Medications not yet evaluated by P&T are considered NON-FORMULARY . . . . . Always check 2 unique patient identifiers - NAME and DATE OF BIRTH - at every step! . . . . . Please be sure to document all clinical activities daily.
TOC Information

Transitions of Care Information

TOC Staff Coverage & Contact Information

TOC Deployment:

Weekday - Weekend - Update Deployment

BetterShifts (Staff Schedule)


TOC Coverage at HH/W&C

TOC Coverage at Madison Hospital

TOC ASCOM Master List

TOC Time and Attendance Standard Operating Procedure (SOP)

TOC Call Out Process

Verifying Pharmacist Coverage & Contact Information

Pharmacist Shift & Unit Assignment (Mon-Thur)

Pharmacist Shift & Unit Assignment (Fri)

Pharmacist Shift & Unit Assignment (Weekend)

TOC Frequently Used Resources

Registration Contacts

Interpreter Services

Common Medication SIGs (English to Spanish)

Nursing Facilities in Huntsville and Surrounding Areas

Unit Phone Strip

ABC Phone List

TOC Phone Directory

Huddle Information

Safety Huddle daily @ 1330 at GMT 220

Call in - 725.735.9462

Request Forms

Generic Release of Information Form


VA Release Fax Form (TOC Office)

VA Release Fax Form (Main ED)

VA After-Hours Instruction (VA Form 10-5345)

Methadone Clinic

Methadone Release of Information Form (Huntsville Recovery)

*For Metro on Drake, call 256-881-1311. No release of information form required*

TOC Guidance & Clinical References

Medication History Guidelines

TOC Operations

TOC Admissions Workflow Prioritization 

TOC PowerForm Significance Guidance

Pharmacist Clarification of Home Meds Policy

Automatic Pharmacy Adjustment of Home Meds Quick Reference

TOC Clinical Resources

List of Anti-platelets and Anticoagulants

Inputting Home Insulin

Top 200 Drugs List

HH – Adult Antibiotic Clinical Pearls for Pharmacists

Workflow and Training Documents

Medication History Intro    Adjusting Med List View in Cerner

Admission Reconciliation   Order Verification   Discharge Rec and Resources

Medication Assistance References


TOC Laptop/Surface Pro Tracker

Locker Assignment (TOC Office @ GMT)

Office Supply Order

TOC Document Meds Hx Log

Downtime Documents


This site is intended for the staff of Huntsville Hospital.
While others may view accessible pages, Huntsville Hospital makes no warranty, express or implied,
as to the use of this information outside of Huntsville Hospital.
Please note than many documents are accessible via the provided link
only when connected to the Huntsville Hospital intranet.