Medications not yet evaluated by P&T are considered NON-FORMULARY . . . . . Always check 2 unique patient identifiers - NAME and DATE OF BIRTH - at every step! . . . . . Please be sure to document all clinical activities daily.
Pharmacy Sterile Products Update June 2017


June 2017

Pharmacy Sterile Products Newsletters Docushare Archive

Vitamin C in Sepsis

Ascorbic acid IV in septic patients will begin soon. Dose is 1.5 g IV every 6 hours for 4 days. The only vial available is a 500 mg/mL 50 mL single dose vial, so you can make extra bags if necessary. Expiration is 24 hours when PFL. Vials are now loaded on the carousel for picking. We are expecting 1-5 patients per day.

Papaverine Backorder

Papaverine is on backorder again. CVOR will use NITROglycerin as a substitute.


PSP will begin drawing up prothrombin complex human (Kcentra) doses into empty bags. The dose varies based on INR. This is an emergent med for life threatening bleeding and is good for 4 hours.

Check expirations when sending batch

When sending PSP batch items make sure to also check the expiration dates and do not send if they expire in the next 24 hours. Nearly expired tranexamic acid bags were sent to OrthoPACU.

Ancef 2g duplex

ceFAZolin 2g duplex bags are currently in stock in central pharmacy carousel. Thanks to midnight shift for preparing these!

Robot inventory in 5th floor BMT

While GMT is under construction all the robot drugs and supplies have been moved to the 5th floor of Blackwell Medical Tower. See email from Berkley for more info. The plan is for construction to be finished and the robot materials to be back in GMT mid-late July.

Sodium Bicarbonate Backorder

sodium bicarbonate and sodium acetate are on backorder. sodium acetate is being reserved for neonatal TPNs. Earliest possibility of bicarb being available is mid-June. We will begin ordering from an outsourcing pharmacy called Cantrell and bicarb syringes could be shipped in June.

Robot Ketamine CDAR

There is a new CDAR for when ketamine is prepared on the robot. It can be found on the pharmacy shared drive Health Robotics folder then ketamine CDAR. Fill out the CDAR in mL and attach it to the orange papers when returning the ketamine syringes and paperwork to the CII safe in central.

Dextrose Syringe Backorder

We have enough dextrose syringes for PSP to stop making them. Thanks to all who prepared them during the backorder!

Students/residents/pharmacist training

The summer months will bring PSP a lot of students, residents and pharmacists to train. Be ready to help them out and show them our processes. Thanks!


All emergency syringes on backorder– EPINEPHrine, atropine, dextrose, calcium chloride, lidocaine, sodium bicarbonate

EPINEPHrine 30 mL vials – ok to use brand name Adrenalin 1 mg/mL vials

dilTIAZem ADDvantage vials - on backorder

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