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Vibativ POWDER FOR INJECTION, INTRAVENOUS 250 mg, 750 mg      

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Vibativ medication guide

AVOID IN PREGNANCY. All women of child-bearing age should receive a pregancy test prior to administration.

Telavancin may interfere with INR test results. This interference is with the test itself and has not been linked to alterations in patient coagulation state.

VIBATIV is classified as FORMULARY, RESTRICTED for use only by Infectious Disease physicians.

Renal impairment:
CrCl >50: 10 mg/ kg IV every 24 hours infused over 60 minutes
CrCl 30 to 50: 7.5 mg/ kg IV every 24 hours
CrCl 10 to <30: 10 mg/ kg IV every 48 hours
CrCl <10: insufficient data in patients with end-stage renal disease, including hemodialysis
CRRT: 7.5 mg/kg x1, then 10 mg/kg every 48 hours

Automatic renal adjustment per guidelines. See Antimicrobial Dosing Guideline and Renal Adjustment Policy (Adult) for more information.  CrCl calculation policy available here.

The safety and efficacy of telavancin has not been studied in the pediatric population.

The following dose rounding has been approved:

  • Doses < 450 mg: Enter as ordered (rounded to nearest 50 mg)
  • Doses 475 - 524 mg: Telavancin 500 mg 
  • Doses 525 - 574 mg: Telavancin 550 mg
  • Doses 575 - 624 mg: Telavancin 600 mg
  • Doses 625 - 674 mg: Telavancin 650 mg
  • Doses 675 - 724 mg: Telavancin 700 mg
  • Doses 725 - 774 mg: Telavancin 750 mg **
  • Doses 775 - 824 mg: Telavancin 800 mg
  • Doses 825 - 874 mg: Telavancin 850 mg
  • Doses 875 - 924 mg: Telavancin 900 mg
  • Doses 925 - 974 mg: Telavancin 950 mg
  • Doses 975 - 1,024 mg: Telavancin 1,000 mg
  • Doses 1,025 - 1,074 mg: Telavancin 1.050 mg
  • Doses 1,075 - 1,124 mg: Telavancin 1,100 mg
  • Doses 1,125 - 1,174 mg: Telavancin 1,150 mg
  • Doses 1,175 - 1,224 mg: Telavancin 1,200 mg
  • Doses > 1,225 mg: Enter as ordered (rounded to the nearest 50 mg)

** Some physicians cap telavancin doses at 750 mg if patient is > 75 kg, please verify as written if this occurs

Reviewed: November 17th, 2009 and February 25, 2014 and 28 March 2017 (Dose Rounding)


Last updated: Jul. 16, 2024

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