Approved Hospital Formulary
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Approved Hospital Formulary
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Policies and procedures

Policy and Procedure System_RXCLIN 107 Rasburicase Fixed-Dose Policy

Key Points:

  • Rasburicase is limited to a single, fixed dose for prophylaxis or treatment of hyperuricemia based on the following parameters:
    • Uric acid level < 15 mg/dL - single dose not to exceed 3 mg
    • Uric acid level > 15 mg/dL - single dose not to exceed 7.5 mg
  • Pharmacist may round dose in accordance with the parameters above "per policy"
  • A second dose may be administered if hyperuricemia persists after 24 hours in accordance with the parameters above
  • Uric acid levels should be monitored at baseline, 4 hours after administration, and then every 6-8 hours until tumor lysis syndrome resolution "per policy"
  • Order verifying pharmacist shall notify the pharmacy clinical specialist of rasburicase orders not in accordance with this policy


Consults, protocols, and therapeutic interchanges


Additional information




Last updated: Aug. 9, 2024

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