Medications not yet evaluated by P&T are considered NON-FORMULARY . . . . . Always check 2 unique patient identifiers - NAME and DATE OF BIRTH - at every step! . . . . . Please be sure to document all clinical activities daily.
Pharmacy Sterile Products Update August 2017


August 2017

Pharmacy Sterile Products Newsletters Docushare Archive

heparin 30,000 units/1 L NS for CVOR

These heparin bags are now being outsourced from PharMedium. They are being stored in the fluid room and fluid technician refills the pyxis machine. PSP should only make when out of stock in fluid room.

Manual Order Process

Starting August 15th, orders requiring compounding for non-iCare units (ED, OR, cath lab, RadNrsg, etc.) will be entered into iCare by the pharmacist covering the area (generally the Q or central or ED pharmacist). You will be able to scan the label and use PK for these orders. The patient’s location may not print on the iCare label, but the tube number should be listed in the comments section. Pharmacists: see education sent by Michele Durda for instruction on how to enter/chart meds.

High Dose Chemotherapy Double Check

The pharmacist double check for high dose chemotherapy will be live August 10th in Pharmacy Keeper. Two pharmacists will electronically sign in Pharmacy Keeper.

Expiration Dates on PK Batches

When verifying batches in Pharmacy Keeper, make sure the expiration date is filled in. When a batch is “typed in” the expiration date will not pre-populate and must be manually entered by the pharmacist at the bottom of the verification screen.

Kcentra Storage

We did get approval to keep Kcentra at room temperature, so it is being moved to the RTU wall.

Dextrose syringes

PSP is again preparing dextrose syringes for profile units in Pyxis. Each Tuesday the TPN technician will make 5 D50W stock bags and the 2nd shift robot technician will draw up the syringes.

labetalol Backorder

We did get a shipment of labetalol syringes so the nurses are currently not using MDVs on the floor.

sodium acetate for Neonatal TPNs only

We are almost out of sodium acetate for neonatal TPNs. When using a vial, use a dispensing pin, date it for 7 days and keep in the refrigerator.

sodium bicarbonate Backorder

sodium bicarbonate is still on nationwide backorder and sodium bicarbonate restrictions are still in effect.

Impella Heparin Purge Solution

The orderset for Impella purge solution has been updated. The heparin is now in 5% dextrose instead of 20% dextrose. PSP will no longer stock dextrose 20% bags.


All emergency syringes on backorder– EPINEPHrine, atropine, dextrose, calcium chloride, lidocaine, sodium bicarbonate
dilTIAZem ADDvantage vials - on backorder
dexrazoxane – on backorder
amiodarone 18 mL vials – on backorder
DOBUTamine vials – on backorder
Protonix – on backorder
mannitol vials – on backorder
metoclopramide vials – on backorder

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