Medications not yet evaluated by P&T are considered NON-FORMULARY . . . . . Always check 2 unique patient identifiers - NAME and DATE OF BIRTH - at every step! . . . . . Please be sure to document all clinical activities daily.
TOC Huddle Information

CONFERENCE CALL NUMBER: (725)735-9462 (no access code needed)

Good Morning!

As was mentioned in huddle this week, TOC discharge pharmacists will be encouraged to call into the daily 5th floor huddle instead of our TOC specific huddle.  This will be implemented on Monday, April 12th.

This change was made in an effort to optimize the time that our pharmacists are spending in huddles and to increase engagement during these huddles.  Many of our pharmacists are already calling in the UB Huddle to stay up-to-date on information presented there, so this will consolidate the number of huddles they are attending per week and improve communication between the pharmacist groups in our department.   

TOC will still host their own huddle but it would primarily focus on shift hand-offs and admission issues, so it is not as advantageous for our discharge pharmacists to attend.  However, we will encourage the pharmacists working admissions shifts that day to attend the TOC specific huddles.  Additionally, we will be adjusting the time of the TOC specific huddles so that they are always at 1345 each day.  This will ensure that the second shift admissions pharmacist can be present for each huddle, and it will prevent any confusion about huddle times. 

Please see the table below that more clearly outlines these huddle changes.  I will be adjusting the calendar invites for our entire group (though the call in number will be the same), so be on the lookout for those updates.  Though attending huddles per the template below is encouraged, please continue to attend any of the huddles you feel are most beneficial for you and the job you are performing. 



Information Discussed

Call In Information

·         TOC Discharge Pharmacists

·         UB Pharmacists

·         Clinical Specialists

·         Pharmacy Administration as necessary


Everyday @ 1300

Pharmacist specific information and safety information

(Information presented will be for the verifying pharmacist, clinical specialists, and there will be opportunity for TOC to relay any pertinent information to each other and to the rest of the pharmacy group)


(no access code needed)

·         TOC Pharmacy Support (LPNs, CPhTs, Etc.)

·         Assigned AM and PM Admissions Pharmacists

·         Pharmacy Administration as necessary

Everyday @ 1345

Admission specific information and safety information including shift hand off, review of the patient task list, and any other admission issues for that day


(no access code needed)

We hope these changes will be beneficial to all, but as always, we appreciate any feedback you all may have.

Thank you,


Carly O. Steuber, Pharm.D.
Lead Clinical Pharmacist - Transitions of Care
Department of Pharmacy
Huntsville Hospital
O: 256.265.6116

M: 417.461.4160


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