Medications not yet evaluated by P&T are considered NON-FORMULARY . . . . . Always check 2 unique patient identifiers - NAME and DATE OF BIRTH - at every step! . . . . . Please be sure to document all clinical activities daily.
Pharmacy Sterile Products Update April 2017


April 2017

Pharmacy Sterile Products Newsletters Docushare Archive

Neonatal Standard TPNs have Calcium

D10 1/4NS w/ Trophamine and the standard baby TPNs with heparin now both contain calcium gluconate. Templates have been updated in Abacus.

Pharmacist Quantifi Documentation

PSP Pharmacists can document clinical interventions. There will be a form available to mark when the following are completed: IV compatibility, drug information, order entry error corrected, chemo dose evaluation, lab evaluation or other. Please mark when you have done an intervention and it will be entered into Quantifi by Matt Sims or Pamperin at the end of the week.

TPN Trash

When breaking down the TPN compounder, no need to use the green bins. All ingredients are to go in regular trash except for selenium and trace elements, which go in a black bin.

TPN Bulk Syringes

Technicians: when drawing up bulk syringes for the day, keep them in the hood.

Pharmacists: check all bulk syringes in the cleanroom.

Isuprel Syringes for EP Lab

PSP is now making Isuprel syringes for EP lab. Prep 5 of these each Saturday and the M3 will deliver them to EP-Lab 2 Pyxis.

Pharmacy Keeper

For real go-live April 10th, Let us know of issues when they arise by emailing

Diltiazem Backorder

CardiZEM 100 mg AddVantage vials are on backorder and have been removed from all profile pyxis at main. PSP is now preparing diltiazem 125mg/125 mL (total volume) bags.

Sodium Phosphate Standardization

sodium phosphate doses are now standardized to 15, 30 and 45 mmol. Midnights is making batches in Pharmacy Keeper and they are kept in PSP refrigerator.


Both Prolastin patients for OPM are now using HH supplied medication. Do not change them to “Patients own meds” and “No charge.”

Precedex Changes

The current supply of Precedex bottles is depleted, so PSP is now making all Precedex drips. Anticipated use is 10-15 drips/day. U3 will refill to a par of 50 on Mondays and Fridays. Call PSP to see how many to make.

Batch Update

Keep most labels as hood hangers and tube them to the nursing unit. If the order is a premade drug that requires delivery you may to send it with the central technicians picking up TPNs or dropping off the PSP order.

Talc Backorder and DOXYcycline

DOXYcycline is the substitute for talc pleurodesis. Common dose is 500 mg/NS 30 mL. lidocaine 1% can be added to the syringe.


cefTAZidime 1 and 2g vials – on backorder
promethazine injection – on backorder
vancomycin 10 g – use 5 g vial (use 50 mL to reconstitute)

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