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Approved Hospital Formulary
ISMP Newsletters - 2021
 Acute Care Newsletter
Community/Ambulatory Newsletter NurseERR Newsletter

January 14 - Vol. 26 Issue. 1
"Learning from errors with the new COVID-19 vaccines" 

January 28 - Vol. 26 Issue. 2
"Start the year off right by preventing these Top 10 Medicaiton Errors and Hazards from 2020"

February 11 - Vol. 26 Issue. 3
"Updated guidance needed for longstanding LVP labeling and packaging problems"

February 25 - Vol. 26 Issue. 4
"A recurring call to action: Every healthcare organization needs a Medication Safety Officer!"

March 11 - Vol. 26 Issue. 5
"Analysis of transdermal medication patch errors uncovers a "patchwork" of safety challenges"

March 25 - Vol. 26 Issue. 6
"Should FDA reconsider allowing the pooling of COVID-19 vaccine doses to obtain additional doses?"

April 8 - Vol. 26 Issue. 7
"Additional strategies to improve complete delivery of small-volume intermittent infusions"

April 22 - Vol. 26 Issue. 8
"Any new process poses a risk for errors: Learning from 4 months of COVID-19 vaccinations"

May 6 - Vol. 26 Issue. 9
"More can be done to alleviate errors associated with pharmaceutical product labeling and packaging"

May 20 - Vol. 26 Issue. 10
"Just Culture, medication error prevention, and second victim support needed in nursing curriculum"

June 3 - Vol. 26 Issue. 11
"Administration of concentrated potassium chloride for injection during a code: Still deadly!"

June 17 - Vol. 26 Issue. 12
"Identifying color additives in regulated drug products"

July 1 - Vol. 26 Issue. 13
"Leaving a discontinued fentaNYL infusion attached to the patient leads to a tragic error"

July 15 - Vol. 26 Issue. 14
Screening for dihydropyrimidine dehydrogenase (DPD) deficiency in fluorouracil patients: Why not?

July 29 - Vol. 26 Issue. 15
"Safety committees need to proactively address the risk of accidental cerebral injection of IV drugs"

August 12 - Vol. 26 Issue. 16
"TN Board of Nursing's unjust decision to revoke a nurse's license: Travesty on top of tragedy!"

August 26 - Vol. 26 Issue. 17
"Pump up the volume: Tips for increasing error reporting and decreasing patient harm"

September 9 - Vol. 26 Issue. 18
"Disrespectful behavior in healthcare: Has it improved? Please take our survey!

September 23 - Vol. 26 Issue. 19
"Pharmacists’ and nurses’ role in antimicrobial stewardship, antimicrobial resistance, and sepsis care"

October 7 - Vol. 26 Issue. 20
"Mix-ups between the influenza (flu) vaccine and COVID-19 vaccines"

October 21 - Vol. 26 Issue. 21
"Challenges with requiring five characters during ADC drug searches via override"

November 4 - Vol. 26 Issue. 22
"Prevent errors during emergency use of hypertonic sodium chloride solutions"

November 18 - Vol. 26 Issue. 23
"Multiple error pathways with the monoclonal antibodies, casirivimab and imdevimab"

December 2 - Vol. 26 Issue. 24
"Adverse glycemic events and critical emergencies"

December 16 - Vol. 26 Issue. 25
"ISMP 24th Annual Cheers Awards"

January - Vol 20. Issue 1
"Learnings from errors with the new COVID-19 vaccines"

February - Vol 20. Issue 2
"Excuse me, I think there is an error with my prescription. Practioners should respond with empathy and honesty"

March - Vol 20. Issue 3
"Analysis of transdermal medication patch errors uncovers a "patchwork" of safety challenges"

April - Vol 20. Issue 4
"Analysis of transdermal medication patch errors uncovers a "patchwork" of safety challenges"

May - Vol 20. Issue 5
"Persistent safety hazards that all community and ambulatory care safety programs should address"

June - Vol 20. Issue 6
"Identifying color additives in regulated drug products"

July - Vol 20. Issue 7
"Screening for dihydropyrimidine dehydrogenase (DPD) deficiency in fluorouracil patients: Why not?"

August - Vol 20. Issue 8
"Ensuring the safe use of automated dispensing technology: We need your input!"

September - Vol 20. Issue 9
"High-Alert Medication List…only effective when combined with risk-reduction strategies"

October - Vol 20. Issue 10
"Mix-ups between the influenza (flu) vaccines and COVID-19 vaccines"

November - Vol 20. Issue 11
"Prevent age-related mix-ups of the COVID-19 vaccines"

December - Vol 20. Issue 12
"Pump up the volume: Tips for increasing error reporting and decreasing patient harm"

January - Vol. 20 Issue. 1

"Prevent shoulder injuries during intramuscular COVID-19 vaccinations"

February - Vol. 20 Issue. 2

"Learning from errors with the new COVID-19 vaccines"

March - Vol. 20 Issue. 3

"The differences between human error, at-risk behavior, and reckless behavior are key to a Just Culture"

April - Vol. 20 Issue. 4

"A recurring call to action: Every healthcare organization needs a Medication Safety Officer!"

May - Vol. 20 Issue. 5

"Analysis of transdermal medication patch errors uncovers a "patchwork" of safety challenges. 

June - Vol. 20 Issue. 6

"Just Culture, medication error prevention, and second victim support essential in nursing curriculum"

July - Vol. 20 Issue. 7

"Administration of concentrated potassium chloride for injection during a code: Still deadly!"

August - Vol. 20 Issue. 8

"TN Board of Nursing’s unjust decision to revoke nurse’s license: Travesty on top of tragedy!"

September - Vol. 20 Issue. 9

"Infection transmission risk with shared glucometers, fingerstick devices, and insulin pen"

October - Vol. 20 Issue. 10

"Disrespectful behavior in healthcare: Has it improved? Please take our survey!"

November - Vol. 20 Issue. 11

"Safety committees need to proactively address the risk of accidental cerebral injection of IV drugs"

December - Vol. 20 Issue. 12

"Multiple error pathways with the monoclonal
antibodies, casirivimab and imdevimab"

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