Medications not yet evaluated by P&T are considered NON-FORMULARY . . . . . Always check 2 unique patient identifiers - NAME and DATE OF BIRTH - at every step! . . . . . Please be sure to document all clinical activities daily.










Pharmacy Deployment Documents Link

Main UB Mon-Thurs

Main UB Friday

Main UB Weekend/Holiday


HUDDLES & “Closing-the-Loop” Link

Important Announcements

(Emails, Backorders, Policy Updates, Newsletter Articles etc. )




[to be updated weekly]





PKS/NSS Resources

Centralized Areas

Guidelines and Policies







Central Pharmacy


Pharmacy Sterile Products

Opioid Stewardship Resources

Anticoagulant/Blood Factor Resources

Miscellaneous Charts and Tip Sheets


ACLS Resources

AMT Resources

Ancillary Areas

·       AMT Formweb page

·       Renal Adjustment Policy (Includes CRRT/HD)

·       Antimicrobial Classes and Coverage

·       Antibiotics in Procedure


Transitions of Care





  • Oncology/Chemotherapy FormWeb Page
  • Oral chemo/hormonal therapy tip sheet
  • After hours chemo verification tip sheet


Staff policies

Training Resources/Checklists

HRO/Joint Commission














**Where would TOC documents live? Is it possible that they could update one link and it update on our page? I don’t think we can ask them to update in multiple places (same with ONC and ID??)

**Is this too busy?? Let AMT and ONC jus have their own pages so we don’t need that stuff on here

**Can P&T, TJC, HRO, PharmIT stuff live somewhere else??

**How to further break up the “miscellaneous” section?

**Needs formatting and links once we decide what all needs to live here. Poll a few more pharmacists?


Contact info collected for MD, CRNPs, PA??

Collection of random cerner tips joseph has emailed out?? (hiding old powerplans under orders, IV access, I&O, t-sub order review powerpoint, BCMA scanning)

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While others may view accessible pages, Huntsville Hospital makes no warranty, express or implied,
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Please note than many documents are accessible via the provided link
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