Medications not yet evaluated by P&T are considered NON-FORMULARY . . . . . Always check 2 unique patient identifiers - NAME and DATE OF BIRTH - at every step! . . . . . Please be sure to document all clinical activities daily.
Pharmacy Sterile Products Update May 2018



May 2018

Pharmacy Sterile Products Newsletters Docushare Archive

BD/Alaris Pumps Coming in June

All inpatient units are planning to go live in June. At this time outpatient will keep their current Hospira plum pumps. This change will affect the types of sets and filters used for drugs that are sent from PSP/BMT as BD sets must be used for BD/Alaris pumps and Hospira sets/filters must be used for Hospira pumps. Demos/training will be set up soon.

Spiros Back in Stock

Resume using Spiros on all appropriate chemotherapy. See recently updated set/line charts posted in chemo rooms and binders for appropriate sets and end caps for infusion bags and syringes.

IVIG Delivery – Do Not Refrigerate

When IVIG is infused it should be given at room temperature to reduce the incidence of infusion reactions. When delivering, place in pharmacy in bin and not in refrigerator.

Chemotherapy Cut off Time

Inpatient chemo orders intended to be given on the same day must be received by pharmacy by 1600 on weekdays and 1200 on weekends/holidays with certain exceptions: In general that means potentially life threatening illness that requires urgent treatment.

Premade Amiodarone Requires Filter

Reminder when sending premade amiodarone: it requires a filter. Send a 0.2 micron filter with the dose.

Biosimiliars Becoming More Common

Granix, Zarxio (filgrastim), Inflectra (inFLIXimab), Mvasi (bevacizumab), Ogivri (trastuzumab). These are a few of the biosimilar drugs released in the last few years. Be mindful when dispensing these products to ensure the correct brand name is given.

tPA Stroke Alert Update

From 0700-1500, when tPA is ordered in the ED, figure the dose, prepare the labels and send back for preparation. Page the pharmacy group using direct page before compounding has finished. You must page IPOD and Spectralink pharmacy groups to capture all appropriate pharmacists. Other times of day, call central pharmacy for delivery.

Current Backorders

iron dextran
famotidine injection
Zofran injection
pamidronate injection
Concentrated Sodium chloride
DOBUTamine bags and vials
dilTIAZem injection
Aminophylline injection
Precedex premix
ropivacaine 0.2%
gentamicin 100mg and 120mg premix
Bupivacaine and lidocaine with epinephrine
vancomycin 750 mg AddVantage vials
aZITHromycin 500 mg ADDVantage vials
Amicar 5 g vials
erythromycin 500 mg vials 

Updated Documents Posted in PSP

See the bulletin board for updates to:

-Pharmacy Technician Job Code Criteria
-Non-pharmacist seniority list
-Staffing and shift assignment policy
-PSP Staffing and Trading Shifts

See supervisor or manager for any questions

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