Medications not yet evaluated by P&T are considered NON-FORMULARY . . . . . Always check 2 unique patient identifiers - NAME and DATE OF BIRTH - at every step! . . . . . Please be sure to document all clinical activities daily.
P & T Update Memo December 2015

Following is a P and T Committee update (from the December 15th meeting). Starting date for specific programs is 21 Dec 2015, unless otherwise noted. Please let me know if you have any questions or comments. Don’t forget to check the “New Drug Monitoring Spotlight” section of the website, which provides important monitoring information about newly approved drugs. Also, attached is the updated version of the “Not Stocked, Not Ordered” drug list with the new additions highlighted in red. 

Below is the memo with links to the drug monographs, protocols, and formulary documents. Click to access the full P&T packet for this month, or here to access the P&T packet archive.

Drug or Drug Class

Formulary Decision


aripiprazole lauroxil (Aristada)

Non-formulary, not stocked.


Therapeutic Interchange Approved.

Interchange dosages of 441 mg and 662 mg to Abilify Maintena 300 mg and 400 mg respectively (use required protocol).

If Aristada 882 mg ordered, contact MD to discuss use of 400 mg Abilify Maintena +/- oral supplementation or suggest deferring to outpatient setting.

brexpiprazole (Rexulti)

Non-formulary, not stocked.

Therapeutic Interchange Approved.
Interchange to ARIPiprazole oral tablets at an equivalent dose.
cholic acid (Cholbam) Non-formulary, not stocked.

Supplied by specialty pharmacy directly to patient.

Patient to use own supply if needed.

Defer initiation to the outpatient setting.

cloNIDine extended release (Kapvay)

Non-formulary, not stocked.


Therapeutic Interchange Approved for Adults.

Patient may use home supply.

If home supply not available:

In adults, interchange to generic immediate release cloNIDine 0.1 mg tablets with total daily dose divided BID or QID.

In pediatrics, contact MD to discuss use of immediate release clonidine or other options.
alemtuzumab (Lemtrada) Non-formulary, not stocked.

Supplied by specialty pharmacy.

Defer initiation to outpatient therapy, involves strict REMS.

dalbavancin (Dalvance) Update

Reclassified as Non-formulary, not stocked.

Therapeutic Interchange Approved.

Interchange to oritivancin.

Oritivancin restrictions apply (Outpatient and ID).

cephalosporin Formulary Update

cefTAZidime: Restricted to use in HD and PD patients or no substitution.

Ceftizoxime: Reclassified as non-formulary, not stocked.

cefTAZidime is currently approved to be automatically interchanged to cefepime.

Use is restricted to patients undergoing dialysis or if prescriber specifies no substitution.

Ceftizoxime is no longer available in the United States.

tipiracil-trifluridine (Lonsurf)

Non-formulary, not stocked. Supplied by specialty pharmacy directly to patient. Patient to use own supply if needed.  Defer initiation to outpatient therapy.
mercaptopurine suspension (Purixan) Non-formulary, not stocked.

Defer initiation to the outpatient setting.

Patient may use own supply during hospitalization. Rare use expected.

deoxycholic acid (Kybella) Non-formulary, not stocked.

Supplied by specialty pharmacy. For cosmetic procedures.

Defer use to the outpatient setting.

T-2 Diagonostic Update Automatic Initiation of Antifungal Therapy Updated & Approved. If T-2 result is positive, the AMT pharmacist will automatically begin micafungin therapy.













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