Medications not yet evaluated by P&T are considered NON-FORMULARY . . . . . Always check 2 unique patient identifiers - NAME and DATE OF BIRTH - at every step! . . . . . Please be sure to document all clinical activities daily.
Pharmacy Sterile Products Update September 2017


September 2017

Pharmacy Sterile Products Newsletters Docushare Archive

Standard Concentrations Update

Starting September 19, new standard concentrations are listed below:

Current orders in iCare will be adjusted and the pumps will be updated for the nurses.

IVIG storage

To reduce the risk of infusion reactions, it is recommended to infuse IVIG at room temperature. When delivering IVIG to the nursing unit, place it in the in bin rather than the refrigerator.

Sodium Phosphate backorder

sodium phosphate is on backorder and current supply is being reserved for neonatal TPNs. Use potassium phosphate for bolus doses.

Premade Amiodarone

amiodarone will be dispensed as the premade 360 mg/200 mL bag. These will be loaded in select pyxis machines with higher usage and placed in the code trays. The 150 mg vials will still be used for bolus doses.

Bupivacaine and Lidocaine with Epi

Both are on backorder. PSP is drawing up EPINEPHrine syringes each day and sending to central pharmacy. OR staff is adding the EPINEPHrine syringe to a vial of lidocaine or bupivacaine to make the equivalent lidocaine/bupivacaine with EPINEPHrine.

Dobutamine for Stress Lab

The stress lab is going to start using premade DOBUTamine for the dobutamine stress tests. It will be kept as a floorstock item in the stress lab. The rates from the old sheets will no longer be accurate. The infusion rate for the premade concentration is posted in stress lab and a copy is in the white binder.

Potassium Chloride 20 mEq Backorder

Premade 20 mEq bags are on backorder. Midnights will keep a par of 20 bags. Use MILT label with barcode since some will be placed in pyxis machines. Send for patients as needed.

Dextrose syringes

PSP is still preparing dextrose syringes for profile units in Pyxis. Each Tuesday the TPN technician will make 5 D50W stock bags and the 2nd shift robot technician will draw up 150 syringes. Central pharmacy will pick up.

Sodium Bicarbonate Backorder

sodium bicarbonate is still on nationwide backorder and sodium bicarbonate restrictions are still in effect.

Sodium Acetate for Neonatal TPNs only

We did receive a shipment of sodium acetate, and it has been put back on the compounder. Sodium acetate is still on backorder, so continue to reserve for neonatal and pediatric patients.


All emergency syringes on backorder– EPINEPHrine, atropine, dextrose, calcium chloride, lidocaine, sodium bicarbonate
dilTIAZem ADDvantage vials - on backorder
erythromycin 500 mg vials – on backorder


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