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Search results for:

RHo (D) immune globulin

RHo (D) immune globulin
  • Formulary Miscellaneous Programs
  • Restricted WinRho SDF --> restricted to need of higher doses in treatment of ITP.
  • Therapeutic Interchange
Drug Name Form Strength Formulary Unrestricted Formulary Restricted Non-Formulary Interchange
WinRho SDF SOLUTION, INJECTABLE 300 mg, 500 mcg, 1000 mcg, 3000 mcg    


To order Rhogam, prescribers should select one of the Rhig evaluation orders in Cerner. Then lab will order the injection according to their protocol.

1 mcg = 5 international units

WinRho SDF restricted to use in ITP, not routinely stocked. WinRho SDF has the same indications as Rhophylac, but is available in higher dose containers and comes at an increased cost. Efficacy and safety are equivalent. Formulary interchange for Rhophylac, except restricted to the need with higher doses in treatment of ITP; if needed for ITP, WinRho can be ordered and available within 24 hours. Rhophylac and other therapies can be used if needed until WinRho available. The initial dose in ITP can be given over 2 days. 

Reviewed: 28 March 2017 (WinRho SDF)

Last updated: Apr. 26, 2019

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