Medications not yet evaluated by P&T are considered NON-FORMULARY . . . . . Always check 2 unique patient identifiers - NAME and DATE OF BIRTH - at every step! . . . . . Please be sure to document all clinical activities daily.
Pharmacy Sterile Products Update April 2018



April 2018

Pharmacy Sterile Products Newsletters Docushare Archive

IV Fluid Shortage

We have a plentiful supply of NS 500 mL and D5W 500 mL, so all continuous fluid orders for NS and D5W are going to 500 mL bag instead of 1L bags. LR is in short supply and NS can be substituted for LR when we are short. Sterile Water 1 and 2 liters  also in very short supply.

Potassium Chloride Premade

Due to backorder of the 40mEq premade bags we have switched orders for 40mEq to be 2 of the 20mEq/100mL. Pyxis gives the nurse a message to remove 2 of the 20mEq bags and give both. If the patient is fluid restricted there is an option in the NSS electrolyte tab for 40 mEq/100 mL that can be dispensed from PSP.

Concentrated Sodium Chloride Shortage

We do not except to get any more concentrated sodium chloride until September. Restrictions include: No ¼NS continuous infusion. For TPNs use acetate or phos if possible and reduce amount in TPNs. Consider supplemental NS outside of the TPN.

TPN Backorder Issues

Magnesium Sulfate
50 mL bottles are on backorder. When the supply is exhausted we will use 10 or 20 mL vials and draw into a syringe.

14.6% Concentrated Sodium Chloride
Draw into a syringe. We are hoping our current stock will last 2 months. Watch for look-alike issue with sodium phosphate. In an effort to reduce sodium chloride and sterile water waste we are reducing to 2 standard adult TPNs on Thursdays.

One More Offering Technician CE Progam

Free technician CE Saturday April 14th from 7:30AM - 4PM at Huntsville Hospital Corporate University. Lunch will be provided. Topics to be covered include: transitions of care, drug information, medication safety, childhood illnesses and vaccines, medical surveillance, robotics, hospice, and Alabama pharmacy law.

PSP Individual Login

Due to printer and other issues, continue to use the pharm account rather than individual login when working in PSP/BMT.

Albumin for Hemapheresis Change

PSP is no longer draining albumin 5% into an empty bag and adding calcium and potssium. Dispense multiple 500 mL albumin bottles. 2g calcium gluconate is standard for all patients.

Current Backorders

pamidronate injection
dilTIAZem injection
aminophylline injection
vecuronium (Norcuron) vials – use rocuronium (Zemuron)
amiodarone premix and vials
Precedex premix
ropivacaine 0.2% and 0.5%
gentamicin 100mg and 120mg premix
Bupivacaine and lidocaine with epinephrine
Vanco 1 g & 750 mg AddVantage vials
aZITHromycin 500 mg ADDVantage vials
DOBUTamine premade bags
Amicar 5 g vials
erythromycin 500 mg vials

PharMedium re-opening Memphis Plant?

Pharmedium is planning to re-open its main plant in Memphis and we hope they will increase production to get back to normal over the next few months.

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