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Approved Hospital Formulary
ISMP Newsletters - 2019
Acute Care Newsletters
NurseERR Newsletter

January 17 - Vol. 24 Issue. 1
"Safety enhancements every hospital must consider in wake of another tragic neuromuscular blocker event."

January 31 - Vol. 24. Issue 2
"Highlights from a study of residents’ electronic medication prescribing errors"

February 14 - Vol. 24 Issue 3
"Another round of the blame game: A paralyzing criminal indictment that recklessly “overrides” Just Culture"

February 28 - Vol. 24. Issue 4
"Your attention please… Designing effective warnings"

March 14 - Vol. 24. Issue 5
"ISMP calls on FDA— No more syringes for vinca alkaloids!"

March 28 - Vol 24. Issue 6
"QuarterWatch™ Focus on three psychoactive drugs: gabapentin, pregabalin, and pimavanserin"

April 11 - Vol 24. Issue 7
"ISMP celebrates your contribution to our success during our 25th anniversary"

April 25 - Vol. 24. Issue 8
"What’s in a name? Newborn naming conventions and wrong-patient errors"

May 9 - Vol. 24. Issue 9
"As approval of medical cannabis spreads state by state, product labeling improvements are a must"

May 23 - Vol. 24. Issue 10
"Dangerous wrong-route errors with tranexamic acid—a major cause for concern"

June 6 - Vol. 24. Issue 11
"Independent double checks: Worth the effort if used judiciously and properly"

June 20 - Vol. 24. Issue 12
"ISMP Call to Action: Resist the land of Not Yet and distribute FREE NurseAdviseERR® to all nurses"

July 4 - Vol. 24. Issue 13
"Too close for comfort: Fatal zinc overdose narrowly avoided"

July 18 - Vol. 24. Issue 14
"New recommendations to improve drug allergy capture and clinical decision support"

August 1 - Vol. 24. Issue 15
"Partnering with families and patient adovcates: another line of defense in adverse event surveillance"

August 15 - Vol. 24. Issue 16
"QuarterWatchTM Focus on four new drugs: Xofluza, Aimovig, Ajovy, and Emgality" 

August 29 - Vol 24. Issue 17
"IV push Gap Analysis Tool (GAT) helps uncover national priorities for safe injection practices"  

September 12 - Vol 24. Issue 18
"SPEAK UP for Medication Safety: September 17, 2019 The first World Health Organization World Patient Safety Day"

September 26 - Vol 24. Issue 19
"Published review of independent double checks shouldn't dissuade providers from using them judiciously"

October 10 - Vol 24. Issue 20
"Speaking up about patient safety requires an observant questioner and a high index of suspicion"

October 24 - Vol 24. Issue 21
"Over-the-top risky: Overuse of ADC overrides, removal of drugs without an order, and use of non-profiled cabinets"

November 7 - Vol 24. Issue 22
"A lot happens when you report a hazard or error to ISMP—there’s no “black hole” here!"

November 21 - Vol 24. Issue 23
"What's in a name? Survey finds wide variety of error-prone newborn naming conventions in use today"

December 5 - Vol 24. Issue 24
"Methotrexate errors, trends among addictive drugs, and underreporting of serious events"


July 2019 - Vol. 17 Issue. 7

"Common missteps with medication safety: Rolling a single dice, ineffective strategies, and unexecuted action plans"

August 2019 - Vol. 17 Issue 8

"Call to Action: Longstanding strategies to prevent accidental daily methotrexate dosing must be implemented."

September 2019 - Vol 17. Issue 9

"IV push Gap Analysis Tool (GAT) helps uncover national priorities for safe injection practices."

October 2019 - Vol 17. Issue 10

"Published review of independent double checks shouldn’t dissuade providers from using them judiciously"

November 2019 - Vol 17. Issue 11

"Speaking up about patient safety requires an observant questioner and a high index of suspicion"


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