Medications not yet evaluated by P&T are considered NON-FORMULARY . . . . . Always check 2 unique patient identifiers - NAME and DATE OF BIRTH - at every step! . . . . . Please be sure to document all clinical activities daily.
Pharmacy Sterile Products Update September 2016


September 2016

Pharmacy Sterile Products Newsletters Docushare Archive

Pharmacy Keeper

Verification module is now being used for batch preparations. Use Pharmacy Keeper for most pre-made non patient specific preparations. We have submitted numerous requests for changes to the system, which are under review with the company. Continue to let us know of drugs/fluids that aren’t scanning and issues with the application/iPads/scanners.

For now, continue to use MILT labels for drugs that require a barcode. The next step will be using Pharmacy Keeper for chemo at BMT and then at main PSP. Travis is working on getting the interface to work so we can scan the iCare labels.

Robot Update

Upcoming products to be prepared on the robot include neostigmine syringes, oxytocin for L&D and heparin for cath lab.

Products are now beings sequestered/stored in GMT, so if Aeroscout alerts, action will need to be taken. See info in Aeroscout notebook.

Colistin Inhalation in Pyxis ES

Respiratory therapy has access to the refrigerator; therefore, when delivering, place the syringe in the refrigerator using refill and then “refrigerated meds not loaded” option. The respiratory specific option is no longer available. Label outside baggie with new “Respiratory Use Only” sticker.

3% Saline

Hypertonic saline has a new policy and new orderset. Continue to send the exact volume ordered injected into an empty bag. For iCare profile units max volume per order is 500 mL. No resupplies are to be sent for 3% saline since each 500 mL requires a new order.

Orders for 3% saline in non-profile areas that do not specify a volume will receive #3 100 mL bags. Use the MILT label for “3% saline EMERGENT”.

PSP Prepared IT Pain Pumps

PSP will likely see an increase in the number of IT pain pumps from the Pain Center. Some meds have been added to the Pyxis machine (Infumorph, Sufenta). A list of drugs and the maximum concentrations that we can provide has been placed in the blue pain center folder. If the concentration exceeds what PSP can prepare, please call the Pain Center and let them know the day you get the order.


Due to high cost (~$14,000/vial) PSP will wait until the patient is in the St. Jude clinic before preparing. Orders will be sent to PSP from BMT on Fridays and kept in the St. Jude folder for the following week. Once it is appropriate for the patient to receive, the onc specialist will call PSP to prepare. Make PEG-Asparaginase total volume. No need to add set and prime line.

Joint Commission

Joint Commission will be coming soon (likely in mid October to mid November). Complete the clean sweep each week and complete the PSP Code J procedures each day while JC is here. Copies of each form can be found on the bulletin board next to the bathroom.


erythromycin 500mg vials are on backorder
cefotaxime – reserve for PedHUNTSVILLE

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