Medications not yet evaluated by P&T are considered NON-FORMULARY . . . . . Always check 2 unique patient identifiers - NAME and DATE OF BIRTH - at every step! . . . . . Please be sure to document all clinical activities daily.
Search results for:


  • Formulary
Drug Name Form Strength Formulary Unrestricted Formulary Restricted Non-Formulary Interchange
Glutose 15 GEL, ORAL 40%      
Sweet Cheeks GEL, ORAL 40%      
Dextrose INJECTION, INTRAVENOUS 25 g/50 mL (50%)      
Dextrose SOLUTION, INTRAVENOUS 10%, 25%, 50%      
Dextrose SOLUTION, INTRAVENOUS 25 g/50 mL (50%)      
Dex 4 TABLET, CHEWABLE, ORAL 4 g      

VIEW MORE Caloric Agents


Longterm dextrose 50% emergency syringe shortage

Shortage management proposal: consider D10W, 250 mL equivalent to D50W, 50 mL for adults

  1. Add D10W (125 mL) as an alternative option to D50W (25 mL) on the HOSP Hypoglycemia Treatment Orders Powerplan; the order will contain a comment that it may be used if D50W is not available; D10W, 250 mL bags will be loaded into Pyxis machines in select areas for immediate availability.
  2. Allow pharmacists to interchange D50W orders to D10W (equivalent glucose dose in grams), if D50W is not readily available (such as at Madison Hospital overnight when the pharmacy is closed); Main Hospital is preparing D50W syringes in PSP – these syringes are short-dated and are not loaded into Pyxis; they are tubed to the patient care area as needed.

Reviewed: 28 January 2020 (D50W shortage)

Last updated: Jan. 29, 2020

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