Medications not yet evaluated by P&T are considered NON-FORMULARY . . . . . Always check 2 unique patient identifiers - NAME and DATE OF BIRTH - at every step! . . . . . Please be sure to document all clinical activities daily.
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Drug Name Form Strength Formulary Unrestricted Formulary Restricted Non-Formulary Interchange
Emend CAPSULE, ORAL 40 mg, 80 mg, 125 mg    
Cinvanti EMULSION, INTRAVENOUS 130 mg/18 mL    
Emend for Injection POWDER FOR INJECTION, INTRAVENOUS 150 mg    
Emend SUSPENSION, ORAL 125 mg    


Emend criteria for use in PONV

Emend ORAL CAPSULE --> For prevention (not treatment) of post-op nausea/vomiting, restricted to a one time dose of 40 mg PO is given before surgery. The P&T Committee approved the use of the 40 mg dose for this indication, but recommended that the use should be limited to the approved criteria.

For chemotherapy associated nausea, restricted to situations that meet all of the following:

  1. Moderate to highly emetogenic chemotherapy.
  2. Standard therapy w/5HT3 R.A. and dexamethasone was ineffective or steroid is not advisable.
  3. Used in combination w/5HT3 R.A. +/- steroid.
  4. Do not use as monotherapy.
  5. Not for PRN use.
  6. Only for chemotherapy situations.
  7. Use in recommended 3 day dose regimen only.

Fosaprepitant (Emend IV) / Cinvanti Formulary Interchange/Restrictions

Fosaprepitant is considered formulary restricted to oncology for use in adults and pediatrics both inpatient and outpatient for the prevention of CINV. For adults, both fosaprepitant and Cinvanti will be approved per formulary policy for adult use in CINV, restricted to Oncology, and the selection of product will depend on cost-effectivenesss for the time period, specific setting, or patient situation. The pharmacist may interchange fosaprepitant 150 mg and Cinvanti 130 mg as appropriate per above statement. May give Cinvanti IV push over 2 minutes. Because of the 130 mg dose of Cinvanti given in MEC, days 2 and 3 of oral aprepitant have been omitted with this interchange.

Emend oral suspension should be considered non-formulary, not stocked. When suspension is ordered for pediatric patients it will be interchanged to Emend IV according to the table below. If the patient is 12 to 17 years old and can swallow capsules, there is a three-day regimen available as another option, but is rarely used at Huntsville Hospital. If the suspension is ordered in adults, it will be interchanged to either Cinvanti 130 mg to be given IV push over 2 minutes times one dose, or fosaprepitant 150 mg over 30 minutes x 1 dose, whichever product is more cost effective at that time or for a given patient or setting.

6 months to 2 years

2 to 12 years

12 to 17 years

  • Emend Suspension changed to fosaprepitant IV 5 mg/kg (max 150 mg) over 60 minutes on day 1
  • Emend Suspension changed to fosaprepitant IV 4 mg/kg (max 150 mg) over 60 minutes on day 1
  • Emend Suspension changed to fosaprepitant 150 mg over 30 minutes on day 1





  • Aprepitant (EMEND) suspension 3 mg/kg (max: 125 mg) day 1; 2 mg/kg (max 80 mg) days 2 and 3
  • aprepitant (CINVANTI) 130 mg IV x 1 dose on Day 1                                                             OR
  • fosaprepitant (EMEND IV) 150 mg IV x 1 dose on Day 1

Reviewed: September 26, 2006 (Emend for PONV), 27 Feb 2018 (Cinvanti), 24 March, 2020 (Emend suspension)

Last updated: Mar. 30, 2020
  • Formulary, Not Routinely Stocked: Emend --> 80 mg capsule, 125 mg capsule

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