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12/16/20 aa Vancomycin Default Rate Changes for Dose
December 16, 2020

From: "Aaron Atkins" <>
To: "Pharmacists" <>
Sent: Wednesday, December 16, 2020 11:20:07 AM
Subject: Vancomycin Default Rate Changes for Doses <1 g

Effective today, orders for vancomycin < 1 g (ex. 500 mg or 750 mg) outside of the PeriOp/Surgery environments should be administered over 1 hour.  This is to help reduce the incidences/potential for infusion related reactions in the pediatric population, but is being applied to both Adults and Peds.


To accommodate this, the following changes have been made in Cerner:


  1. The infuse over default times have been removed from the Vancomycin PharmNET Formulary IV Sets for 500 mg and 750 mg doses.  Going forward, when entering these doses through Med Manager, you will be prompted to apply an Infuse over time.
  2. PeriOp/Surgery Powerplans including doses for 500 mg and 750 mg doses have been updated to include Admin Over time (Note: this is No Change to previous behavior)
  3. 500 mg: Admin Over 30 minutes
  4. 750 mg: Admin Over 45 minutes
  5. Default available order sentences for 500 mg and 750 mg doses outside of Surgery Powerplans have been updated to Admin Over: 1 hr


Please let us know if there are any issues encountered with this update.

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