Medications not yet evaluated by P&T are considered NON-FORMULARY . . . . . Always check 2 unique patient identifiers - NAME and DATE OF BIRTH - at every step! . . . . . Please be sure to document all clinical activities daily.
Search results for:


Drug Name Form Strength Formulary Unrestricted Formulary Restricted Non-Formulary Interchange
Lovenox SOLUTION, INJECTABLE 30 mg/0.3 mL, 40 mg/0.4 mL, 60 mg/0.6 mL, 80 mg/0.8 mL      
Lovenox SOLUTION, INJECTABLE 100 mg/mL, 120 mg/0.8 mL, 150 mg/mL      

VIEW MORE Heparins


Enoxaparin -- round off dose to nearest 10 mg for adults only.

For Obese Patients (therapeutic dosing): Maximum initial dose of 200 mg q12hr in patients > 200 kg receiving therapeutic enoxaparin (1 mg/kg q12hr). If 1 mg/kg is ordered and dose > 200 mg, pharmacists will automatically adjust doses to 200 mg per dose at verification with order comment "Dose adjustment per P&T". Anti-Xa level should be ordered for any patient whose dose has been “capped”. 

For Obese Patients (prophylactic dosing): For patients whose BMI ≥ 40 kg/m2, prophylactic enoxaparin (40 mg daily) will be automatically converted to 40 mg q12h with order comment “Dose adjustment per P&T”. Exclusions: post-operative orthopedic, cardiothoracic, trauma, and general surgery patients; renal insufficiency (CrCl < 30 ml/min) requiring 30 mg q24h prophylactic dosing

Pregnancy and Postpartum: Do not make any automatic adjustments based on BMI or anti-Xa levels to enoxaparin orders in a pregnant or postpartum patient. Contact the provider if there are clinical concerns. 

Pediatrics: Do not make any automatic adjustments based on BMI or anti-Xa levels to enoxaparin orders in a pediatric patient. Contact the provider if there are clinical concerns. 

Pharmacists may automatically order Anti-Xa levels on patients where LMWH dosing may be problematic (i.e., renal compromise, obesity, pregnancy, etc.) per P&T policy. Dosing adjustments may be made automatically per Enoxaparin Dosing Nomogram and Obesity Considerations

Updated May 2022

Renal Dosing
Creatinine clearance (mL/min) Conversion Automatic? Notes



enoxaparin 40 mg Daily --> 30 mg Daily     

enoxaparin 30 mg BID    --> 30 mg Daily

YES Enter with comment "Renal Dose Adjustment"



enoxaparin 1 mg/kg q12 --> 1 mg/kg daily YES
All other situations, contact prescriber for dosage adjustments

Automatic renal adjustment per guidelines. Renal Adjustment Guidelines

Approved Dosage Adjustments



DVT prophylaxis of non-cardiac, non-trauma, non-orthopedic cases (including general medication patients and general/abdominal surgery)

Convert enoxaparin 30 mg BID to 40 mg DAILY

Enter with comment "Dose adjustment per P&T"

Pharmacists (through PKS) may automatically order Anti-Xa levels on patients where LMWH dosing may be problematic (i.e., renal compromise, obesity, pregnancy, etc.), with follow-up physician communication.

Low Molecular Weight Heparin Initiation and Maintenance

Pediatric enoxaparin dose rounding

Last updated: Jul. 30, 2024

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