Medications not yet evaluated by P&T are considered NON-FORMULARY . . . . . Always check 2 unique patient identifiers - NAME and DATE OF BIRTH - at every step! . . . . . Please be sure to document all clinical activities daily.
Search results for:

lidocaine topical

lidocaine topical
Drug Name Form Strength Formulary Unrestricted Formulary Restricted Non-Formulary Interchange
Zingo DEVICE, INTRADERMAL 0.5 mg    
lidocaine 4% OTC patch FILM, TOPICAL 4%    
Lidoderm FILM, TOPICAL 5%    
Xylocaine Jelly GEL, TOPICAL 2%      
Xylocaine OINTMENT, TOPICAL 5%      
Lidocaine Viscous SOLUTION, MUCOUS MEMBRANE 2%      
Xylocaine SOLUTION, TOPICAL 4%      


Standardized Administration: Lidoderm patches have standardized administration (0900) and removal (2100) times. If initially ordered between 0900 and 1659, enter a NOW order and the patch will be removed at 2100 and reapplied at 0900 the following morning. If ordered between 1700 and 0859, the patch will be applied at 0900.


Lidocaine 5% (Rx) and Lidocaine 4% (OTC) patches are interchangeable. Pharmacy will stock and dispense the most cost-effective product for lidocaine topical patches.



LidoSite Topical System is non-formulary, non-stock status.

Zingo (needle free system) is classified as non-formulary, not stocked. Recommend the use of LMX cream as an alternative.

AneCream is classified as non-formulary, not stocked. Recommend the use of LMX cream as an alternative.



Reviewed: August 24, 2005 (LidoSite), May 27, 2008 (Zingo), August 25, 2009 (AneCream), August 2022(OTC 4% Patch)

Updated: July 2024 (4% Patch and Interchange)

Last updated: Jul. 24, 2024

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