Medications not yet evaluated by P&T are considered NON-FORMULARY . . . . . Always check 2 unique patient identifiers - NAME and DATE OF BIRTH - at every step! . . . . . Please be sure to document all clinical activities daily.
P & T Update Memo August 2017

Following is a P and T Committee update (from the August 22nd meeting). Starting date for specific programs is 29 August 2017, unless otherwise noted. Please let me know if you have any questions or comments. Don’t forget to check the “New Drug Monitoring Spotlight” section of the website, which provides important monitoring information about newly approved drugs. Also, attached is the updated version of the “Not Stocked, Not Ordered” drug list with the new additions highlighted in red. 

Below is the memo with links to the drug monographs, protocols, and formulary documents. Click to access the full P&T packet for this month, or here to access the P&T packet archive.


Drug or Drug Class

Formulary Decision


pecanatide (Trulance)

Formulary, Restricted

Therapeutic Interchange Approved

Pecanatide will be restricted to no substitution orders and not routinely stocked. Pecanatide may be used for enteral administration (may be crushed). Orders for pecanatide will be automatically interchanged to linaCLOtide (Linzess).
valbenazine (Ingrezza) Non-Formulary Inpatients may use own supply. Initiation should be deferred until after discharge.
urea (Ure-Na)


Automatic Pharmacist Consult

Medical food used for the treatment of hyponatremia. Due to safety concerns related to the potential rapid correction of serum sodium in patients with profound hyponatremia, pharmacists will monitor serum sodium levels after initiation and dosage increases (follow tolvapatan monitoring protocols).
oxyCODONE (RoxyBond)


Therapeutic Interchange Approved

RoxyBond is an anti-abuse formulation. Automatic interchange to oxyCODONE IR.
montelukast (Singulair) granules 


Therapeutic Interchange Approved for Adults and Pediatrics

Interchange to montelukast chewable tablet at the same dosing interval.
polysaccharide-iron complex (NovaFerrum) Iron Supplements and Multivitamins

Iron Supplement – Formulary,
Restricted to Pediatrics

Multivitamins – Non-Formulary

NovaFerrum liquid iron will be formulary, restricted to pediatric patients due to superior taste compared to other iron supplements. 

All other NovaFerrum products are non-formulary.

calcifediol (Rayaldee)


Therapeutic Interchange Approved

Calcifediol (Rayaldee) 30 mcg will be automatically interchanged to calcitriol 0.25 mcg at the same dosing interval.
Influenza Vaccine Update 2017-2018 Flu Season No Change from 2016-2017

Formulary Workhorse – Fluzone
Quadrivalent RTY Syringe

Restricted – Flublok Quadrivalent for
patients with severe egg allergies.

Infusion Reaction Order Set (Inpatient) Update Updates Approved

Treatment, monitoring, and notification processes for infusion related an anaphylaxis reactions updated.

Pending final review from other institutional committees.

Procalcitonin (PCT) Monitoring / MOSES Trial Informational PCT levels may predict survival of
patients diagnosed with sepsis and
septic shock; however the study did
not provide insight for additional
interventions in this patient population to improve survival.
Nephrotoxic Injury Negated by Just-in-time Action (NINJA) Project Update – Pediatrics Patient Care Guideline Approved Pharmacists covering pediatric floor and pediatric ICU will review electronic screening tool to identify patients receiving multiple nephrotoxic medications. Serum creatinine monitoring at least every 48 hours will be recommended.
Phosphate Bolus – Adult Electrolyte Protocol MUE Informational A review phosphate repletion after protocol change showed a decrease in patients achieving normal phosphate levels after bolus (51.1%) compared to previous protocol (71.6%).
Adult Electrolyte Protocol – Phosphorus Update Updates Approved For adult patients < 40 kg, pharmacist may select alternative dosing. To address decreased effectiveness of phosphate repletion protocols, the infusion times were extended for all standard doses: 15 mMol (4 hrs), 30 mMol (6 hrs), and 45 mMol (8 hrs).
Adult Standard Concentrations Update Updates Approved

Added: Aminocaproic acid, clevidipine, glucagon, isoproterenol, ketamine, & propofol. 

Updated: cisatracurium, furosemide,
labetalol, LORazepam, & morphine








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