Medications not yet evaluated by P&T are considered NON-FORMULARY . . . . . Always check 2 unique patient identifiers - NAME and DATE OF BIRTH - at every step! . . . . . Please be sure to document all clinical activities daily.
Pharmacy Sterile Products Update November 2016


November 2016

Pharmacy Sterile Products Newsletters Docushare Archive

Pharmacy Keeper

Verification module is now being used for batch preparations, non-interface chemo-therapy and interface for the list of 20 drugs located underneath the pass through. We are currently testing interface on 1st and 2nd shift. Each workflow is a little different, so consult the instruction sheet for the proper workflow (batch, chemo, interface, etc.) to ensure you are completing all the necessary steps.


PSP is no longer going to stock all 3 strengths of octreotide. When making octreotide piggybacks, use the 500mcg/mL vials.

DAPtomycin (generic)

Generic DAPtomycin is ~$200 less per vial than brand name and is the product now stocked. Storage in refrigerator, reconstitute with NS only, exp. 48 hours reconstituted in refrigerator, BUD 10 days in a piggyback. Use a filter needle when making to prevent cores.

Tamper evident caps

Please put tamper evident caps on all controlled substances syringes (PCAs, intrathecal pain pumps, etc.)

TPN Update

Be mindful when checking neonatal TPNs for the “other” ingredient section. We had an error where levocarnitine was left out of a bag that was given to the baby. Patrick is now adding asterisks if “other” ingredients are added.


PSP will now use Stericycle to discard all controlled substances waste instead of the green bin. Only fluid goes in the bin, not syringes, sharps, etc. Stericycle is located near the utility sink by the back door. When opening a new container, fill with water to the fill line prior to use.  Do NOT throw away any of the packaging (box, plastic wrap, instructions, etc). When the container is full, it will be mailed back to the company in the original box- let Pamperin or Matt Sims know when the bucket is full and we will send the used one back. Stock of new Stericycle bins is available in central pharmacy.

OR Batch/PSP Pharmogistics carousel

Everything is now live. 2nd shift/midnights are manufacturing and placing products on the carousel count. Batch is printing in PSP at 10:30AM for longer dated OR products. We are still refining this, let us know of issues.

Joint Commission

Complete the clean sweep each week and complete the PSP Code J procedures each day while JC is here (possibly next week Nov. 14).


EP Lab and Radiology Nursing are now faxing orders for bacitracin in the morning. If the orders are called in please remind them to send a faxed order. Add-on cases may be called in by the unit if emergent.


erythromycin 500mg vials- ok to order
leucovorin 50 mg vials on backorder (others ok)
raNITIdine injection - reserve for Peds
procainamide vials on long term backorder
methotrexate 50 mg / 2 mL vial (others ok)

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