Medications not yet evaluated by P&T are considered NON-FORMULARY . . . . . Always check 2 unique patient identifiers - NAME and DATE OF BIRTH - at every step! . . . . . Please be sure to document all clinical activities daily.
Pharmacy Sterile Products Update March 2017


March 2017

Pharmacy Sterile Products Newsletters Docushare Archive

PSP Annual CBLs

If you have not already completed the 5 CBLs, please complete them as soon as possible. See email for course #s.

Cyanokit for CVICU/CVOR

CVOR typically uses methylene blue for cases of resistant hypotension, but is not appropriate for certain patients. The back-up is hydroxocobalamin (Cyanokit). The CV surgeons may begin ordering this. When ordered, it is a STAT. One kit is to be kept in the IV room at all times near the miscellaneous bin. Restock it after each use.

Pharmacy Keeper

April is working on binders of information for Pharmacy Keeper. They will be available inside and outside the cleanroom and include information on workflows, troubleshooting the scanners, tech support, how to use the application and much more. When encountering issues, refer to these binders.

Robot Update

Instructions for how to handle ketamine have been sent via email, but are also located on the ring binder hanging on the PSP narc box. When checking ketamine, always have a witness for waste.

TPN Udate

A latex-free template has been built for patients who have latex allergies. Technicians: no more direct entry into the compounder. Pharmacists: no need to double check the volume from the formula sheet against the Mix-Check report.

PharMedium Update

PharMedium seems to have resolved the supply issues they were having. We have resumed normal ordering from them with the exception of heparin 10,000 units/NS 1000 mL which will continue to come from Advanced Pharma.

Vancomycin in the ED

Vancomycin doses are now standard in the ED as 1g and 1500 mg. Robot prepared vanco 1500mg (with 58 day dating) is now in the pyxis machines in the ED. The robot technicians will keep a supply on the carousel at main, and central pharmacy will refill the ED pyxis machines as needed.

Batch Update

Due to the increase in lost doses, starting April 1, batch will be handled differently. All labels will be kept as hood hangers and tubed to the unit. Central technicians will still pick up TPNs and round to each unit for returns twice a day.

Technician CE

One more chance for free technician CE Saturday March 25th from 8AM-4PM at Huntsville Hospital Corporate University. Lunch will be provided to those who sign up in advance. Topics to be covered include: informatics, opiate epidemic, new drugs, medication safety, transitions of care, investigational drugs and hazardous meds.


Benzathine Penicillin CR and LA on backorder
Talc – not currently being manufactured
Prialt – only 500 mcg/5 mL vial available


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