Medications not yet evaluated by P&T are considered NON-FORMULARY . . . . . Always check 2 unique patient identifiers - NAME and DATE OF BIRTH - at every step! . . . . . Please be sure to document all clinical activities daily.
Search results for:


Drug Name Form Strength Formulary Unrestricted Formulary Restricted Non-Formulary Interchange
Rytary CAPSULE, EXTENDED RELEASE, ORAL 23.75 mg-95 mg, 36.25 mg-145 mg, 48.75 mg-195 mg,61.25 mg-245 mg    
Duopa SUSPENSION, ENTERAL 4.63 mg-20 mg / mL      
Parcopa TABLET, DISINTEGRATING, ORAL 10 mg-100 mg, 25 mg-100 mg, 25 mg-250 mg    
Sinemet CR TABLET, EXTENDED RELEASE, ORAL 25 mg-100 mg, 50 mg-200 mg      
Sinemet TABLET, ORAL 10 mg-100 mg, 25 mg-100 mg, 25 mg-250 mg      





carbidopa-levodopa (Parcopa)

  • 10 mg-100 mg disintegrating tablet   
  • 25 mg-100 mg disintegrating tablet
  • 25 mg-250 mg disintegrating tablet

carbidopa-levodopa (Sinemet)

  • 10 mg-100 mg tablet                                                 
  • 25 mg-100 mg tablet                                                    
  • 25 mg-250 mg tablet

Regular tablets may be crushed for patients unable to swallow tablets

Parcopa – Non-formulary, not stocked, use or crush generic regular sinemet tablets.


Duopa - Non-formulary, not stocked.  Patient to use home supply.


Rytary - Non-formulary. If ordered, interchange to generic Sinemet CR tablets with the following dosage nomogram (see table below). The patient may use their own Rytary supply if judged necessary.

Rytary Dosage Regimen

Rytary Levodopa Regimen Content

Daily Sinemet CR Dose

Sinemet CR Dose Regimen

3 capsules of Rytary 23.75 / 95 TID

855 mg 

400 - 549 mg

200 / 50 mg tablet BID

4 capsules of Rytary 23.75 / 95 TID

1,140 mg

550 - 749 mg

200 / 50 mg tablet TID

3 capsules of Rytary 36.25 / 145 TID

1,305 mg

750 - 949 mg

200 / 50 mg tablet QID

3 capsules of Rytary 48.75 / 195 TID

1,755 mg

950 - 1,249 mg

200 / 50 mg tablet plus 100 / 25 mg tablet QID

4 capsules of Rytary 48.75 / 195 TID

2,340 mg

1,250 - 1,638 mg

200 / 50 mg tablet - two tablets QID

3 capsules of Rytary 61.25 / 245 TID

2,205 mg

1,250 - 1,575 mg

200 / 50 mg tablet - two tablets QID

Other Rytary to Sinemet CR dosage regimen conversions would be in approximate proportions to the above dosage changes.


Reviewed: June 28, 2011 (PARCOPA 25/100), & 26 April 2016 (Duopa), July 2020 (Rytary)

Updated: November 2023 (Parcopa 25/100 discontinued)

Last updated: Nov. 9, 2023

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