Medications not yet evaluated by P&T are considered NON-FORMULARY . . . . . Always check 2 unique patient identifiers - NAME and DATE OF BIRTH - at every step! . . . . . Please be sure to document all clinical activities daily.
P & T Update Memo September 2017

Following is a P and T Committee update (from the September 26th meeting). Starting date for specific programs is 2 October 2017, unless otherwise noted. Please let me know if you have any questions or comments. Don’t forget to check the “New Drug Monitoring Spotlight” section of the website, which provides important monitoring information about newly approved drugs. Also, attached is the updated version of the “Not Stocked, Not Ordered” drug list with the new additions highlighted in red. 

Below is the memo with links to the drug monographs, protocols, and formulary documents. Click to access the full P&T packet for this month, or here to access the P&T packet archive.


Drug or Drug Class

Formulary Decision


deutetrabenazine (Austedo) Non-Formulary Inpatients should use their own supply. Defer initiation until after discharge.
brodalumab (Siliq) Non-Formulary Inpatients may use own supply if a dose is due during hospitalization. This is a last-resort biological option for treatment of plaque psoriasis.
treprostinil (Tyvaso) Non-Formulary Requires utilization of a specialized inhalation system. For inpatients, the physician should be contacted to discuss another treprostinil dosage for or alternative agent.
aminolevulinic acid topical (Ameluz) Non-Formulary Procedure required for administration is normally performed in outpatient clinics.
raltegravir (Isentress HD) and (Isentress)

Isentress HD: Formulary

Isentress: Non-Formulary
Therapeutic Interchange Approved

Orders for Isentress 400 mg BID will be automatically interchanged to Isentress HD 1,200 mg Daily.
bezlotoxumab (Zinplava)

Formulary, Restricted to GI Physicians

Recommend Therapeutic Interchange

For other prescribers/specialties, pharmacist should contact the prescriber and discuss using alternative therapy (i.e. change to IVIG 400 mg/kg x 1 dose). 

Carbapenem Formulary Update

meropenem, doripenem,
imipenem-cilastatin – Formulary,

Therapeutic Interchange Discontinued

ertapenem- Unrestricted

In effect October 16, 2017:

The Committee finalized approval for
the restriction of anti-pseudomonal
carbapenems to infectious disease,
critical care (i.e. pulmonology &
trauma), ED, and pediatric specialists.
For pediatrics, prescribers are limited
to hospitalists, critical care MDs, and
oncologists. Meropenem remains
formulary workhorse for antipseudomonal carbapenems.

For other prescribers, the automatic
therapeutic interchange to an antibiotic regimen with similar spectrum of activity was discontinued. Pharmacists should contact the prescriber to discuss an alternative antibiotic regimen.

ampicillin Shortage -

Therapeutic interchange approved for 250 mg capsule and suspension.

Separate interchange guidelines approved for adults and pediatrics.

aminocaproic acid (Amicar) Shortage Informational tranexamic acid can be recommended
for many situations where Amicar was
traditionally used. Amicar Protocol for
Spinal Surgery is under review.
tranexamic acid (Cyklokapron) Update Reclassified as Formulary Formulary restrictions discontinued for tranexamic acid, a similar
antifibrinolytic drug to Amicar.
IVIG Order Set Update Order Set Update Approved Includes more dosage options and
more rapid administration rates and

famotidine (Pepcid)

Renal Dose Adjustment

Renal Adjustment Update Approved Dosing adjustments updated for
creatinine clearance < 50 mL/min.
Tapering and Titration
Guidelines Update
Updated Guidelines Approved See Tapering and Titration Guidelines.








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