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Search results for:

anti-inhibitor coagulant complex

anti-inhibitor coagulant complex
  • Restricted FEIBA--> restricted to emergent reversal of oral anticoagulants for cases involving bleeding or surgery, control/prevention of bleeding in patients with hemophilia, or bleeding unresponsive to alternative therapies. See prescriber restrictions below.
Drug Name Form Strength Formulary Unrestricted Formulary Restricted Non-Formulary Interchange
FEIBA SOLUTION, INTRAVENOUS 500 units, 1000 units, 2500 units      



Hemophilia Blood Factor Flow Diagram

FEIBA Decision Tree

Emergent Reversal of Oral Anticoagulants

FEIBA Order Verification Guide

FEIBA Order Verification Guide - Addendum for Madison Hospital AFTER HOURS

FEIBA Guide for Nurses

FEIBA is the preferred prothrombin complex concentrate (PCC) product for emergent reversal of oral anticoagulants.

Approved FEIBA prescribers:

cardiologists, cardiovasular surgeons, emergency department physicians, hematologists, neurologists, neurosurgeons, vascular surgeons, and trauma surgeons.


FEIBA uses:

  1. Control and prevention of bleeding episodes in patients with hemophilia A and B with inhibitors (FDA approved indication).
  2. Emergent reversal of warfarin, direct thrombin inhibitors, or oral direct factor Xa inhibitor induced serious, life-threatening bleeding in adults.
  3. For those adults on the above anticoagulants requiring emergent surgery.
  4. Life-threatening bleeding unresponsive to alternative therapy.

FEIBA Diluent Volumes:

500 unit vial = 10 mL

1,000 unit vial = 20 mL

2,500 unit vial = 50 mL


Round dose to nearest vial size.

Reviewed: 28 Aug 2018 (FEIBA)

Last updated: Aug. 13, 2024

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