Medications Approved for Automatic Therapeutic Interchange Dosage Conversion Guidelines (Note: “Therapeutic Interchange” should be placed in the order comments)
Medication Ordered
Brand Name
Formulary Medication
Insulin Regular
Novolin R
Humulin R
Insulin NPH
Novolin N
Humulin N
Insulin 70/30 (NPH/Regular)
Novolin 70/30
Humulin 70/30
Insulin lispro
Insulin 70/30 Mix (aspart protamine/aspart)
Novolog Mix 70/30
Humalog Mix 75/25
Note1: All other insulins should be filled as ordered Note2: Do not interchange if patient allergic
Humulin N is the formulary agent of choice; Automatically convert Novolin N to Humulin N unit:unit
Medications Requiring Special Monitoring
Medications Approved for Automatic Therapeutic Interchange Dosage Conversion Guidelines
(Note: “Therapeutic Interchange” should be placed in the order comments)
Medication Ordered
Brand Name
Formulary Medication
Insulin Regular
Novolin R
Humulin R
Insulin NPH
Novolin N
Humulin N
Insulin 70/30 (NPH/Regular)
Novolin 70/30
Humulin 70/30
Insulin lispro
Insulin 70/30 Mix (aspart protamine/aspart)
Novolog Mix 70/30
Humalog Mix 75/25
Note1: All other insulins should be filled as ordered
Note2: Do not interchange if patient allergic