Medications not yet evaluated by P&T are considered NON-FORMULARY . . . . . Always check 2 unique patient identifiers - NAME and DATE OF BIRTH - at every step! . . . . . Please be sure to document all clinical activities daily.
Pharmacy Sterile Products Update May 2017


May 2017

Pharmacy Sterile Products Newsletters Docushare Archive

Epogen REMS Cancellation

The REMS program for Epogen has been canceled by the FDA. The medication guide is no longer required to be dispensed with the drug.

Vein Center Tumescent

Starting May 15th bags of tumescent for the Vein Center will have no sodium bicarbonate. Updated recipe will be in the midnights folder.

telavancin in 250 mL

Standard dilution for telavancin is now 250 mL. Max concentration is 8 mg/mL, if the dose exceeds 2000 mg it will need more fluid.

sodium bicarbonate Backorder

sodium bicarbonate and sodium acetate are on backorder. sodium acetate is being reserved for neonatal TPNs. Earliest possibility of bicarb being available is mid June. It is very likely that we will run out of bicarb before we can get more supply.

Vancomyin 750 mg in NS 250 mL

Adult doses of 750mg vancomycin are now in 250 mL NS. These are ADDvantage vials and go with Addvantage fluid. Vancomycin 750 mg is to be loaded by the carousel technician in central when new orders are verified.

Dextrose Syringe Backorder

Dextrose 50% syringes are on backorder also. PSP will be drawing up 120 syringes per week on Tuesdays, see email for more info.

Pharmacy Keeper

Continue to let us know of issues by emailing Feel free to set up a meeting with Berkley to discuss concerns or issues with Pharmacy Keeper.

methylene blue/ProvayBlue

methylene blue 1% is on backorder and is being replaced by methylene blue 0.5% (ProvayBlue). Dilution is in D5W only and use immediately (4 hour expiration).

Precedex Update

We are still trying to refine our Precedex process due to the variable nature of how many are used at a time. Please let Pamperin or Berkley know of suggestions.

HealthSouth Discontinued Labels

IT is working to prevent PSP from getting **order discontinued** labels. Until that happens, continue to throw those labels away.

THC bacitracin

The Heart Center is now doing procedures that require bacitracin irrigation. They will fax the orders the day before or day of procedure. THC uses the same standard dilution of 50,000 units/500 mL NS. A batch will be built in Pharmacy Keeper for tube 125.


promethazine injection – back in stock
All emergency syringes on backorder– EPINEPHrine, atropine, dextrose, calcium chloride, lidocaine, sodium bicarbonate
dilTIAZem ADDvantage vials - on backorder
fluconazole 100 mg bags – split 200 mg bags
methotrexate 1 g vials- able to get intermittently powder and solution
erythromycin – on backorder

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