Medications not yet evaluated by P&T are considered NON-FORMULARY . . . . . Always check 2 unique patient identifiers - NAME and DATE OF BIRTH - at every step! . . . . . Please be sure to document all clinical activities daily.
Pharmacy Sterile Products Update January 2018



January 2018

Pharmacy Sterile Products Newsletters Docushare Archive

IV Fluid Shortage

Unfortunately the IV fluid situation is still ongoing. It has been difficult to get accurate usage numbers, but we are working with Logistics to monitor levels of each fluid and to plan next steps.

Talc 3 g and 4 g

Talc is back in stock and on the carousel. The 3 g vials are loaded in CVOR pyxis and are used with a blower device. The 4 g vials are for PSP use for pleurodesis.

DAPtomycin IV Push

Due to the IV fluid shortage, DAPtomycin will now likely soon be given as an IV push for inpatients and outpatients. All doses will be drawn up in the IV room. IV push is given over 2 minutes.

PK Reject and Fix Instructions

For Patient Specific Orders

  1. Click Reject and Fix

  2. Select the Ready to Prepare workflow step

  3. Click Save – it will be back in the technicians Prepare step queue.

If you Reject and Discard you must re-print the iCare label and re-associate the label

Mini-Bag Plus Alternate Plans

Current plan (subject to change soon)
½ NS or NS 100mL ADDVantage:
dilTIAZem (CardiZEM) 100 mg
Zosyn 3.375 g

½ NS 50 mL ADDVantage
cefTRIAXone (Rocephin) 2 g

Annual IV Room CBLs

If you have not already completed your CBLs since December 1st please do so ASAP.

Angiography Heparin Shortage

heparin for angiography is on backorder again. Midnights is making Heparin 2,000 units/NS 1000 mL bags each day.

PharMedium Shutdown

The PharMedium plant in Memphis has been temporarily shut down, but has reopened. We do still have some allocations, but we will likely run out the following at some point and PSP will have to make:
EPINEPHrine 4 mg/NS 250 mL
norepinephrine 8 mg/NS 250 mL
phenylephrine 50 mg/NS 250 mL
Heparin 30,000 units/ NS 1000 mL

Current Backorders

HYDROmorphone (Dilaudid) injection - backorder
Sodium Phosphate – backorder
morphine injection – backorder
sincalide (Kinevac) - backorder

On-Q Pump update

We are anticipating starting ON-Q pumps for trauma surgery at the end of January. At that time we plan to get them outsourced from PharMedium and stocked/dispensed from central pharmacy.


bupivacaine and lidocaine with EPINEPHrine
Vanco 1 g & 750 mg AddVantage vials
aZITHromycin 500 mg ADDVantage vials
LORazepam 2mg/mL and 4mg/mL 10mL vials
DOPamine premade bags and vials
DOBUTamine premade bags and vials
Amicar – on backorder - we have small supply
erythromycin 500 mg vials – on backorder
vecuronium 20 mg vials – backorder


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