Medications not yet evaluated by P&T are considered NON-FORMULARY . . . . . Always check 2 unique patient identifiers - NAME and DATE OF BIRTH - at every step! . . . . . Please be sure to document all clinical activities daily.
Helen Keller Pharmacy

Phone strip 

Helen Keller Hospital Pharmacy

Useful Links

HK Intranet



Clinical Pharmacology

HK Docushare

Pyxis ES


King Guide


Chrome bookmarks file



Cerner Training Documents

HH PKS Information Aminoglycoside Daily Dosing Calculator

Keller Registration Contacts:

  • Nan Stokes 256-386-4429
  • Haley Briggs 256-386-4117
Cerner In-services

R1: Order Verification review and refresher: Watch Video here, or from Keller Drive under CERNER -> Training -> Training Videos

(handout), (script)


R2: Vancomycin Consults review and Transitions of care (TOC) for verifying pharmacists: Watch Video here, or from Keller Drive under CERNER -> Training -> Training Videos

Vancomycin slides: Part 1, Part 2

(TOC competency checkoff), (TOC script)

R3: Cerner Pediatric practice problem review and Obstetrics Q&A: Watch Video here, or from Keller Drive under CERNER -> Training -> Training Videos

Peds practice problems

Peds practice Q&A with Patrick/Joseph

R4: Heparin gtt verification, Vancomycin obesity review and iView, Medications Flowsheet, Favorited PowerPlans, Discontinuing Drips: Watch Video here, or from Keller Drive under CERNER -> Training -> Training Videos







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