Medications not yet evaluated by P&T are considered NON-FORMULARY . . . . . Always check 2 unique patient identifiers - NAME and DATE OF BIRTH - at every step! . . . . . Please be sure to document all clinical activities daily.
Search results for:

aminolevulinic acid

aminolevulinic acid
  • Restricted Gleolan --> restricted to neurosurgery.
Drug Name Form Strength Formulary Unrestricted Formulary Restricted Non-Formulary Interchange
Gleolan SOLUTION, ORAL 1,500 mg      


Gleolan Patient Checklist

GLEOLAN (updated 7.1) Pharmacy Process

Gleolan is restricted to neurosurgery. Special procedures in place to prevent medication errors with preparation, dispensing, and administration.

Do not take phototoxic drugs 24 hours prior to or post Gleolan administration. Reduce exposure to light for 48 hours post administration. Please include a Gleolan wrist band with all doses. 


Administration Volume (mL) = Pt Body Wt (kg) * 20 mg/kg                              *Admin. Volume equation built into Cerner, along with phototoxic drug interaction checking*
                                                                   30 mg/mL
Clinical Pearls:
-To be administered 3 hours (range 2-4 hours) prior to anesthesia.
-Photoxic drug interaction review the day prior per pharmacy consult on home medications.
-No need to round volume in verification step
-Prior to verification: Confirm with prescriber if patient has elevated liver enzymes
-Company Trained providers: Banks, Murray, Pickett, Sandwell, , *Must be a company certified neurosurgeon to prescribe.*
-Please coordinate with the procedural area prior to making the dose. It may be requested/confirmed by med request or phone call. Nurse to pick up from pharmacy. 



Reviewed: 26 March 2019 (Gleolan), and 28 May 19 (Gleolan)


Last updated: Jul. 14, 2023
  • Formulary, Not Routinely Stocked: 1500 mg (Must order by 1400 to receive by following day)

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