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Approved Hospital Formulary
ISMP Acute Care Newsletters - 2024

January 11 - Vol. 29 Issue. 1
"High-alert medication list for acute care settings updated for 2024"

January 25 - Vol. 29 Issue. 2
"Be wary of controlled and non-controlled medication replicas sold online"

February 8 - Vol. 29 Issue. 3
"The dark side—Safety issues when protecting medications from light"

February 22 - Vol. 29 Issue. 4
"Three new Best Practices in the 2024-2025 Targeted Medication Safety Best Practices for Hospitals"

March 7 - Vol. 29 Issue. 5
"Drug diversion prevention beyond controlled substance medications"

March 21 - Vol. 29 Issue. 6
"Implement strategies to prevent persistent medication errors and hazards: 2024"

April 4 - Vol. 29 Issue. 7
"Guardians of grafts: Reducing medication errors in transplant recipients"

April 18 - Vol. 29 Issue. 8
"Patient death after inadvertent infusion of PRN medication hanging on bedside IV pole"

May 2 - Vol. 29 Issue. 9
"Utilizing pharmacogenomic testing can improve medication safety and prevent harm"

May 16 - Vol. 29 Issue. 10
"ISMP urges increased action at the practice level to halt the growing danger of counterfeit drugs"

May 30 - Vol. 29 Issue. 11
"Call to action: Standardization and smarter logic needed to prevent drug name selection errors"

June 13 - Vol. 29 Issue. 12
"Survey shows room for improvement with three new Best Practices for hospitals"

June 27 - Vol. 29 Issue. 13                                                          "Total systems safety supports practitioners in partnering with families to protect patients"

July 11 - Vol. 29 Issue. 14
"Cultivate discussions in a psychologically safe workplace-Part I"

July 25 - Vol. 29 Issue. 15
"Cultivate discussions in a psychologically safe workplace-Part II"

August 8 - Vol. 29 Issue. 16
"Use barcode scanning to prevent errors with enteral nutrition feedings"

August 22 - Vol. 29 Issue. 17
"Can we ensure medication safety with the use of speech recognition software?"


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