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Search results for:

antihemophilic factor-von Willebrand factor

antihemophilic factor-von Willebrand factor
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  • Therapeutic Interchange
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Hemophilia Blood Factor Flow Diagram

Alphanate is formulary unrestricted.

Humate-P is restricted to ‘no substitution’ orders. Interchange Humate-P orders to Alphanate.

If not specified, the Physician must be contacted to determine specific indication and dose of Alphanate.


Human-plasma derived von Willebrand factor (contains factor VIII) [ALPHANATE,HUMATE-P] can be dosed based on either the Factor VIII or VWF component.

Diagnosis should be confirmed to determine appropriate dosing unit:


Preferred Dosing Unit

Hemophilia A (Factor VIII Defiency)

Factor VIII international units

von Willebrand disease (VWD)

VWF:RCo international units


Factor VIII may be used to guide dosing for either disease state.  In general, the treatment of von Willenbrand disease requires higher doses (units/kg) of Factor VIII component compared to the treatment of Hemophilia A.




Standard Ratios

The ratio of VWF:RCo to FVIII in ALPHANATE varies by lot, so dispensed dose should be from product currently in stock.

VWF:RCo activity will not be less than 0.4 VWF:RCo IU per 1 IU of FVIII:C



HUMATE-P has an average ratio of 2.4 VWF:RCo IU to 1 IU of FVIII.  However, the dispensed dose should be based on product currently in stock.


Reviewed: 24 April 2018

Last updated: Apr. 17, 2020

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