Patient has fluids (Normal Saline continuous infusion) and a bisphosphonate (Zolendronic Acid or Pamindronate x once if NOT contraindicated e.g. AKI ) on his/her MAR to start same day as calcitonin.
Ensure the IV calcitonin dose is not greater than 4 international units / kg
Max = 2 doses in 48 hours
Drug Name
Common Side Effects
GI: nausea, vomiting
rash, hives, itchy skin (allergic reaction)
stuffy, runny nose (rhinitis)
Last updated: Mar. 8, 2024
Restricted: calcitonin IM (Miacalcin) is restricted to 2 doses in patients with symptomatic hypercalcemia and uncorrected calcium level of at least 13
If you receive an order for IM calcitonin, you must ensure the following PRIOR to verifying the order.
Patient has an elevated calcium level that is ≥ 13 mg/dL
Patient has documented symptoms of hypercalcemia in the electronic medical record.
Examples: altered mental status, confusion, lethargy, extreme weakness , encephalopathy, and arrhythmias
Patient has fluids (Normal Saline continuous infusion) and a bisphosphonate (Zolendronic Acid or Pamindronate x once if NOT contraindicated e.g. AKI ) on his/her MAR to start same day as calcitonin.
Ensure the IV calcitonin dose is not greater than 4 international units / kg
Max = 2 doses in 48 hours