Medications not yet evaluated by P&T are considered NON-FORMULARY . . . . . Always check 2 unique patient identifiers - NAME and DATE OF BIRTH - at every step! . . . . . Please be sure to document all clinical activities daily.
Pharmacy Residency

Huntsville Hospital Pharmacy Residency Program

PGY1 Residents

Leah Franks

Sarah Gatewood

Madison Pinke

Emma Pride

Grace Rooks

Tannah Shadwick

PGY2 Residents

Samantha Lightle (oncology)

Evan Lawson (ID)

Trish Elder (CC)

Evan Hardbeck (CC)

General Information

Learning Experience Schedule

Meet the Residents (current & archived)

Huntsville Recommendations

Resident Phone Numbers

Master Residency Schedule

Follow us on Instagram! @hhrxresidency

Residency Preceptor Advisory Committee (RePAC)

Longitudinal Requirements

Residency & Resiliency

Project Timeline

Committee Information

RePAC Forms


IRC Forms

Journal Club

Case Presentation


Resident Recognition Submission Form !!

Employee Counseling (formerly EAP)

  • One-hour, confidential, sessions available
  • Focus: identify problems, offer brief counseling, and/or coordinate referrals
  • For appt: call 5-2600 or email





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Please note than many documents are accessible via the provided link
only when connected to the Huntsville Hospital intranet.