Medications not yet evaluated by P&T are considered NON-FORMULARY . . . . . Always check 2 unique patient identifiers - NAME and DATE OF BIRTH - at every step! . . . . . Please be sure to document all clinical activities daily.
Pharmacy Sterile Products Update October 2017


October 2017

Pharmacy Sterile Products Newsletters Docushare Archive

Hospice Family Care

See supplemental handout for PSP specific information regarding the new Hospice Family Care.

sodium acetate and potassium acetate Available for Adult TPNs

Both electrolytes can now be ordered for all patients.

ON-Q Pumps

Starting October 16th OR is going to start a trial of ON-Q pumps to see if patients can be discharged post op day #1 instead of the traditional post op day #3. OR will give PSP the elastomeric pumps and PSP will fill the pumps with 750 mL of 0.2% ropivacaine using the repeater pump. The pumps will be ordered on a floorstock sheet the day before the procedure (like the joint cocktail). T1/N will fill the pumps, use barcode label and refill into the OrthoOR pyxis machine.

USP 800 Delay

USP 800 official implementation date has been delayed until December 1, 2019. Expected release of the updated USP 797 is September 2018 with implementation date of December 1, 2019.

Morphine Batches

PSP will now compound morphine 50 mg/D5W 50mL batches. Remove the 1000 mg/20 mL VIAL from Pyxis under “IV Room Patient” and make 20 drips at a time. Enter into Pharmacy Keeper as a batch - expiration 7 days. Once the batch is made all 20 drips will need to be refilled into the Pyxis refrigerator under the “Morphine 50mg/D5W 50mL option. Remove a drip under the patients name just like you would the vials. They should also be filled from batch in Pharmacy Keeper. Once the stock gets <5 make another batch of 20 when the compounding technician has time.

UCLA Pharmacy

A pharmacy in the UCLA Health System was shut down by the California board of pharmacy for using and dispensing expired drugs. They also did not have the proper license for some of their compounding activities. PSP technicians perform monthly checks for out of date drugs, fluids and supplies.

potassium chloride 20 mEq Backorder

Premade 20 mEq bags are on backorder. Midnights will keep a par of 20 bags. Use MILT label with barcode since some will be placed in pyxis machines. Send for patients as needed.

dilTIAZem AddVantages back in stock

Starting week of October 9 we will switch back to dilTIAZem 100 mg in NS 100 mg ADDVantage bags. They will be stocked in Pyxis as previous.


All emergency syringes on backorder
Bupivacaine and lidocaine with epinephrine- on backorder – PSP still making syringes
aminocaproic acid – on backorder
erythromycin 500 mg vials – on backorder
Mini-Bag Plus NS 100 mL– on backorder
potassium chloride 20 mEq bags -backorder
vancomycin 750 mg AddVantage vials -backorder


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