Medications not yet evaluated by P&T are considered NON-FORMULARY . . . . . Always check 2 unique patient identifiers - NAME and DATE OF BIRTH - at every step! . . . . . Please be sure to document all clinical activities daily.
Pharmacy Sterile Products Update December 2016


December 2016

Pharmacy Sterile Products Newsletters Docushare Archive

Annual Media Fill and Glove Tip Testing

Media fill and glove tip testing is ongoing. Please come by PSP and complete before the end of December. An email will be sent when the CBLs are ready to be completed.

Solu-Medrol for Pre-OP/OR

Dr. Cho is writing for a bolus and continuous infusion methylPREDNISolone for certain spinal surgeries. Although the dosing is similar to the ED spinal protocol the infusion time may be different. Therefore, send two separate bags for each order. One bag for the bolus (clearly label it as bolus) and one bag for the continuous infusion.

Pharmacy Keeper

PK is still a work in progress. Verification module is being used for batch preparations, non-interface chemotherapy and interface for the list of 20 drugs located underneath the pass through. We are currently testing interface on 1st and 2nd shift. Consult the instruction sheet for the proper workflow (batch, chemo, interface, etc.) to ensure you are completing all the necessary steps.

NERK syringes for colorectal surgery

Dr. Clark is using NERK syringes instead of Exparel for certain surgeries. The recipe is exactly the same as joint cocktail and will be prepped with the bulk bag of joint cocktail. The MILT labels have been adjusted and there are separate labels for the Joint Cocktail Syringes and the NERK syringes.

TPN Update

Be mindful when checking neonatal TPNs for the “other” ingredient section to ensure ingredients are not inadvertently omitted from a bag. Slight update to the neonatal TPN orders: The “other” section does not show up if there are no “other” additives. If “other” additives are included, they will show up. A checkbox has been added to the “other” section to make it more apparent, and the asterisks will continue to print on the orders.

Welcome new technician

Kirsten Henry is now training in PSP. She has been staffing in central pharmacy for the last year. Welcome Kirsten!

OR Batch/PSP Pharmogistics carousel

phenylephrine 20 mg/NS 250 mL is now being outsourced from PharMedium. The bags are stored on the carousel in central pharmacy and sent on central batch. PSP will prep only when the central carousel is out.

Joint Commission

Joint Commission has come and gone. Thanks to all for the hard work in preparation for their visit this year!

amiodarone Error

There have been amiodarone bags sent to CVPreOP expired (or very nearly expired). When labeling/sending a previously made compound, always check the original label to ensure the drip is not already expired.


niCARdipine vials – use premade bags
Leucovorin 50 mg on backorder (others ok)
raNITIdine injection - reserve for Peds
procainamide vials on long term backorder
Zosyn in short supply

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