK BUCKET 
Trace amounts/uncontaminated PPE ⇒  YELLOW BUCKET 
Peridex - see chlorhexidine topical
Perjeta - see pertuzumab
permethrin topical (Elimite) Hazardous Waste ⇒  BLACK BUCKET 
pertuzumab (Perjeta) If > 3% by weight of drug remains ⇒  BLACK BUCKET 
Trace amounts/uncontaminated PPE ⇒  YELLOW BUCKET 
phenylephrine nasal (Neo-Synephrine) Spray ⇒  BLACK BUCKET 
phenytoin (Dilantin) Injection ⇒  BLACK BUCKET 
physostigmine (Eserine) All vials, IV's, and other containers ⇒  BLACK BUCKET 
Platinol - see CISplatin
predniSONE (Deltasone) Solutions containing alcohol ⇒  BLACK BUCKET 
ProAir HFA - see albuterol
procarbazine (Matulane) If > 3% by weight of drug remains ⇒  BLACK BUCKET 
Trace amounts/uncontaminated PPE ⇒  YELLOW BUCKET 
Proleukin - see aldesleukin
Purinthol - see mercaptopurine
Q generic (Brand) Waste requirements
Qnasl - see beclomethasone nasal
QVAR - see beclomethasone
R generic (Brand) Waste requirements
ramucirumab (Cyramza) If > 3% by weight of drug remains ⇒  BLACK BUCKET 
Trace amounts/uncontaminated PPE ⇒  YELLOW BUCKET 
raNITIdine (Zantac) Solution contains alcohol ⇒  BLACK BUCKET 
Relistor - see methylnaltrexone
riTUXimab (Rituxan) If > 3% by weight of drug remains ⇒  BLACK BUCKET 
Trace amounts/uncontaminated PPE ⇒  YELLOW BUCKET 
S generic (Brand) Waste requirements
salicylic acid-sulfur topical (Sebex, Sebutex) Hazardous Waste ⇒  BLACK BUCKET 
salmeterol (Serevent) Inhaler canister ⇒  BLACK BUCKET 
SandIMMUNE - see cycloSPORINE
SandoSTATIN LAR Depot - see octreotide
Sebutex - see salicylic acid-sulfur topical
selenium Contains selenium ⇒  BLACK BUCKET 
selenium sulfide topical (Selsun) Contains selenium ⇒  BLACK BUCKET 
Serevent - see salmeterol
sevoflurane (Ultane) Hazardous Waste ⇒  BLACK BUCKET 
silver nitrate topical (Silver Nitrate) Contains silver ⇒  BLACK BUCKET 
silver sulfADIAZINE topical (Silvadene) Contains silver ⇒  BLACK BUCKET 
SORAfenib (NexAVAR) If > 3% by weight of drug remains ⇒  BLACK BUCKET 
Trace amounts/uncontaminated PPE ⇒  YELLOW BUCKET 
Spiriva - see tiotropium
Stiolto Respimat - see olodaterol-tiotropium
streptozocin (Zanosar) If > 3% by weight of drug remains ⇒  BLACK BUCKET 
Trace amounts/uncontaminated PPE ⇒  YELLOW BUCKET 
Striverdi Respimat - see olodaterol
SUNItinib (Sutent) If > 3% by weight of drug remains ⇒  BLACK BUCKET 
Trace amounts/uncontaminated PPE ⇒  YELLOW BUCKET 
Suprane - see desflurane
Symbicort - see budesonide-formoterol
T generic (Brand) Waste requirements
tamoxifen (Nolvadex) If > 3% by weight of drug remains ⇒  BLACK BUCKET 
Trace amounts/uncontaminated PPE ⇒  YELLOW BUCKET 
Tarceva - see erlotinib
Taxol - see PACLitaxel
Taxotere - see DOCEtaxel
teriparatide (Forteo) Injection ⇒  BLACK BUCKET 
tetanus toxoid (Tetanus Toxoid Adsorbed) Mercury preservative ⇒  BLACK BUCKET 
tiotropium (Spiriva) Inhaler canister ⇒  BLACK BUCKET 
Toposar - see etoposide
topotecan (Hycamtin) If > 3% by weight of drug remains ⇒  BLACK BUCKET 
Trace amounts/uncontaminated PPE ⇒  YELLOW BUCKET 
Toujeo - see insulin glargine
trastuzumab (Herceptin) If > 3% by weight of drug remains ⇒  BLACK BUCKET 
Trace amounts/uncontaminated PPE ⇒  YELLOW BUCKET 
Treanda - see bendamustine
Tresiba - see insulin degludec
Trexall - see methotrexate
trifluridine ophthalmic (Viroptic) Mercury preservative ⇒  BLACK BUCKET 
Trisenox - see arsenic trioxide
Tudorza Pressair - see aclidinium
Tykerb - see lapatinib
U generic (Brand) Waste requirements
Ultane - see sevoflurane
V generic (Brand) Waste requirements
Velban - see vinBLAStine
Velcade - see bortezomib
VePesid - see etoposide
Vidaza - see azaCITIDine
vinBLAStine (Velban) If > 3% by weight of drug remains ⇒  BLACK BUCKET 
Trace amounts/uncontaminated PPE ⇒  YELLOW BUCKET 
vinCRIStine (Oncovin) If > 3% by weight of drug remains ⇒  BLACK BUCKET 
Trace amounts/uncontaminated PPE ⇒  YELLOW BUCKET 
vinORELBine (Navelbine) If > 3% by weight of drug remains ⇒  BLACK BUCKET 
Trace amounts/uncontaminated PPE ⇒  YELLOW BUCKET 
Viroptic - see trifluridine ophthalmic
Voltaren Gel - see diclofenac topical
VP-16 - see etoposide
W generic (Brand) Waste requirements
warfarin (Coumadin) All tablets and packaging ⇒  BLACK BUCKET 
X generic (Brand) Waste requirements
Xeloda - see capecitabine
Xopenex - see levalbuterol
Y generic (Brand) Waste requirements
Yervoy - see ipilimumab
Z generic (Brand) Waste requirements
Zaltrap - see ziv-aflibercept
Zanosar - see streptozocin
Zantac - see raNITIdine
Zemplar - see paricalcitol
Zetonna - see ciclesonide nasal
ziv-aflibercept (Zaltrap) If > 3% by weight of drug remains ⇒  BLACK BUCKET 
Trace amounts/uncontaminated PPE ⇒  YELLOW BUCKET 
Zoladex - see goserelin
last updated: 04/19/2020

Pharmacy Contact Info:

Main Inpatient Pharmacy: ext 4599, 3503
Fax: 704-878-7283

Director of Pharmacy - Randi Raynor, PharmD: ext 4501
Clinical Coordinator - Laura Rollings, PharmD: ext 4597
Pharmacy Informaticist - Stephen Pringle, PharmD: ext 7645
Pharmacy Technician Supervisor - Amy Wingler, CPhT: ext 7385
Pharmacy Automation Coordinator (Omnicell) - Melissa Fulford, CPhT: ext 3556

This site is intended for the staff of Iredell Memorial Hospital.
While others may view accessible pages, Iredell Memorial Hospital makes no warranty, express or implied,
as to the use of this information outside of Iredell Memorial Hospital.
The content of this policy and procedure document serves as guidance to the delivery of quality patient care.
Care providers are expected to exercise critical thinking and situational awareness skills,
and in specific situations to take such action as is necessary for the delivery of quality patient care.