Approved Hospital Formulary
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Approved Hospital Formulary
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  • Patient restrictions: Restricted to patients with financial approval
  • Care Area restrictions: Restricted to outpatient setting
Brand names: Prolia, Xgeva
Form Strength
SOLUTION, SUBCUTANEOUS 60 mg/mL; 120 mg/1.7 mL


Policies and procedures

Policy & Procedure System_RX102 Monoclonal Antibody Dose Rounding

Key points:

  • Pharmacists will evaluate orders for all monoclonal antibodies and may automatically round doses up or down to the nearest vial size “per policy,” if the rounded dose is within 10% of the original ordered dose
  • If rounding occurs, “DOSE ROUNDED TO THE NEAREST VIAL SIZE PER POLICY” will be included on the medication label
  • If chemotherapy, pharmacists will double check the order prior to and after any rounding


Consults, protocols, and therapeutic interchanges


Additional information


Last updated: Feb. 16, 2024

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