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Approved Hospital Formulary
ISMP Newsletters - 2020
 Acute Care Newsletter
Community/Ambulatory Newsletter NurseERR Newsletter

January 16 - Vol. 25 Issue. 1
"Start the New Year off right by preventing these Top 10 Medication Error and Hazards"

January 30 - Vol. 25 Issue. 2
"Medical abbreviations that have contradictory or ambiguous meanings"

February 13 - Vol. 25 Issue. 3
"Errors associated with oxytocin use: A multi-organization analysis by ISMP and ISMP Canada"

February 27 - Vol. 25 Issue. 4
"Two new Best Practices in the 2020-2021 Targeted Medication Safety Best Practices for Hospitals"

March 12 - Vol. 25 Issue. 5
"Do you know what doses are being programmed in the OR?"

March 26 - Vol. 25 Issue. 6
"Revisiting the need for MDI common canister protocols during the COVID-19 pandemic"

April 3 - Vol. 25 Issue. 6 (supplement)
"Clinical experiences keeping infusion pumps outside the room for COVID-19 patients"

April 9 - Vol. 25 Issue. 7
"Planning for anticipated shortage of smart infusion pumps and dedicated administration sets"

April 16 - Vol. 25 Issue. 7 (supplement)
"Considerations for ADC usage during COVID-19"

April 23 - Vol. 25 Issue. 8
"Error-prone dose expression on label of unapproved drug, ascorbic acid, from Mylan"

May 1 - Vol. 25 Issue.8 (supplement)
"Leadership support is vital: If we fail to support caregivers, there will be few left to support care"

May 7 - Vol. 25 Issue. 9
"Incorrect use of smart infusion pump in the OR leads to milrinone overdose"

May 14 - Vol. 25 Issue.9 (supplement)
"COVID-19-related medication errors"

May 21 - Vol. 25 Issue. 10
"Subtherapeutic heparin infusions: Is your organization at risk of bypassing soft low-dose alerts?"

June 4 - Vol. 25 Issue. 11
"Education is “predictably disappointing” and should never be relied upon alone to improve safety"

June 18 - Vol. 25 Issue. 12
"The differences between human error, at-risk behavior, and reckless behavior are key to a Just Culture"

July 2 - Vol. 25 Issue. 13
"Inappropriate fentaNYL patch prescriptions at discharge for opioid-naïve, elderly patients"

July 16 - Vol. 25 Issue. 14
"NRFit: A global “fit” for neuraxial medication safety"

July 30 - Vol. 25 Issue. 15
"Survey shows room for improvement with two new ISMP Targeted Medication Safety Best Practices"

August 13 - Vol. 25 Issue. 16
"CSP accuracy and error prevention should be both a leadership and regulatory mandate"

August 27 - Vol. 25 Issue. 17
"During the pandemic, aspire to identify and prevent medication errors and to avoid blaming attitudes"

September 10 - Vol. 25 Issue. 18
"Reported medication errors with Veklury (remdesivir) Emergency Use Authorization"

September 24 - Vol. 25 Issue. 19
"Analysis of paramedicine medication errors uncovers challenges and opportunities for improvement"

October 8  - Vol. 25 Issue. 20
"Safety investigations from across the pond: Deep learning from England’s HSIB"

October 22 - Vol 25 Issue 21
"ISMP survey provides insights into pharmacy sterile compounding systems and practices"

November 5 - Vol. 25 Issue. 22
"ISMP survey provides insights into preparation and admixture practices OUTSIDE the pharmacy"

November 19 - Vol. 25 Issue. 23
"Learning from influenza vaccine errors to prepare for COVID-19 vaccination campaigns"

December 17 - Vol. 25 Issue. 23
"Building Bridges to Safety: ISMP 23rd Annual Cheers Awards"

January 2020 - Vol. 19 Issue. 1

"Speaking up about patient safety requires an observant questioner and a high index of suspicion" 

February 2020 - Vol. 19 Issue. 2

"Address these three medication hazards to jump start your safety program"

March 2020 - Vol. 19 Issue. 3

"Limit use and protect supplies of unproven but widely prescribed COVID-19 treatment"

April 2020 - Vol. 19 Issue. 4

"Patient taking hydroxychloroquine right after discontinuing azithromycin develops QTc prolongation and cardiac arrest"

May 2020 - Vol. 19 Issue. 5

"Leadership support is vital: If we fail to support caregivers, there will be few left to support care"

June 2020 - Vol. 19 Issue. 6

"Education is "predictable disappointing" and should never be relied upon alone to improve safety"

July 2020 - Vol. 19 Issue. 7

"Good intention, uncertain outcome....Our take on physician dispensing in offices and clinics"

August 2020 - Vol. 19 Issue. 8

"Inappropriate fentaNYL patch prescriptions for opioid-naive, elderly patients"

September 2020 - Vol. 19 Issue. 9

"A lot happens when you report a hazard or error to ISMP - there's no "black hole" here!"

October 2020 - Vol. 19 Issue. 10

"The differences between human error, at-risk behavior, and reckless behavior are key to a Just Culture"

November 2020 - Vol. 19 Issue. 11

"Learning from influenza vaccine errors to prepare for COVID-19 vaccination campaigns"

December 2020 - Vol. 19 Issue. 12

"Prevent shoulder injuries during COVID-19 and other intramuscular vaccinations"

January 2020 - Vol. 18 Issue. 1

"A lot happens when you report a hazard or error to ISMP - there's no "black hole" here!"

February 2020 - Vol. 18 Issue. 2

"Errors associated with oxytocin use: A multi-organization analysis by ISMP and ISMP Canada"

March 2020 - Vol. 18 Issue. 3

"Revisiting the need for MDI common canister protocols during the COVID-19 pandemic"

April 2020 - Vol. 18 Issue. 4

"Clinical experiences keeping infusion pumps outside the room for COVID-19 patients"

May 2020 - Vol. 18 Issue. 5

"Leadership support is vital: If we fail to support caregivers, there will be few left to support care"

June 2020 - Vol. 18 Issue. 6

"COVID-19-related medication errors"

July 2020 - Vol. 18 Issue. 7

"Education is “predictably disappointing” and should never be relied upon alone to improve safety"

August 2020 - Vol. 18 Issue. 8

"NRFit: A global “fit” for neuraxial medication safety"

September 2020 - Vol. 18 Issue. 9

"During the pandemic, aspire to identify and prevent medication errors and to avoid blaming attitudes"

October 2020 - Vol. 18 Issue. 10

"Subtherapeutic heparin infusions: Is your organization at risk of bypassing soft low-dose alerts?"

November 2020 - Vol. 18 Issue. 11

"ISMP survey provides insights into preparation and admixture practices OUTSIDE the pharmacy"

December 2020 - Vol. 18 Issue. 12

"Need for standardizing critical care drug infusions has never been greater"


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