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Search results for:

sodium chloride

sodium chloride
  • Formulary Miscellaneous Programs
  • Restricted 23.4% - Neurosurgery, Neurology, Nephrology, Trauma Surgery and Adult & Pediatric Intensivists
Drug Name Form Strength Formulary Unrestricted Formulary Restricted Non-Formulary Interchange
Sodium Chloride SOLUTION, INHALATION 0.9%      
Sodium Chloride SOLUTION, INHALATION 3%      
Hyper-Sal, PulmoSal SOLUTION, INHALATION 7%      
Sodium Chloride SOLUTION, INJECTABLE bacteriostatic 0.9%, 0.9%      
Sodium Chloride SOLUTION, INTRAVENOUS 3% (hypertonic)      
sodium chloride SOLUTION, INTRAVENOUS 23.4% (hypertonic)      
Sodium Chloride SOLUTION, ORAL 23.4% (4 mEq/mL)      
Sodium Chloride TABLET, ORAL 1000 mg      

High Alert Drug : Policy


Concentrated NaCl (>0.9%) injection is a HIGH-RISK/HIGH-ALERT drug

Sodium chloride 3% for hyponatremia is restricted to physicians (excluding interns/residents) with the exception of nurse practitioners and physician assistants specialized in nephrology, pediatric critical care, or neonatal critical care. Initiation of sodium chloride 3% should not be delayed awaiting nephrologist consult/approval. Nephrologists should be consulted for management of hyponatremia upon initiation of 3% saline orders (automatic consult). For hyponatremia, orders include a specific volume (maximum = 500 mL) and a specific infusion rate (maximum = 50 mL/hour). Sodium Chloride 3%, for hyponatremia, may NOT be titrated by nursing. Each rate change requires a new order from the provider.

Prescribing of hypertonic sodium chloride (> 0.9%) for the management of elevated intracranial pressure is restricted to Neurosurgery, Neurology, Nephrology, Trauma Surgery and Adult & Pediatric Intensivists. 

Hypertonic Saline Infusion Guidelines

3% Saline Guidelines Education for Pharmacists

Normal Saline 10 mL vials are not stocked in Pharmacy.  Supplied by Central Supply / Logistics. 

Reviewed: February 22, 2011 (HYPER-SAL), and 23 February 2016 (hypertonic sodium chloride IV), 24/ July 2020 (NS 10 mL vials not stocked)

Last updated: Mar. 22, 2024

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