Approved Hospital Formulary
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Please refer to Epic and your local pharmacy for available medications.

Approved Hospital Formulary
ISMP NurseERR Newsletter - 2024

January - Vol. 22 Issue 1
"Ensuring competency and safety when onboarding newly hired professional staff–Part I"

February - Vol. 22 Issue 2
"The role of simulation when onboarding healthcare professionals—Part II"

March - Vol. 22 Issue 3
"Microlearning—Bringing bite-sized heparin education to nursing units"

April - Vol. 22 Issue 4
"Patient death tied to lack of proper escalation process for barcode scanning failures"

May - Vol. 22 Issue 5
"Minimizing distractions and interruptions during medication safety tasks"

June - Vol. 22 Issue 6
"Recent look-alike errors with Myxredlin put patients at risk"

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